LGS Just Told me AR's Would Be Banned 2/1

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OP - you do realize that gun dealers (not all) are some of the dumbest people on the planet, right?
The only thing that would be passed by February is a new tax on guns. They're absolutely rock-bottom BROKE. Any new federal "war on ____" will cost billions they do not have. Worry about your wallet!
He's probably talking about Stewart. He has since clarified his stance. He said that the interview in the Tribune (I think) left out parts that were important for the context of his statement. I don't know him personally, but I have several fiends who do and they've said he's about as pro-RKBA as they come.

I don't even think Matheson would vote for anything new, but I haven't heard anything from him. That leaves Bishop and Chaffetz, both of which are strongly on our side.
Yes, it is probably Stewart, and he has clarified that he is staunchly pro-RKBA. In Utah, even the liberals are well armed, voting for any anti-Constitutional legislation would be political suicide here.
Ask him how he obtained this info. s no one else heard about it
When are people going to realize that the issue here isn't what party controls what? It's not a party thing, it's an overgrown, greedy government and a weak willed, apathetic majority population that is the problem.

It isn't Dems vs. Reps. It's not conservatives vs. liberals- It's lying, thieving, traitorous politicians vs. We The People.
I could not have stated it better. "We the people" has gotten lost somewhere long the line. If you even use the phrase in front of a politician, watch the knowing smirk that they try to hide.
Obama said in his book he thinks the Constitution and Bible are merely paper.
He doesn't believe in truth. He has shown intent to disregard legal restraints many times. Look for Holder or Obama to declare a ban and not much can be done, just like they have refused to enforce DOMA in total disregard to the laws
Of congress.
Does he know when the world will end too? I need to know when I can quit work and spend all of my money.
Why would Obama put Biden in charge of such an effort, and promise results in only a month? Easy. When it fails, it won't be Obama's fault. If Obama were serious, and really expected results in a month, he'd take personal responsibility and all the glory.
OP - you do realize that gun dealers (not all) are some of the dumbest people on the planet, right?

Many gunstore owners have a new TEOTWAWKI story every time you visit their shop. Two weeks after the new president took office a gunstore owner breathlessly told me an AWB had passed congress and was sitting on the presidents desk waiting for his signature. i turned and walked out.
I have had to quite going to one of my local stores for the same reasons... Even before the sandy hook incident he was trying to sell everything off of the shelf with scare tactics...
Regarding how Congress works, which was mentioned earlier. 233 Republicans. 200 Democrats in the House. 17 Republicans have to jump the party and agree to a ban. I already have found two. One from Utah and Peter King from NY. They only need 15 more in the House if all Democrats vote along the party line.

Your numbers will not quite work that way.... They need 60% to be filibuster proof so they would need 260 votes in favor to get un-obstructed passage... There are Dems that will not go along with it and then there is the second issue... Funding the bill. When Canada started their gun registry in the 90s it ran billions over budget and they recently had to scrap it due to cost. They don't have a fraction of the guns we have here in the USA. If their bill cost billions ours will cost trillions.

The situation in Washington is right where we need it right now... If this happened 2 years earlier we would be screwed.
I was just in a local shop and was told by one of the folks in there that AR's were going to be banned 2/1. It was stated "it hadn't been made public yet".

Obviously I don't believe this was anything more than a sales tactic, I just wonder if anyone else has had similar methods employed with them.
what's worse believing the LGS who makes a living selling guns or believing anonymous posters on-line.
Anybody who is watching the Obama admin now should really be focused on your own state legislators... Check and see who holds the power in your state... we are screwed here in CT because dems hold a super majority. For us it is just going to come down to court rulings. I am feverishly writing state legislators.
They need 60% to be filibuster proof so they would need 260 votes in favor to get un-obstructed passage.

No filibusters in the house. But 15 is a huge number. They are *BARELY* able to keep the federal leviathan funded the rancor is so intense. For over a dozen House Repubs to flip hard on gun control would be highly unusual. Only two have even voiced a willingness to discuss the matter, and that's a long way from endorsing some "turn them in" law.

When Canada started their gun registry in the 90s it ran billions over budget and they recently had to scrap it due to cost.

This is a huge issue, and apart from the mouth-frothing antis it is a deal killer even for the dems. Everyone over there knows the emperor is naked as a jay bird. The coffers are empty and they're getting more and more panicked about how they're going to make payroll. Even Obama's Big Legislation--Obamacare--simply imposed the burden back on consumers. Single payer wasn't an option because the payer is dead broke.
Besides, if they throw us all in jail, we get free food, free medical, tv to watch football........
Sound like the guy is mentally ill. You should report him. He should not be around guns.
Im in New Market let me know which shop told you that, even though I have a very good idea after you said reloading supplies.

Also I can give you the name of a really great dealer if your willing to drive to Athens.

I'm kinda curious who it is, too.

Who do you like in Athens?
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What club is your LGS affiliated with that provides them with pending laws before the public has an opportunity to get involved? The Run Of The Mouth club perhaps? I believe they pay their dues in lost customers.
My LGS has a "bull[crap]" buzzer on the counter. I just saw that yesterday and I have even more respect for him after just seeing that. He was even telling a couple guys "it'll get better."

I don't fully trust the House and Senate not to try and push this, but from what I've seen, there's been much more truth and unbiased stats getting thrown around now and the anti's seem to be getting put in their place more and more (at least in the news sites I check, some of them left leaners).
I don't trust legislators in either part of Congress to not try to push this, but I know one thing. Every elected official starts looking into how to keep his/her cushy job the day they're sworn into their new term. They remember 1996, when legislators were voted out of office for supporting the 1994 AWB.

Either this gun shop guy was trying to push you into buying today, to "avoid being shut out of owning one", or he's a freaking idiot!
This LGS must be slow to the game.... According to ads Ive seen on GunBroker, FleaBay, Texasguntrader, Armslist, etc. etc. They have already passed a AWB, Magazines are already Banned, They are confiscating weapons already, etc. etc. etc...

insane doesnt even begin to describe the current climate.
d2wing said:
Look for Holder or Obama to declare a ban and not much can be done
Under what legal precedents? We still have checks and balances in this country. Obama cannot just declare something as law. Even one with the most basic understanding of our legal system knows that's simply not how things work. Even an executive order could only modify enforcement of existing laws and not enact wholly new ones. This idea that Obama can just do as he pleases with no repercussion is not only false, but distracts people from the real issues at hand. It seems pretty defeatist to say "Obama is gonna Obama, and there's not a darn thing you can do about it". Not only is it defeatist, but its rooted in pure fantasy. NO ONE can simply declare a ban and that's that. Instead of screaming the sky is falling, how about we work togetehr to ensure that that doesn't happen...ever
I am sure it was suggested, but I am not reading all 3 pages just to verify...but you my friend should do this:

1. Blacklist this company
2. Spread the word that they are a moronic place of business (LGS)
3. Call them up, tell them you are sorry to inform them, but you are no longer doing business with them, give reason, and then let them know you will be telling everyone you know
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