looking for basic (and beyond) handgun and rifle courses in SE TX

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Jan 19, 2003
Central NC
My wife and I have been saying for awhile now that both she and I would benefit from at least some level of firearms training.
Neither one of us needs an "intro" type class, we both know basic safety etc. having learned what we know through the typical path of family, friends/bystanders at the range, and (in my case) an occasional how-to book thrown in. But neither of us has had so much as an hour of true professional instruction as of yet and we both know that we would greatly benefit from doing so.

anyway I'm looking for any recomendations or leads on finding quality instruction in east to central portions of texas. there is a definite bias toward anything available around the houston area for purely scheduling/travel reasons but we are not averse to sites nearer to Austin or San Antonio if better courses/instructors (or availability) can be found by doing so.

as for types of course:
  • We're both looking for a "basic pistol" course. neither of us is to the level of proficency we'd like to be at. (just a note a basic course that focused on 1911 types would not be out of line for us as that is the gun we both use)
  • basic rifle course for both of us, have to say that an Appleseed weekend is on our agenda as soon as we can get it all lined up, Trish would like to get as close as she could to the old army AQT type training and qualification at some point (long story)
  • I'd like to take something like a basic precision rifle course or similar (and trish would take it if it was geared to allow scoped ARs as well). after what amounted to a near decade long lay-off from shooting accurate target/tactical bolt-action centerfire rifles I feel a need to kind of start from scratch regarding the skills used (I know i've forgotten ALOT)

and of course as stated in the thread title any of the above may be added to at a later date if we feel the need or desire down the road (such as with courses that would establish or hone skills needed in a given shooting sport etc) just want to get the basics covered first.

anyway, enough of my ramble. thank you for any info or assistance you can give. If any clarification or similar is needed let me know
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Combat Shooting and Tactics run by Paul Howe is about 3 hours north of you.

Excellent training, but more on the advanced side of the spectrum.
I live in Arizona and have trained many places. One of them even being Gunsite. In my book the best trainer in the business is Gabe Suarez. I know he has instructors in TX You can find who they are and when they are having classes at warriortalk.com Gabe no way is a PC kind of guy That is one thing I really like about him. He won't train you to shoot tight groups He will train you how to prevail in a gunfight. You won't be doing what most of the schools have you do That being shooting at a range learning modern technique. You will be learning how to draw while moving and how to make solid hits while moving. Drawing and shooting while on the move is way different then shooting at a square range seeing how tight of groups you can hold
Bill McFerren is in the Clear Lake area and does a nice job. He is a certified NRA basic pistol instructor, also has a standing offer to instruct defensive pistol at Frontsite academy in Nevada. If you like I have his phone number. PM me if you would like his information. He has expressed to me that he will come to students homes for the instruction if requested.
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just wanted to update this and say thanks for all the suggestions etc.

My wife and I will be taking the KR "Basic Pistol 2" course on the 13th. after a reveiw of what is covered in the two classes before this one on their "class guide", neither one of us needs anything preceeding the material in the basic 2 class.

I'l let ya know how it goes :)
Hey how far is that place from lake Jackson? I was just wondering cause I'd like to take this class too, I live in angleton

KR Training Lists an address in Bryan, but the actual range used for most of the training Is northwest of Giddings (address is in Lincoln but the nearest motel is Giddings). So let's call it "middle of BFE a little west of Hwy 77", Yahoo gives a drive time estimate from Door to farmgate (angleton/lake jackson to A-zone range) of about 2Hrs 45mins, and that sounds about right timewise, but the suggested route if you give it Angleton to the address of the range, is a little stupid as it takes you into houston and puts you through Houston traffic and you gain all of 10mins over driving Hwy36 to Brenham, 290 to Giddings, etc.

Next class date for Basic Pistol 2 hasn't been posted yet, the one on the 13th is sold out and will be the last one of 2012.

If i wind up liking this one, i'm going to try and take the 2-day IPSC "Competion Pistol" class in february.
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I wish we had something like that in brazoria county. Or even a decent LGS

I hear ya, but after reveiwing the other options etc that we could find, KR was actually the closest that met our needs. everything else I could find that was a shorter drive, was either way too basic, being of the "the bullets come out of this end, keep it pointed at the target.." variety, or a little to chest thumping "shoot like an Operator" in the way it was touted. Oh there was one other set, there's group based out of Beaumont, but they're affiliated with Gabe Suarez and your either a Suarez fan or your very much not and i'm firmly on the not side of things.

My only real suggestions for something closer in are to take a look at 360 Tactical which runs it's classes out of the impact zone and Memorial shooting center, or over at the training section on www.hoffners.com who use the same facilites time to time and maybe contact them.

We've got 3 decent rifle ranges within a 30-45 minute drive (greenwood, PSC, and Bayou) and from what i can tell only PSC has any kind of regualrly scheduled classes going (other than CHL quals), and i think all of their on-site training is members only.

based on the newest Newsletter Greenwood won't be doing any expansion or even support of classes/courses other than CHL anytime soon, on top of the whole SNAFU with the tax status that seems to have rightfully taken centerstage, there's been some... let's say lack of communication and appearent disagreements about letting anything or anyone "for profit" on the property.

Bayou i can't really speak to, esp. since it's really only their Rifle range that's down our way, and i no longer in contact with anyone who could enlighten me.

