LED lights

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Maybe I am used to the yellow and white of the traditional bulbs and not so much the cool and almost blue of the LED lights...

Those old LED lights with the blue tinge are going the way of the Dodo bird now. They discovered a way to make more pure light in the LED field about a couple of years ago and over the past year have been able to create ways to put out far more light. I would wait a couple of years and you end up with a great product.
Gunsby Blazen said:
Every LED light that I have ever owned has been a POS. I have yet to even come across a surefire but they better be good for that price tag!
Oh, trust me; they are! Try out a G2 LED. You'll be impressed by how smooth and bright the beam is. It should go for 12 hours before going completely out.

Just be careful, though. Surefire's have this way of multiplying. Consider yourself warned! :D
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