Lies, Darn Lies and Statistics ... about Guns

Well when we have so called "leaders" saying things like a 9mm will blow the lung out of a body is it any wonder why so many people think this.

These people are so ingrained in trusting what the TV tells them that when you say.....ahhh no. It will really upset the apple cart. When they try to move to "show the victims" Well we can go that way in a minute if you wish, lets talk about the original topic first.

When backed into a corner they try to straw man the argument, they can't defend it with logic. The key is to go slow, listen very carefully to what they say, ask a question about their question, or restate their question to them to make sure you "understand" their point. Then start with the facts and sources to back that up.
"gun control" is a myth. Had a liberal coworker who thought we should try total gun prohibition as an experiment. I said that would be like cutting your head off to see if it would cure a headache.
I said, "Gun control is not about guns." He said, "What do you mean?" Lefties ain't very bright. I said, "Thought experiment. Go to the blackboard and write :"gun control". Now since it's not about guns, erase "gun", What do you have left?"
^ Which man?

Perhaps this should be updated to say something like “a non-gender specific humanoid who may or may not identify as an aggressor of any race, identity, religion, or relationship status “
Here's one of my favorites: "These mass shootings only happen here ."
There are strict gun laws in the UK and yet lot of violent crime and death. gun laws only enable crime.
America will be safer with more guns.
America would be safer without gun free zones and liberal DAs who decline to charge criminals and who continually let those who are charged out on PR bonds to reoffend again and again and again.

America would be safer if TV, media and video games stopped glorying violence and movies stopped pushing gun porn and the normalization of drug culture and deviant lifestyles onto children.

America would be safer if our politicians and leaders would actually address the root causes of poverty and violence in inner cities which is where the vast majority of all the actual gun violence in this country originates.

The answer is NOT more "common sense gun control" designed to take firearms away from every law abiding gun owner until only the government and their federal police force have guns and the citizens have no means to protect themselves and their families.