Late season treerats?

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Jul 7, 2008
Hello everybody,
I'm just wondering if anybody hunts those annoying tree-rats this late into the season or if im the only one that thirsty for squirrel blood? the CT small game season goes until sometime in mid february and i see them hoppin around so i figure, why not?

Sound off if you do! :cool:
Our season goes out Jan 31...And until then I would advise anyone with grey hair and a bushy tail to keep their heads down....

Been trying to cut my hunting teeth by baggin squirrels here in central texas. Unfortunately hunting politics and public hunting lands are a JOKE. Maybe I'll get lucky and hit one with my truck. :banghead:
We have until Feb 28th to get our fill of squirrel meat. After that we get a reprieve from May 16th to June 14th to get some young tasty squirrels as well.

If my work permits, I like to go out after a few days of nasty weather. We don't get a lot of cold weather down here, but after they've been holed up for a few days, I can usually get my limit.
I'm going out for rabbits, squirrels and pheasants this afternoon when the snow lets up.

Late season hunting is my favorite by far...but this cold is brrrrrrrrrr!
Actually, there's a lot of trees in Nebraska. Pine Ridge Area, Much of Northern and Southern NE has good treed areas. Heck, Nebraska City is the HQ for the Arbor Day Foundation !!

However, I must admit where I live in South Central NE, trees are not as common 'cause it's corn country !! :)

BTW, rabbits and squirrels are still holed up where I hunted this afternoon.....too darn cold !!! Saw a nice ringneck pheasant, but no shot opportunity.....okay.....I missed !! :(
Got red mist?

I prefer a little meat, gravy and biscuits.

what you guys hunting the rats with. I like my nylon 76 for, but ocassionaly take them with my buddies 17 mach2

Early season, Rem 1100, 12 ga. with number 6, 1 oz loads. After the leaves drop either the shotgun or my iron sighted CZ .22 depends on the location.

It's the other white meat and it's what's for dinner. Instead of Where's the beef, we ask, "Where's the squirrel?"

Seriously, I work in the organic, non-GMO, free range, no antibiotics world. I'd say that I eat pretty good according to my hippy co-workers. Tofu tastes like cardboard and I would rather eat the wrapper it comes in, but compared to squirrel gravy and biscuits....shoot, hush your mouth and slap your mamma...
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