Law and Order SVU -Anyone watch last night?

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Jun 8, 2004
Did any of you happen to catch last night's episode of Law And Order SVU? What a pile of anti gun crap!!!! They must have had the Brady Bunch write the script.:mad:

First they referred to an evil gun advocacy group called the NGA, National Gun Association. Gee, I wonder who they were suppose to be? They are a mean, big lobby group representing the gun industry. Second they used a study that was purported to prove a link between children that witness gun violence will be more likely to engage in gun violence as a defense for a kid that killed his mother's killer. :barf:

I was speechless by the end of this show. Sometimes you get veiled references on TV, but this was blatant. Obviously they don't want gun owners as an audience.
a study that was purported to prove a link between children that witness gun violence will be more likely to engage in gun violence

What about children who watch hours and hours of TV shows that exploit criminal violence for ratings?:rolleyes:
I watched it as well. If anyone was trying to get the kid cleared, it was the ADA.

Anyhow, it didn't sicken me as much as the episode where the gun shop was the neo-NAZI headquarters. And they couldn't even get the purchase workings down right- come on.

Of course, they have publicly made disrespectful comments about Republicans as well- turns out it's Detective Tutuola's 'dirty little secret'. And let's not forget that gun toting murderes must be big fans of Tom Delay.
I stopped watching Law & Order many years ago, when they aired an episode pulled from the headlines about a foreign teenager (who cannot understand or speak English) going to the wrong house for a party and then forcing his way inside only to be shot by the homeowner when he refused to obey commands to leave.

Jerry Orbach's character treated the homeowner like a criminal, badgering him and accusing him of being a nutcase and a vigilante, etc. His partner, meanwhile, was busy picking up copies of popular gun magazines from the coffee table - which Jerry immediately jumped on and called "dangerous reading material."

I had to turn the television off in disgust before the temptation to put my foot through the screen became overwhelming. Haven't watched an episode of that worthless show since then and refuse to view any of the spin-off's either.
It is the same for Law & Order(the origional), which I have quit watching. When Dennis Farina(sp) came on I thought he was a good replacement for Jerry Orbach as they were developing an interesting character. Then he started questioning store owners/clerks as to why they did not track all sales with the information as to whom the buyer was. The next was exactly what happened on SUV and the subject of this thread. It really hit the fan for me when they had a character that was a member of the minute men that they called every name under the sun. They have a political agenda they are pushing and I for one do not like it. Is it any wonder why their viewer share is droping.
I still remember when Vincent D'Onifrio was reported to have run off the set crying when GW got reelected.

Blissninny... :p

That show (and NBC) has a true agenda. They are so New Yawk focused they don't realize that New Yawk is the exception, not the rule.
"Law & Order" and its spinoff clones are nothing more than one of Hollywood's many propaganda outlets for the Progressive Socialist Democrats. Always has been: always will be.

I haven't watched it in years due to its in-your-face bias against our Constitution, but I do know that the Exec. Producer of both shows is (or was) Rene Balcer, a very left wing Canadian who hates the fact that the United States' worker peasants own firearms.

In fact, the entertainment business as a whole, is the offical mouthpiece for the Progressive Socialist Democratic Party. And, one of the most important planks in the Progressive Socialist Democratic Party's "platform" is their intention to eventually confiscate all the firearms of the worker peasants. (Of course, the firearms belonging to the Megamillionaire Marixists and Billionaire Bolsheviks, and their very expensive and very well armed bodyguards will be exempt.)

That's Hollywood, for you boys & girls.

Michael Moriarty says he was fired from the show for making comments criticizing Janet Reno's decisions in the Waco catastrophe.

Richard Belzer was hanging around DC parties prior to the lapse of the assualt weapons ban telling politicians that anyone who voted aganist tighter gun control would be named on "his" show.

I could handle Brisco, he was supposed to be an old cynical cop. But one recurring theme you notice on eht show is seeing who the murder weapon was registered to. This has led them to MANY suspects. I suppose the consultants who are supposed to keep the show realistic forgot to check and see how often this happens in real life.

If I started eliminating entertainment I see because of the political views of the actors, there would be nothing left. Even if I said I will watch Bruce Willis movies because his politics agree with mine, he still did movies with Richard Gere and Alec Baldwin. It's just Hollywood.

The only hard rule I follow is no Jane Fonda. (Even though I was actually an extra in The Electric Horseman.)
Got to agree with this:

"Michael Moriarty says he was fired from the show for making comments criticizing Janet Reno's decisions in the Waco catastrophe.

Richard Belzer was hanging around DC parties prior to the lapse of the assualt weapons ban telling politicians that anyone who voted aganist tighter gun control would be named on "his" show.

I could handle Brisco, he was supposed to be an old cynical cop. But one recurring theme you notice on eht show is seeing who the murder weapon was registered to. This has led them to MANY suspects. I suppose the consultants who are supposed to keep the show realistic forgot to check and see how often this happens in real life.

