loading for an m1a primmer ?

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Apr 6, 2011
is CCI 200 large rifle primers ok to load for the m1a or will they cause a risk of a slam fire ?
Sure, there’s a risk of slam fire, and a lot of guys swear off standard primers because of it.
Using a CCI #34 will undoubtedly give a little more protection as far as that goes.

I don’t have an M1A, but I do have a Garand (same principle) and load for it with CCI 200 and it hasn’t been an issue.

keep the muzzle down range, and always remember the possibility, and you’ll be fine.
CCI 200 will work just fine.

The primary way to avoid a slam fire is to always load from the magazine.

@Slamfire , call the office. You have a client that would like to speak with you ;)
CCI #200's are almost as hard as the #34's... I wouldn't have a problem loading either, and have done so.

The key to safe primer seating is making sure the primer is seated a couple thousandths below the case head. A good, clean primer pocket usually does it, but if you have some out of spec brass, you may have to uniform the primer pocket to insure they seat correctly.
Normal primmers are ok, slam fires are rare and when they do happen they usually are explainable and its usually operator error.

What makes a slam fire work is either a stuck firing pin or a high seated primmer.

Solutions as follows

-clean your bolt every time
-clean primer pockets
-unify primmer pockets with special cutter from kn.
-seat primmers deep (my pockets are cut .131 deep are primers fully seated )

-do not seat bullet to touch the rifling.
Thanks for the input guys,
I will use the cci 200 that I have
For now
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