kids (of the goose-stepping type) these days ...

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A sticker for the German rock band Rammstein was visible on the hard drive.

What, no mention of the brand of toothpaste they used?

Media coverage like this is more dangerous than a horde
of weird kids.
Skins, wannabee skins, who cares... They're probably the kinda "they always were nice children" who'd drive down the street, and try to drive-by a random guy walking to synogogue....

Bogies hateses the skinses, yessss he doesssss.....
I wonder how many of the posters here would have a similar newstory on them?

Scope on a rifle=Sniper rifle
Piece of paper saying Jesse Jackson is a dorkass= White Supremacist
Got some cleaning chemicals under the sink=Bombmaker

Sure doesn't help that they were in CT.



This **** makes me sick, "Blame the games, blame the music, blame the guns"

COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about, let's address the moral social decay, lack of guidance and discipline??
I wonder how many of the posters here would have a similar newstory on them?
Hell, if that's the case, they would have a field day with me

Subject has a fully semiautomatic assault sniper (has a reddot) carbine that takes 30 round "bullet clips" This rifle is used by terrorists worldwide, so this guy must be a terrorist.
And a stockpile of TWELVE magazines, for his cache of nearly 4 HUNDRED rounds of ammo.
Insividual has several pistols including a Glock 19, which as we all know is made entirely of plastic so it can be smuggled onto aircraft, and Kel-Tec P32, a handgun so small that it can be hidden in a pocket.
Also among the firearms is a Mosin nagant M44, the mosin was used a sniper weapon so this guy must be intending on sniping some "innocent civilians"
Also found were several assault knives, a copy of "unintended consequences" (A blueprint on how to overthrow the government)
This individual is also a member of a DOMESTIC TERROR ORGANIZATION, (militia)
Possessing camoflauge clothing, his television was also turned to the history channel, a known clearinghouse for nazi propaganda films.

We must shoot on sight.
sparky , I think just about any of us here would give a journalist a coronary .

Lemme see , ammonia and bleach in the same cleaning closet ( deadly gas combined)
Collection of military rifles (91/30,91/30 "sniper", M44, enfield, etc etc )
Couple of AKs both sporting 30 rounders w/spares
Swords displayed on the walls
100s of knives in all shapes and sizes (a lot of Hibbins)
couple of SKSs (one stock norinco, one sporterized)
Collection of pistols including the dreaded armor piercing CZ52
ammo stacked deep and high ( lost count , but minimum of 15000 rounds)
personal library with such titles as mien Kampf ,communist manifesto ,etc ( history buff -know thy enemy)

I'm sure my music collection would get scrutinized also ( Sabbath,ozzy,priest,maiden,etc etc ) . Bet they would overlook my jazz and classical sections though . :rolleyes:
I don't know why people keep getting down on the cops.

The kids were firing off handguns, presumably in a residential area, and guns they presumably were too young to use (they being 18 and the law being 21 for handguns in most states). The officer pulled them over, which is correct. Would anyone disagree that a person carrying a weapon that is clearly in his possession illegally should be pulled over for questioning?

We don't know what he found out downtown, but the kids were in the care of their mom, to whom the handgun belonged. So clearly there's reason to believe that this extends beyond them. I'm pretty sure with a pair of kids like this, their little talk downtown was enough to get cause for a warrant (because you know angry 18 year-olds aren't going to shut up like they should). Police acted on the warrant. Was this appropriate? Maybe, maybe not.

The find some legal stuff, including some circumstantial evidence that there might be trouble coming up. While not a crime, it certainly warrants further investigation.

However, the grenade IS criminal and dangerous. They had no business owning that.

Now granted, the reporter blows stuff out of proportion. There's a drawing with C-4, so? He writes it like that's the proof in the pudding (and like there was actually C-4 there). The Rammstein connection is also very tenuous and clouds the issue. Thank goodness reporters aren't judges. 70% of the article was circumstantial stuff which completely shifts the focus of the article from 'we caught some kids who are being irresponsible with weapons and have illegal explosives' to 'the cops just stopped the next Columbine killer! Look, proof!'

So no, good job cops. Get a life, reporters. Report the news, don't make your own.