If I started eliminating entertainment I see because of the political views of the actors, there would be nothing left. Even if I said I will watch Bruce Willis movies because his politics agree with mine, he still did movies with Richard Gere and Alec Baldwin. It's just Hollywood.

The only hard rule I follow is no Jane Fonda. (Even though I was actually an extra in The Electric Horseman.)
"So I says to Borg, as long as we're up here, one of us ought to moon those Saxon Dogs!" -Gary Larson "

I also avoid Barbra Streisand movies but I think it is good to watch what the enemy is throwing out to the general public so you can combat it. I know it is hard to stomach. I would not be surprised to hear some idiot claim the "study" in the show is real for example. Now I know where they got it from and can set them straight.
It really hit the fan for me when they had a character that was a member of the minute men that they called every name under the sun.
I think that was the second L&O show I watched, and the last, due to that very fact (made the Minute Men appear to be crazed, evil, lunatic fringe vigilantes up to no good). I never really got into those shows... preferred the History and Discovery channels instead, though I do like watching the CSI series (and you could see a bit of anti-gun bias showing through in those, too).
I think we've talked about this before.

The reason "they" keep airing dreck like this is because people watch it. They get paid based on how many people watch their shows.

Want to keep dreck like this off the air? Stop watching it.

Yeah, I believe we have Pax.

I am sure that they have an agenda. Back when the immigration reform bills (think of the one's many of the folks here supported), the re-aired (repeatedly) on USA Network episodes involving ilegal immigrants and minorities being victimized by white Americans. One was especially disturbing in that the perp was supposed to be a "minuteman" and he was driving around New York kidnapping and shooting poor day laborers.
I saw that garbage last night too. What we need to do is figure out how to become the people that Nielsen derive their ratings numbers from. Is there a way to sign up for this?
Brisco in real life was one of us.

TV- don't own one.

If I did, I would watch a education tape, training tape or old movie thru the VCR...or I guess now have to get a DVD.

I refuse to expose myself the Indoctrination of the State.

One less something to dust , clean the glass, or vacuum around/ under as well.

I have friends of same mind - kids use the TV for education, movies and such. Not regular programming, no cable, just something to play something thru.

Kids use the computer, read, are read to, board games and Radio Shows like heard on Imagination Theatre are listened to. Old routines like Abbot & Costello, Green Hornet, Amos & Andy, Red Skelton...

Kids are like many of us adults - we enter somwhere a TV is blaring - we want to leave or break the darn thing.

I have walked out of someone's home because the TV was more important than the visit.

The word "detest" comes to mind in regard to TV .
Was it that or CSI that had the BS episode with the "Evil Video Game Company" suporitng a bunch of GTA rip off re-enactors?

I decided when I heard about that, I wouldn't watch it.

My Mum, OTOH, watches House.
I have found in watching L&O, SVU that Chris Maloney's character (Stabler) usually tends to favor our side of the arguement. Mariska Hargitay's character usually seems to be somewhat nuetral on such issues, and she is easy to look at. I still watch the show because it is entertaining and they do mostly focus on the actual criminal element. They do take some shots at liberals, too. I seem to remember one episode where the captain was sitting with the ADA (not the blonde one) and she said something about a group of people (maybe the bums?) who were opressed, blah, blah, blah. The captain says "What is it with you limosine liberals? You just don't see things the way they really are." (not exactly verbatim, I'm sure). They have had plenty of similar quips.

We just have to remind ourselves that it is only entertainment.
What the hell do you expect from a show set in liberal anti-gun 'crime-free' utopias like New Dork City and Boston and LA?

I don't watch television any more. The only time it comes on is for a DVD or the playstation.
Most cop/legal shows on television have anti-gun agendas. The CSI series (at least the original and CSI Miami) have been the least anti-gun of the ones I've seen, but just least, not completely anti.
Elliot is the world's worst tactical cop. In two shows, I have been told to keep quiet by the wife as I strongly criticized his moronic tactical decisions and inability to use his firearm.

If he is an example for gun owners, we should pack up shop.

I can't watch the show anymore - it has become ridiculous.
Of course its ridiculous. Its entertainment.

I actually like SVU quite a bit, because I like the characters even if I don't always agree with what they're saying. Sometimes what a character is what they actually think, other times what they say is a reaction to something that they've seen, and in an objective situation they wouldn't say it.

If we all only watched programs whose message we agreed with, we'd never learn anything. Not that you're gonna learn much from a TV show mind you, but the point remains.

Stabler's tactical choices are often ridiculous, of course. But don't tell me you've never seen the SVU swat team in action, those guys are actually worse.

But its entertainment. Its not supposed to be right, its supposed to be entertaining.
I have found in watching L&O, SVU that Chris Maloney's character (Stabler) usually tends to favor our side of the arguement
+1 frome the other nights episode, he said something to the extent of:" If that is true (referring to the guns=violence study), we loose the second ammendment."

Last night on original Law and Order, the gun dealer was a crooked guy with hundreds of thefts working out of his apartment. Chances are, post Clinton, there would be no way he would have an FFL. Seemed to take a swip at the Bryco Jennings subsidiary that moved to NV.
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