Just watched "Bowling for Columbine"...

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Jan 28, 2003
What are your thoughts on the movie?
My thoughts.....
Mr. Moore made a few good points about racism and unnecessary gun-related deaths.

On the other hand, he use cheap trickery, took a lot of statements and statistics out of context. I guess I can't understand him blaming Kmart because they sold ammo. And how could those two murderers at Columbine shoot off more than 900 rounds? That would be 10 boxes of 9mm ammo each. Something is a little fishy...

There seems to be a huge difference in the statistics that I have read compared to the ones that Mr. Moore used. I have heard that after the extensive gun confiscation/control in confiscation in Austraila, the UK, Canada, ect, that crime has gone up. He was trying to say the U.s. had the most percentage wise.

What does the term "keep and bear arms" mean? He seemed to imply that in the modern day definition that this entitles us to have a bazooka and grenades and nukes. Obviously, this movie was created from a certain political perspective with an ajenda. The other people I watched it with just nodded their heads.

I was recently in a discussion on THR with a member who thinks his 12 year son should be able to purchase a fully-automatic weapon and ammo with no adult permission. I still disagree with him(and I wonder if he will buy his son a muscle car for his 16 birthday for his first car, so I should expect that this kid owns atleast his own semi-auto AR/AK, right?). As responsible citizens I believe we have the right and the duty to protect our families, our country and our property. But also as responsible citizens, we should lock up our guns when we are not home right? Criminals get guns by stealing them, not lawfully buying them. Shouldn't we also feel a duty to lock stuff up? I know many gun owners who hate the idea of having there guns locked. Maybe they dislike being forced and checked up on to do so.

Heston made a fool of himself by not being able to defend the 2nd amendment. He liked to have load guns"just because he could". He sounded really stupid to me. Even though I disagree with every way Moore twisted fact, I still think Heston(atleast from this movie) is incompetent.

I could say more on this but I just wanted to get a thread started on this for THR members to share their opinions of this film and other propaganda like it. I am putting on some flame retardant underwear as I write this ;)
What say you?
In regards to Mr. Heston, if I spliced video of your words out of context, I am sure I could paint you in any light i wanted, favorable or otherwise.
I think that Michael Moore is a liar.

A couple links for anyone who doubts it.





There seems to be a huge difference in the statistics that I have read compared to the ones that Mr. Moore used. I have heard that after the extensive gun confiscation/control in confiscation in Austraila, the UK, Canada, ect, that crime has gone up. He was trying to say the U.s. had the most percentage wise.

There is a huge difference, mostly because the statistics Moore uses are carefully culled and narrowly presented to produce a false impression.
The movie should have been titled "Bobbing for Oscar".

He should have his documentary Oscar recalled for lying. BFC is NBOT a documentary it is a Mockumentary ! In other words it is a work of fiction.
No flames, Stinky (that doesn't count! You picked it!)

However, I would like to respond to a few things:

Mr. Moore made a few good points about racism and unnecessary gun-related deaths.

I don't remember agreeing with any of them, but it's been months now. What, specifically, did he say that you thought made sense?
I will say it would be hard work to be wrong all the time.

And how could those two murderers at Columbine shoot off more than 900 rounds? That would be 10 boxes of 9mm ammo each. Something is a little fishy...
I didn't remember that one. It does sound fishy--think of it as 30 of the 30 round magazines in their Tec-9 for a practical view. However, it's essentially irrelevant. Columbine was a horror no matter what guns they used or the actual number of rounds fired. And they were in there unopposed for hours, after all, so I guess it's entirely possible.

There seems to be a huge difference in the statistics that I have read compared to the ones that Mr. Moore used. I have heard that after the extensive gun confiscation/control in confiscation in Austraila, the UK, Canada, ect, that crime has gone up. He was trying to say the U.s. had the most percentage wise.
Those statistics are always going to be questionable. The NRA had one set out that purported to show huge increases in crime, but they cherry-picked the most sensational statistics. They also gave some as percentages, some as hard numbers, whichever was the most damning to Australia.
Mr. Moore was probably outright lying. There's no way the U.S. is at the top percentage-wise in any violent crime category. That would mean we're worse than places like Russia and Brazil. That is not the case. Where exactly we do rank depends, again, on who you believe.

The only foolish thing Charlton Heston did in that movie was to allow the interview at all. It was clearly edited to make him look as confused, old and thoughtless as possible. It was a filthy thing to do to a good man. I'll never forgive Moore for it.

