Legal loop hole in my school

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Apr 9, 2005
I dont do drugs or anything like that but I rather enjoy finding loopholes in the system here is one I belive will allow me to have Drugs in my locker at school and I wont get in trouble with the cops only my school.
Well in our hand book it says that the lockers are in the schools possesion. If I put lets say some coke or a hefty ammount of pot in there and no one see it but the cops find it in there. I say it isnt mine. You probly thinking that theres no way it isnt mine well think of it as if it was a car. A cop finds drugs in a car under the passengers seat while there are two guys int eh car. The passenger says it isnt his so the driver gets in trouble becasue he is in possesion of the car.

Basicly I see it as the same thing but never told anyone otehr than a few friends becuase just incase a friend gets in trouble i can help him. Do you think this would work?
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