Longest that you have ever waited to shoot a new firearm.

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I have an AK that I havent gotten around to shooting that I picked up back in the late 90's I have meant to take it out,but got distracted by other shinier,prittier riflrs,or pistols . Pull em out dust it off oil her up and stow it away till I have the time .
What is wrong with you guys? I plan a shooting trip in advance, usually within a week after I pick up a firearm. The force is strong with some of you.
McAngus said:
What is wrong with you guys? I plan a shooting trip in advance, usually within a week after I pick up a firearm. The force is strong with some of you.

When I only owned a few firearms I was antsy to tryout each new one. After my Collection (read: Accumulation) grew, it became easier to, sometimes, wait ... especially when I own multiples of many different types of firearms.
Four or five months. No big deal. I knew I would shoot it, eventually. And I was pretty sure it was going to work, because it's a Glock, I know how Glocks work, and I inspected ALL the parts.
I have a Ruger Super blackhawk 44mag that I bought in 1976 new in the box that has never been fired. At the time I was trying to collect every caliber single action that Ruger made with the "Made in the 200th Year" logo. I already had a 44 mag with out the logo so I bought this one and it remains unfired.
A firearm I purchased in 2010 did not get fired until 2013. Not by choice, I sent it back to the factory to get a mistake fixed and spent awhile in limbo. Drove me up the wall waiting for it.
I have 3 rifles in the safe that I haven't fired yet. Two are new, and one is new to me after buying it early last year.

Just haven't found time to shoot them yet. I do have ammo ready to go for them.

I should have time coming up this week or next. 2 of the rifles have been in the safe over 1 year. The other is a 10/22 and it's been in there over 5 years since I have another one that I shoot.

It happens some times, with other things coming up and taking time. I recently retired so I should have more shooting time in the future.
A friend of mine is constantly buying guns and almost never shoots. I don't know how many NIB firearms he has in his vast collection, but it makes me sick. He's got a handful that he puts rounds through but it honestly probably isn't even close to 10% of his whole collection.
A shotgun I very lovingly restored in 2006 that is still waiting to be test fired...

I also have a few that should be checked by a competent gunsmith before shooting, so they are waiting for that.
Otherwise, I almost always shoot them within about a month of getting them.
If you don't shoot it within a month, chances are you didn't really need it or you collect guns. Also could be 'like one of mine", I was out of state fo 20 years and left it with my mom. Or you just bought it to have it.
True story.
My Buddy's uncle has a S&W 44mag, he bought new in something like 1957. It's been loaded, and in the top drawer of his desk ever since. My buddy keeps asking when he's going to go shoot it, and the reply is always, "when I get around to it"

what I wonder is, if it's ever been oiled since.
I bought a Davis derringer in 38 spl from a buddy in a bind, I've had it roughly 5-6 years and never shot it. Mainly because it appears to be such a POS I'm afraid of loseing my hand, it's likely I'll never shoot it.

Other than that my AR, I had for about 4 months before I shot it the first time then only 10 shots and haven't shot it since (about a year now). I just don't like it.
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