As for locking up your guns, it depends on what you mean by "duty" to lock them up. I lock mine up--most of the time. But people like Moore are not talking about doing something because it's a good idea. They're talking about blaming the gun owner if his gun is stolen and used in a crime. That's ludicrous. The idea that you're at fault, or somehow responsible, for the actions of another person after that person breaks into your house and steals your property, is crazy.
What are your thoughts on the movie?
Propaganda that was awarded an Oscar by a bunch of others who know nothing of the truth and are too lazy to find out or even care. Unfortunately, the world at large thinks its all real and that mislead mindset will come to fruition in about 20 years when the kids who watch it now and call it gospel come to be the ones running for office. Mark those words if you care.
To combat it, take a kid out shooting, buy him/her a .22 or a .20 ga.
Talk about the "ACTUAL Event" at Columbine, in all its horror; facts, not fiction.
Talk about Moore's agenda.
Talk about responsibility.
Teach them to shoot straight in all things they do in life, to act responsibly... something Mr. Moore's parents must have forgotten to do.

But whadda I know?
Bowling for Columbine is as much a documentary as Spinal Tap
Blasphemer! Anyone who's ever been in the music business knows that Spinal Tap is about as real as it gets. And I'm not kidding.

- Gabe
Moore doesn't make any points, good or bad, about anything of substance. He doesn't have the mental capacity for it. His mockumentary of various people and companies is the most worthless piece of self-aggrandizing filth I've ever seen.

A few months ago I overheard someone call BFC an "amazing" film, continuing with his praise long enough for me to confirm that "amazing" was meant as a compliment. Thankfully I wasn't carrying a firearm. It might have jumped up and gone off "accidentally", which would no doubt have been a result of my exposure to violence and Bush's foreign policy. Or perhaps it would have been the result of my latent racism against my own race... my brain hurts... Moore has a talent for making that happen when I think about him... maybe he's into voodoo.
Just watched "Bowling for Columbine"...
Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you,

by the livin' Gawd that made you,

you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
To tell the truth, I've seen his small-minded bit of agitprop. Can't say that anything about it made the least bit of sense though.

Mikey, in his unrelenting need for self-aggrandizement had a really big problem with the movie not making any sense. He actually blogged about it on his website in late September 2001.

He bleated:

I cannot go to work. But I have a film to finish. Our editor has been unable to make it in from New Jersey, but he is there now waiting for some word on what to do. I can't even think about this movie. I don't WANT to think about it because if I think about it I will have to face an ugly truth that has been gnawing through my head...
This started out as a documentary on gun violence in America, but the largest mass murder in our history was just committed -- without the use of a single gun! Not a single bullet fired! No bomb was set off, no missile was fired, no weapon (i.e., a device that was solely and specifically manufactured to kill humans) was used. A boxcutter! -- I can't stop thinking about this. A thousand gun control laws would not have prevented this massacre. What am I doing?
(emphasis added)
He knew that his film, its premise, the POV of its author, were all crap. But in the end, he is just a bloated solipsistic media whore, and he likes his million dollar NYC apartment too much to not peddle his wares on the gritty streets of Hollyperv.

Ho' gotta eat too! ;)
Micky morre is full of crap and about as unamerican ??? they get i always say if you like it else where go live there and leave us people be. Boling for a oscar will never see a play on my tv.
One good thing about BFC

...is that it sparked a huge debate among my mostly fence-sitting or leaning-toward-anti friends, and inspired me to research the 2nd Amendment issues on my own. And lo and behold, here I am. And guess what? I've been very vocal about this paradigm shift among my friends.

Sadly, Moore is to the left what Limbaugh is to the right. Big gasbags with their own agendas whose only purpose is to stir the crap pot. I watched on the local public broadcasting channel his recent speech at Portland University with an entirely new perspective on the guy than I'd had when I first saw BFC a year ago.

Sadly, Moore is making the college circuit, and with his angry, "authorative", wheezing charisma is gaining the favor of "well-intentioned" but highly impressionable, naive & idealistic youth. But anybody with half a brain, a little real-life experience and the motivation to think for herself will smell a rat.

Honestly, he'll never openly admit it, but I do have the sense that maybe he's learned a thing or two about the true philosophies of 2A supporters. But since his attack on the issue is what thrust him into the mainstream, he's painted himself into a corner.

After he won his Oscar, I was flabbergasted. Moore is a comedian whose shtick is social commentary. He's not a documentarian. But having some insight into the Oscar voting process, well, I should have expected it.
I used to think that some of his previous work had some merit. (You know pointing out some of the corruption of corporate america and the military/industrial context) Unfortuantely, it seems that he is not interesed in being a documentarian, but a leftist demagouge. His extremism and hubris will be his undoing.
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