As for a LGS, that's a whole other can of worms. And a subject that that it is better that i leave for another time.
Suffice to say unless AJC decides to leave Clute and move the whole operation to the Katy shop (not likely) no one is going to have enough traction in the local market to be more than a boutique or niche market shop.
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Never have been a big fan of AJC since one of the employees told me you can put a 7.62 NATO upper on a 5.56 lower. Or that you only need to change the slide on a 1911 to go from 45acp to 9mm. I go to Houston to find better prices and more knowledgable staff. I don't know if you remember AAMI but I was friends with owners and the gunsmith there. I liked that place a lot but since the place closed down I haven't found a LGS I feel at home with.
For KRtraining, I always stayed in Bastrop - nice town and good restaurants. Depending on your driving direction, it might be a touch farther. I get there the night before, have dinner and relax.

KR is a no commando baloney outfit, very professional.
For KRtraining, I always stayed in Bastrop - nice town and good restaurants. Depending on your driving direction, it might be a touch farther. I get there the night before, have dinner and relax.

I'll keep it in mind for the next class we take. :)
We chose Giddings this time because it seemed to offer the simplest early morning drive to an unfamiliar place. and with a plan of starting out from lake jackson early afternoon on friday we'll have pleanty of time to take a leisurely drive up and still have time to relax and eat dinner when we arrive.

KR is a no commando baloney outfit, very professional.

that was one of if not the main reason for our choosing to go with them.

There were very few that i came across that were as highly recomended, and every single one of the others was stressing "Tactical" in the class summaries. :rolleyes:

Now the time may come when we want to attend such a class, and at that time we'll go with someone who "has the varifiable credentials to back their attitude" if you will.

But for now KR seems to fill any short term pistol class needs.
On sad thing, is that on the way to Karl's you can see the fire damage to what was some beautiful stands of trees. :(

Say Glenn says Hi to them.
Let us know how you like the training, I might take one of those classes.
Let us know how you like the training, I might take one of those classes.

Wife loved it, found it very helpful and informative.

I'll say that I am satisfied with the experience I had, would recommend this class (and KR training) to anyone who feels a need for or wants at least some organized professional training, and will likely be going back again for another class, possibly to include taking the CHL course from them. I learned a few things, did a couple of things I’d never done before.

That said, this particular course (Basic Pistol 2) was not a "smooth fit" for me personally, and other long time shooters may have the same experience I did. This is in no way a reflection on the instructors, the materials, or techniques used.
The reasons for the poor fit of this class to me personally, lie on my side of the table so to speak. And frankly I kind of expected a few of them.

I knew from my prior research that Basic Pistol 2 reads as a class mainly meant to do two things
  1. Bridge the training gap between KR's two preceding classes (Beginner pistol and Basic Pistol 1) and their intermediate level courses
  2. And possibly more importantly, give their students a better understanding of the fundamentals of Pistol marksmanship prior to taking a CHL course. In fact in a lot of ways BP2 is presented as a review of fundamentals and a basic skills tune up prior to CHL

My perception is that a great proportion of the teaching techniques used are geared toward bringing an inexperienced shooter (that likely has taken the previous two classes) a little further along in skill level while taking some of the "intimidation factor" out of the shooting portion of the Texas CHL course.
I am neither a new shooter, nor am I intimidated by the CHL shooting test. I mainly took this class because it was one that both my wife and myself could enjoy and get at least some new info or technique(s) out of. It most assuredly served that purpose. :D

Ok to make this shorter and easier to read I’ll list out where I had issue. Again I say this because it was my experience, and I caused these issues just as much as and probably more so than the instructors.
In no particular order
  • There was at least one point where there was a definite “vocabulary disconnect”. If you tell me that as part of my presentation of my gun to the target, I’m supposed to “get a sight picture” or “Fire as soon as you get a sight picture”, I (as a fairly active shooter who has been using, what at least one of the KR guys kind of dismissively called, “target shooting” techniques for the past 20 years) am going to freaking look at my sights. And “Get a Sight Picture” means I need/am going to SEE my sights. I was scolded during the 3 yard portion of the on-range part of the class for “looking at my sights”…. From what I was able to determine, what they wanted me to do was more akin to a form of instinctive or point shooting, and while their descriptive(s) may have been just fine for newer shooters, It failed me in this instance because they used a term that to me has always meant “Do this action”, and they did not share my definition of the term.
  • Student load and class structure worked well overall since they were effectively teaching 12-14 low experiences shooters, and 2-4 “experienced” shooters the same materials in 4 hours. But since most of the instructors’ time on the firing line had to be focused on those with less overall experience, I was left with some unanswered questions on how to fit the new info/techniques not only into my existing technique(s), but how to adapt either myself or the material/technique to my needs/physicality. The shooting grip taught doesn’t translate well for me yet (I wind up with too little of my support hand on the gun, or a finger or thumb in the way of my dominant hand) and I believe that I need more in depth assistance with it or I’m likely to revert to my previous method out of frustration. I’ll be sending an e-mail to Karl seeking advice on this soon.
  • Tied in to the above. I felt that for me personally, since I was mostly doing things right and wasn't having major difficulty grasping the basics, what few on-range interactions with instructors, and actual instruction on technique I received tended to be more of the "Your doing this wrong" sort and not much "this is how you fix it". I asume this was due to assumption on the instructors' part, that being more expereinced that if they told me what was wrong that I would already know how to fix it..

All of that said my conclusions are that I enjoyed the class and feel that it has highlighted a need for me to get further, possibly more personalized training, to help me achieve my personal goals RE: firearms proficiency.

I would suggest that experienced shooters thinking about taking a course from them use KR's contact form on their website, so as to maybe be able to find the course that best fits your needs and current experience level.
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