Kalishnikov documentary on Sundance

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Mar 25, 2003
Tonight, while flipping through the channels, I happenned upon a documentary titled "Automatic Kalishnikov".
It will be aired again on Friday, 23rd 2:00pm eastern on the Sundance Channel.

It showed 4 different aspects of the AK-47.
First was of the life of Mikhail Kalishnikov.
Second was of the AK-47's role as a small arm, usually as a weapon of war.
Third was the technical, mechanical, and ballistic aspects.

And lastly, the part that totally screwed up an otherwise halfway decent docu, was the directors obvious lean/rant about how the AK-47 ( and military style "assault weapons") are nothing but killing machines. (actually, it seemed that they were trying to push the idea that guns "MAKE" people want to do bad things) They did this through conversations with police, medical examiners, and criminals/thugs/gangstas.
Of course, what would an anti docu be without the infamous West Hollywood bank shootout.

It was truly disgusting when, at the end, they showed a clip from a full auto shoot-em-up, a-la Knob Creek. They obviously edited it so the only people shown were either: Hoosiers, tactical wanna-be's, typical old stogie-smoking-pot-bellied lard ass, typical back-woods hick, and of course - the children dressed in full fatigues, even one wearing a flak-jacket.

Totaly made it look like the only persons that would possibly want a military style weapon are quite questionable to the typical liberal that would be watching such a channel as Sundance.

And after the credits was a little vignette with some UN "the world would be a better place without guns" figure spouting the usual U.N drivel.

Did anyone else happen the catch this? If so, what are your thoughts?
srschick posted:
They obviously edited it so the only people shown were either: Hoosiers, tactical wanna-be's, typical old stogie-smoking-pot-bellied lard ass, typical back-woods hick, and of course - the children dressed in full fatigues, even one wearing a flak-jacket.

I thought them was Hoosiers;) also.

cheers, ab

(born in Bloomington In.)
srschick posted:
Of course, what would an anti docu be without the infamous West Hollywood bank shootout.

Actually, it was the North Hollywood bank shootout, but anyways
I did get your point, and yes it's unfortunate.

I'm a little surprised that the anti's (Feindstein, Boxer, et al.) don't just run
the footage from that in every possible anti-gun ad.

cheers, ab
Of course, what would an anti docu be without the infamous West Hollywood bank shootout.

The West Hollywood "shootout" was over a different matter. A few years ago the unincorporated West Hollywood community incorporated and became a city in the Los Angeles area. Rather than form their own police department, the city chose to contract for law enforcement services with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

As West Hollywood has a rather large gay and lesbian population, the city's leaders somehow brought this issue into the negotiations with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. For whatever the reason, the city's leaders announced that then Sheriff Sherman Block had promised that the West Hollywood Sheriff's station would be largely staffed by gays and lesbians. The implication was that LASD would start a recruiting drive to specifically hire gays and lesbians.

The announcement greatly embarrassed Sheriff Block, who denied ever making such a promise. One, he couldn't by law specifically recruit under those circumstances. And two, he couldn't go through the department to identify gays and lesbians and transfer them to West Hollywood.

The issue was resolved, but there was some feeling in the West Hollywood community that Sheriff Block had gone back on his word.

uh... that was funny, Pilgrim (NOT) :rolleyes:

YES! I meant NORTH Hollywood!

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