Looking for feedback.

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12 Volt Man

Dec 30, 2002
Thinking seriously about taking our 1911 grips and CZ guide rods to a more serious level. More like a real second job. I have recieved quite a few emails and have made a few sets for people since we posted pictures of the first set we made a couple months ago. My cousin makes some pretty nice websites and he has agreed to help us make a nice one. We have been buying a few more tools and getting the shop (my garage) set up better. Also thinking about offering grip scales of nice wood that are ready to go for those who just want the wood to make their own grips. Could possibly get in to some other things.
Thinking about the name of AJ Custom or AJ Custom Shop. My last name is Ashby and my BIL's last name is Jackson so that is where the "AJ" comes from. This beats out his suggestion of Jack Ash Custom LOL. Any other suggestions for names from you guys would be wonderful.
I wanted to see what some of you forum members think of our plans. I also wanted to feedback on your thoughts about our grips. Should we take it to the next level? If you had the extra money and a 1911 would you buy grips like these? Here are a few pics of some grips and the shop. Thanks!

Let me just say that Jack Ash Custom is a GREAT name. And yes I would buy a set. Just one question though. Are you gonna be able to checker grips?
Let me just say that Jack Ash Custom is a GREAT name.

I'll second that.

I'm sure pricing will be a factor, and my hunch is that you'll need to offer checkering, but heaven knows there's a market for custom accessories for firearms.

It's a memorable, catchy company name.
Jack Ash Custom DOES sound good....

And Preacherman is right, get better models! :rolleyes:

But seriously, very nice work, keep it up. I really like having the option of buying NICE wood grips, not cheap ones made out of just any old hardwood.
Ok, sounds like JackAsh Custom might be the way to go.

Checkering is something that will no doubt be something to add to the line up down the road. I did some checking in to tools etc. Those are pretty expensive! IMHO the checkering takes away from the beauty of the wood. I know that it does add quite a bit to the feel of the grips, so it is a tradeoff.

As far as the models go. Would swimwear help? :D
Those grips are awesome looking!! I would definetly buy a pair. I am also looking for grips for a Ruger MK II.

Sorry to break it to you but swimwear would not help. Check out www.powercustom.com to check our a custom shop with a model spokesperson. Good Luck
The Grips look very nice indeed. The cowboy action market is booming right now, I'd advise working up some SAA and Ruger grips. Checkering would be important for a full line company, so the tools would come in handy (IMO).

No Swimsuits on those models.

JackAsh is a great name. Forget which one (Galco I think) but a well known holster company used to go by JackAss Leather.
As far as the models go. Would swimwear help?

Uh, no...

And thank you for that mental picture!!! :fire:


If you are serious, have a serious name. Cute gets old.

Offer checkering - why limit your market? There's a REASON you see most grips checkered. Yes, some love the look of pure, clean wood. (I'm in that bunch.)

Most like a good gripping surface. (I'm in THAT bunch, too!)
Another vote for Jack Ash; it sounds cool, and also there was a guy by the name of Chief AJ who had a fairly-well-known business customizing mini-14's and 10/22's a while back. Don't know if he's in business anymore.

BTW, Galco was the one who originally went by the name "The Jackass Leather Company".

As far as swimsuit models go...................:D :evil: .

Those are some nice grips. What kind of price ranges are you looking at offing them for? JackAsh is a funny catchy name, but a serious business person should have a serious business name.
Holy Simoleans, those are gorgeous! What are they, and how much, if you don't mind me asking. I second the motion of cowboy grips as well...shouldn't be too hard, and they don't need checkered at all.
I love the grips, especially the cocobolo. Gorgeous.

I'd like to have some of those for my BHP, but I'd imagine that they're a lot harder to make.

I like both names, but I think JackAsh fits your personalities and senses of humor better. :D

Some suggestions:

1. Offer grips with pin-cover, square (not beveled) bottoms. Most of my 1911's have Ed Brown magwells...grips that fit flush to the magwell are hard to come by. And if the curved grip profile blends into the curve of the magwell, even better (some grips that fit flush, are not the same thickness/curvature as the magewell). You could advertise grips compatible with various magwells.

2. Get hooked up with a laser engraving outfit. Smooth hardwood with understated engraving is a good combo, would differentiate you from the competition. Could come up with stock designs, or offer custom engraving (monograms or such) as an option.

3. Finish the sheetrock in your workshop.

(Edit: I looked at your grips photos, looks like you have the square-bottom design dovered...nice.)
Those are very nice looking grips. If I had a 1911 it should have something like that.

As to the name, Jack Ash Custom is just perfect! Good luck with your business.
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