Lets Stick Together

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Aug 4, 2005
I'm new to this forum. So far I think it's very good. There seems to be a lot of friendly people. However there also seems to be some people that think everyone must think the way they do,no exceptions. I see this in everyday life as well. The fact is we are all different. Can't we respect each others opinions? Can't we respect each others right to freedom of speech? When I was a kid we had this saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me" We all have the right to bear arms as well as freedom of speech. Even though the government is trying to change that. If I choose to excercise these rights or not is completly up to me. Aren't we all on the same side here? Lets not get too wound up about this one. "Together we stand divided we fall" :) ;)
<CS Voice> Stick together, team... </CS Voice>

Poland, 1795:
"Hey, this is still Poland, right? What're all these Russians doing here?"

"What do you mean, 'partition'?!"
most of the folks here

are ok but i've read some of these threads that lead me to believe that if it comes to stand togather or die we are doomed.
just do a search of "cop bashing" or "flag burning" or "libertarian" to see what i mean.
welcome, enjoy but be like a duck just let the desinsion roll off your back. :)
I have to say that perhaps the best part of this particular community is the variety of opinion and reaction.

We do stick together on one thing pretty much, and that's fine.

I can't respect the opinion of an idiot so don't expect me to. I think you are confusing that with respect for their right to say stupid things.
That I respect.

As for everything else I really prefer the variety. If I want homogeneity of thought I will go elsewhere.

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