"bet they would overlook my jazz and classical sections though . "

Not 1812 overture. Music with strong violent overtones, recordings of high powered weapons.
I don't know why people keep getting down on the cops
Now come the cops, wannabes, and cop groupies, "it's us against THEM, how dare you question us , citizen"
Arrogant, egomaniacal posing....
I wonder how many of the posters here would have a similar newstory on them?

Ooh can I play?

Inside the suspect's house police found a sniper rifle (scoped 30-06), two assault rifles (SKS's both), a Hi-Point Carbine (the same as found in Columbine), several pistols including two "saturday-night specials", and thousands of ammo. Hatchets, knives, axes and swords (cough machete) were also found.

Further police found quantities of gunpowder, propane (for my BBQ!), fertilizer (for my garden!), and other explosive making chemicals.

Phsycologists are concerned about the suspect's large Dungeons and Dragons book collection which may show satanic tendencies. (some will remember this frenzy from the late 70's and early 80's)

Suspect's computer was found with 100's of violent video games dating back to 1995.
Now, they are safely within the system. They were sure-as-durn-all little nazi-terrorists in the larve stage. It was only a matter of time. Or maybe, they would have got girlfriends and lost interest in video games. We'll just never know.

And yes, I'm sure that MANY of us here see shades of our youthful selves in at least parts of the story.
Based solely on the tone of the article, I'm willing to bet ammo that the claims of "explosives" are pure bravo sierra. They probably found some dummy grenades, or plastic RPG-7s, or somesuch (give the bomb squad practice!) floating around.

I'd list all of the bogus social "crimes" they're accused of (Listening to Rammstein! Racist literature!) but it would tick me off too much. I have precisely zero love for skinheads or racists, but they have their 1st Amendment rights just as anyone else does, and if anything, theirs should be defended all the more vigorously.

A resident who declined to give his name said he returned home from work in Norwalk this morning to find his apartment blocked.

"I have no idea what's going on, but I'm worried about my two cats," he said.
I think that was the only sensible comment made by anyone in that entire article. As far as I'm concerned, finding and making sure that guy's cats are alright should be a higher concern for the police than prosecuting a pair of kids.
I wonder how many of the posters here would have a similar newstory on them?
hahahaha it would be horrible, lets say that.

Police found hours of the same german metal band "Rammstein" on his hard drive along with ENGLISH VERSIONS!

Also found in his room was 2500 paintballs, an AK47!!! and another automatic rifle with hundreds of bullets capable of setting the city in mass panic :p

Not to mention the Violent Video Games stacked on his TV.

I can see me on the front page of brady monthly :p

screwed up world indeed.
The media would have a field day with me. I just stocked up on ammo so I have over 6,000 rounds in stripper/Garand clips sitting on the floor. (I’m out of ammo cans and have to drive to Dallas to get them. :barf: ) AK’s, AR’s, M1 carbines, Garands. 30 some magazines all 30 round capacity. Bayonets, bipods, and a Garand grenade launcher with a dummy practice grenade or two. Since I have a 98K Mouser and a P-08 I must be a Nazi.

I can just imagine the write-up I would get. :rolleyes:
This propoganda is to put fear in the 'non-gun owners' minds to confuse their thoughts on terrorism and domestic 'child' terror. Most of you are right, if these kids were listening to Hank Jr. they would have called this a 'red-necked' public park turkey hunt. The fact is what ever reason the media finds to satanize guns and ammo is what they are going to report on. Kids have lost it. The handful of school gunman support this. The only thing is, every single law abiding teenager and gun owner has to pay for crimes committed by these few.

I bet if these kids had 'dads' gun instead of 'moms' gun, shooting it in the park, the law and jail would be their last worry. (only for ass woopin sake, not ment to be sexist)
I wonder if the "grenade used in rocket propelled launchers similar to ones used by terrorists" is one of the inert Bazooka rockets that were offered at gun shows for years and years,,,,,,
I guess the Chinese and Russians are automatically "terrorists" now since they still issue and use RPG launchers in their own Militaries.

Well I wear shoes similar to those worn by terrorists. I bet our reporterette used a computer similar to those used by terrorists to write her little story.
Most likely everyone is overreacting to a bunch of silly kids acting what they thimk is 'cool'. As soon as they discover girls, the current thing is history.
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