leaving a handgun in your vehicle

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I've not worked an entering auto case where saws and sledge hammers were used. not that it doesn't happen, I'm sure somebody who has stalked a jeweler for a week or so has planned to make a score would probably do such a thing. the thefts and thieves I've dealt with were crimes of opportunity, unlocked doors or smashed windows. the tools found on suspects were screwdrivers and pliers, sometimes a knife of sorts. a gun locked in a console vault would have stopped all the cases I worked where a gun was stolen except for the rifles and shotguns. unless the thieves left and came back with other tools needed to bust/pry open such compartments... this might happen at an airport parking lot but generally not in somebody's driveway or Walmart parking lots... I mean without drawing attention from everyone as to what's going on. a couple of key things I want to point out: pickup trucks are preferred over cars because they generally say I have a gun come and take it. NRA stickers do the same as do any of the cool window decals like the browning deer or ruger bird..... leaving things that appear to be valuable in plain view sets you up as well. even if your 7 year old daughter Sally leaves her Barbie purse in the back seat and you have tinted windows, its a goner... sunglasses in the cup holder, goner, costume jewelry in the console or dash cubby, goner.... to top it all off, even if they get nothing of value, you're still out the ~$500 deductible to fix your window.... Leave a gun in your car if you cannot carry it legally on your person where you are going. if you do so, be responsible enough invest in a secure storage device for the gun.
1. You are permitted to carry where legal.
2. You are obliged by law not to take your handgun into certain locations (schools, post offices, other federal facilities).
3. You are obliged to keep your handgun secured when not with you.
4. Keeping a handgun in a locked automobile is not sufficient to secure it.
5. If necessary to meet all obligations one must store it in a vehicle, other means must be used to secure it in the vehicle.

To me, that is the best one can do to follow the law.
Another very useful and potentially informative topic ruined by people who can't conceive of, or tolerate the idea that someone might have experiences and opinions different from their own, and therefore are unable to interact politely with anyone who doesn't agree with them in every respect.
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