Labgrade - RMGO announces his passing!

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Mark looked a bit shocked when I came forward to touch the coffin. I just wanted to bless him one last time even though I know he wasn't in there. It was just the last physical touch possible. It was from all of us here.
For the record I am posting the tribute that I delivered. This was one of the shortest talks I have ever given. I'd like to say that I am a man of few words, but that would be a lie. Al meant so much to so many people and those of us in the 2nd Amenendment movement were but piece in the whole picture of Alan Albertus. Crystal asked me not to make it a political, so the challenge was to deliver a tribute that everyone could relate to.

Alan Albertus,

Alan was a man of true character and principle that dearly loved his wife Crystal. He was kind to everyone he met. He would, however, stand his ground when his liberty or his family and friends were threatened.

Al and I would talk for hours about everything under the sun and the conversation would always evolve into long talks about freedom and liberty. Sometimes we would get off on a tangent and blame each other for getting us there. I learned that if I wanted to ask Al a question, I had better set aside an hour.

He was the kind of guy that when you spent time with him he became your brother. Whether it was a brother in arms or a brother with big arms and broad shoulders to lean on when you were down, Al was there. Alan loved to teach people and rarely kept information to himself. His knowledge would be your knowledge.

I remember Al took time to pull cactus needles out of my then six year old boy at a birthday party at his house. Whenever my children came to his house he always made sure that there were fresh batteries for his remote control monster truck. I think he probably wore the batteries out when no one was looking.

Al described himself this way on one of the Internet forums he frequented
"For the record, being subversive and somewhat rebellious, my hair is mid-back length. Nothing like being an ultra-right wing conservative, Christian, gun fanatic, bookworm, non-smoking, heavy metal music listening, Peter Pan syndrome, adult white male and a hippie! "

Al was responsible for introducing so many people to the idea that their personal freedoms were in jeopardy. He made one phone call to a few freedom loving friends to discuss our vanishing rights and before long a movement of people sprung up. Within months the movement spread all across America. His actions inspired me to believe that one man with an idea can change the world.

When you visited with Al he would be appear to be rather laid back, but when no one was around he would work as hard as anyone spreading the gospel of our God given inalienable rights as spelled out in the Declaration of Independence. He was just like a duck in the water; on the surface he was serene and calm, but underneath the water those feet were constantly moving. Alan Albertus was truly a patriot. I often thought of him as a modern day Paul Revere.

I took time the other night to reflect on so many of the large circle of friends that we shared and realized that many of us would not even have been introduced had it not been for that phone call Al made. I received a tricorn hat last night at the monthly meeting of the Northern Colorado Fife & Drum Corps. Without that phone call perhaps the Fife and Drum Corps would not have been formed. His commitment to take on the Goliaths of the world proved Thomas Jefferson’s quote “One man with courage is a majority.â€

The world is a much better place for having Al roam around on it and a little sadder now that he is gone. His kindness and love and the lessons we all learned from him will carry on even in his passing because everyone that knew him is much richer for the experience.

Warm Regards,
Tom Buchanan

The lesson that I learned from writing this was that I need to write these kinds of tributes to my friends and family while they are still here. It seems that we get caught up in 'taking everyone for granted' and when they pass we always think of things we should have said to them.
Appreciate you posting that tribute Tom .... helps all the more for those of us who could not be there that day.

Strange ..... here I am, like so many ..... continuing to feel this immense feeling of loss - of a man I had never met, but so wishing I had.

Now tho, having read so much from those who did know him personally, makes me feel even more that in fact I did ''meet'' him ..... he touched so many of our lives and has left so much behind that he will remembered on a scale most of us could barely hope for.

Alan Albertus .... you have left your mark on this world ... and how.:)
I can't believe I missed this until now! :(

Labgrade PMed me a few times when I was low. His words helped me immensely. Even carrying the load he had on his shoulders, he found the time and made the effort to help another human being.

Even half a world away, this hurts. :(

My deepest sympathy to his wife and family.

Damnit ... just ... damnit!!

I've been off THR for nearly 2 weeks (computer problems) and the first thread I see when I come back is this! I can't really imagine worse news to return to:( I can't express how saddened this news makes me. I never met Labgrade, I only knew him online from here and TFL before, but I feel that I am a better person for what little contact I had with him. He was a great asset to the forums. I'm sad that I can never get to know him like some of you have- he sounds like a great person. He'll be missed.

Threads like this do make you remember how mortal we all really are. The first couple pages where several of his friends were having trouble finding pictures to post got me thinking. You never know when something terrible might happen. Next time I see my friends and family members I'm going to be bringing my digital camera. I'm also going to make sure they all know how much I appreciate them. Sometimes there just isn't another "next time".:(
Sad new

I've read about all they efforts, I hope who follow the line, do It with the same dedications, pasions and vision of him.

My condolences to the family.
CZ hen
Just saw this thread...

