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List Of Dallas Illegal Weapons Expanded

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada

List Of Dallas Illegal Weapons Expanded

Sarah Dodd

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(CBS 11 News) DALLAS The Dallas City Council is expanding its list of illegal weapons to include one model of a laser toy gun.

As first reported o CBS 11 News Tuesday night at 10pm, new police statistics indicate guns were involved in about 6,500 Dallas crimes last year.

A bucket full of guns made its way past the metal detectors and into the Dallas City Council meeting Wednesday. But the firearms weren’t functional; they were intended to draw attention to the city's gun problem… a problem that includes fake guns.

All of the weapons and ammunition at city hall were once on the streets of Dallas.

Reverend Peter Johnson wants the city council to recognize not only the ongoing gun problem in the city, but also a new concern, realistic toy guns complete with laser sites.

“It's being sold from ice cream trucks in front of elementary schools and middle schools,” said the St. Paul United Methodist Church reverend.

After a demonstration that included using council members as targets, most at city hall were quick to recognize the potential danger of "packing plastic".

“Dope dealers may mistake these for real guns. It may be a toy gun, but it's not a fun situation,” said Leo Chaney, Jr., Dallas City Council.

City attorney's are now trying to determine what the city can do to outlaw these $6.00 toy guns.

“Our police department has already got the packing material to see it and we are trying to get authorities to confiscate these guns coming into Texas,” Dallas Mayor, Laura Miller.

Even thought the impostors don't shoot live ammunition, community leaders are still worried that someone will end up getting killed.

Next week Miller heads to New York, going to the first ‘National Gun Summit’ on illegal guns, hosted by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The goal for the leaders is to try and map out a blueprint to get a handle on the problem.

(CBS 11 News)

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I'm confused...doesn't everyone in Texas own a real gun?

Dallas seceeded from the State of Texas years ago.

As a t-shirt from my favorite BBQ joint proudly states:

Life is too short to live in Dallas

The Dallas government is a train wreck. This kind of thing is tossed out regularly in one form or another to hide the fact that the people actually running the city don't have the slightest idea what they are doing.

The rest of the state laughs at Dallas as they wander around trying to figure out what to do next.

By VICTORIA LOE HICKS / The Dallas Morning News
Architect I.M. Pei probably didn't mean for Dallas City Hall to look like a ship run aground, but these days the imagery is hard to ignore. Consider these events: The city manager hires the police chief without interviewing him and fires him before informing the mayor or City Council. Neighborhoods crumble while code inspectors sit in their offices, writing bogus citations. The council protects the city's bond rating by limiting its borrowing -- to the point that the bond rating goes down. Who's steering this ship of state? The answer -- according to everyone from insiders to political scientists to management experts -- is nobody.
Next week Miller heads to New York, going to the first ‘National Gun Summit’ on illegal guns


This is the same woman that wants to bring Casino gambling to Texas. :fire: :fire: :fire: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

I really dislike Mayor Miller and she is running the town of my birth into the ground. I really hope the voters of Dallas get rid of her in the next election.

Ditto what TexasSIGman says.....

Thank God all the new yorkers and kalafornians move to Dallas and have screwed that city up and leave Fort Worth alone. The only reason I go anywhere near Dallas is for the Market Hall gun show.........chris3
Yo, TexasSIGman.....

which BBQ place has the "Life is too short to live in Dallas" t-shirts?

“Our police department has already got the packing material to see it and we are trying to get authorities to confiscate these guns coming into Texas,” Dallas Mayor, Laura Miller.

As far as I know, there are no laws in Texas against fake guns at the state level, so under what possible legal theory could they be confiscated?

Oh, wait, I forgot -- we are trying to get to that point that a law is not needed, just a knee-jerk reaction by a fool in public office.
It likely means they are lobbying the state to make them illegal.

Question: If a toy gun can't hurt you, can it really be called a weapon?

Sounds like a list of illegal toys.
original article said:
“Dope dealers may mistake these for real guns. It may be a toy gun, but it's not a fun situation,” said Leo Chaney, Jr., Dallas City Council.

Is this guy really trying to pass a law protecting drug dealers?
Here's a novel idea...throw em in jail.
Here's a novel idea...don't point a toy gun at a LEO (or any other person who may be armed) and you won't get shot with a real gun.

Why does this logic perpetually elude community "leaders"?
Thanks TexasSIGman....

There is a gun show at Amon Carter next weekend so I might have to have lunch there and scarf up a t-shirt......chris3
Notice how one of these genius council members worried that some drug dealer would "mistake this for a real gun?"???

I thought there were laws against drug dealing. Didn't those laws against dealing drugs, clear up the problem?
duckslayer said:
Here's a novel idea...don't point a toy gun at a LEO (or any other person who may be armed) and you won't get shot with a real gun.

Why does this logic perpetually elude community "leaders"?
What the heck else need be said ??!! Covers all necessary bases.
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