...and words can't express how sorry I am to hear this news. :( Labgrade was an excellent gentleman - a kind and caring soul and a true soldier for rights and freedom. His love for his dear stepson touched me so deeply, and all I can say is my heart goes out to his family. My prayers and my thoughts are with them.
Crystal has been busy trying to re-create her life in the short time since Al's passing. She asked me to pass this message along.

I want to thank all of you for your compassion and the overwhelming kindness shown to me. Someone at Alan's service said that he didn’t know what to say.

Well, there aren’t any words. I can’t express how sad I am to lose the love of my life or to express my thanks to you for your support.

I was asked to describe Alan for the service. This is my response. “How do you describe a man who began hunting alone (at least he thought so) in the Louisiana woods at seven years old; who scaled cliffs like spider-man; who backpacked in the Everglades, deserts and mountains; who loved teaching anyone (including me) to hunt or fish; who could move through the woods silently; who took such pleasure backpacking with me and was delighted that I could keep up with him; who loved surprising me every holiday; who loved and protected his family; who was chosen for Boy Scout 'Order of the Arrow'; who helped boys including disabled ones earn merit badges; who was so tall that when he picked up the grandchildren they thought they were on an amusement park ride; who was a good friend; who could make me so mad sometimes and was “in the doghouse†occasionally; who came to believe and studied the Bible each week with me; who was articulate; and who valued freedom and liberty enough to fight for it.

This last year was difficult for both of us with his illness getting more and more debilitating. It seemed to take Alan bit by bit as some of you surmised from his recent postings. But in the last few weeks he had hope that he might be made well again. Thankfully, I know God has Alan now and I know He will see me through this.

Alan valued the discourses and the friendships made online with you and I am grateful for that. Please accept my sincere gratitude.

I miss him.
Crystal Albertus
Tomorrow will be a difficult time for Crystal. Some of us are going up to the house, which is completely destroyed to salvage whatever memories can be found.

She does not have much time to participate on line. However, she does have one place that does give her comfort. If anyone wants to leave a personal message for Crystal please go here and sign her guestbook.

We will be setting up a benefit later on for her. Maybe a picnic or a day at the range. I will keep you informed. It will definately be an occasion to express our desire to maintain the Second Amendment.
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When Alan last posted here, his son Shane was not doing well with his transplant. Can anyone provide an update on Shane? Prayers for Alan and his family continuing...
Shane is still in the hospital and is doing well. His doctors would not let him come to the memorial service. Crystal did spend Mother's day with him and he was in good spirits.
Some of us are going to the house tomorrow to salvage what memories we can for Crystal. One area will be Al's extensive gun collection. I don't know what to expect as far as damage as most are in safes. One safe is open. I would like to have some help in determining the best method for cleaning them for identification purposes and future restoration.

So as not to distract from the sanctity of this thread I have opened a new thead for this discussion. Please post any helpful suggestions at this new thread
Cleaning and restoring fire damaged firearms

Thank you
Wow, I knew Labgrade from the early years at TFL & with TFL's closing I drifted off to other places. Tonight I find out Alan is gone & TFL is comming back, two completely different emotions.

I've trained with the Loveland Fire department & they are some of the best trained guys around.

Sure wished I would have met Alan as we exchanged lots of PM's and E-mails back in the day before I drifted off.

Can't keep the eyes dry for some reason.

Rest in peace my brother...............................................
Al's wife Crystal and I and a few other folks went through the rubble of their home looking to document all of his firearms and find whatever else that might be salvagable. We managed to recover 13 long guns, 6 shotguns and 9 handguns, all in real bad shape, probably a total loss.

We did recover some things that made it worth climbing around in the soot all day. She found her wedding album and a few other photo albums albiet a little worse for the wear, but the pictures were still viewable.

Also found were her sketch pads, wet but not burned. She loves to draw animals. The last one she was working on was a gorgeous big horn sheep.
At one point someone came out of the rubble and handed her a shoebox ful of all of the letters from her Mother over the years.

These kinds of unexpected finds made even the hard core of us a little watery in the eyes.
She found her wedding album and a few other photo albums albiet a little worse for the wear, but the pictures were still viewable.
Tom, My best friend (almost 40 years) is a photographer and has the capability of scanning and restoring damaged photographs. Please let me know if we can be of service. No cost to Crystal or anyone else, of course.
In Memory of Alan Albertus (labgrade)
There will be a picnic on Memorial Day May 31, 2004
At Parrish Park in Johnstown, Colorado

The picnic will begin at 11:00 am and go until about 3:00 pm
This ill be a pot-luck picnic, or at least bring your own food
There will be a grill available to barbeque.

Come visit with Crystal and bring your fond memories of Al
and join us as we informally remember Al,
the way he would have wanted it.

For the latest go to
Enjoy the good grub, better company and best of all the sharing of memories of Al. I won't be there in person, but I will be there in spirit.
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