Lopez, Affleck Seek Gun Permit in Ga.

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Something tells me that it ain't about skeet...

Who here is from Georgia? What sorta permits are required? I mean, hey, can't you just buy a long gun without a lot of hassles, right? And if he isn't a resident of the state, he can't buy a handgun, right? Maybe he _is_ a resident... Or more interesting, maybe he was applying for a nonresident CCW, and his publicity weenie tried to cough up a politically correct explanation...
i just applied for my GA CCW in a diff. county that Ben and J Ho, but as far as i know, you do not need anyone's permission to buy a handgun or rifle and there are no out of state CCW permits
hunting permits, yeah im sure you need em, but skeet is a joke....you dont need a durn licsence to go down to the range and yell pull
and i think that GA has a preemption law, meaning that a county could not add more things (ie: permits to buy a gun or go skeet shooting)
they are going for CCW permits for sure
id like to see their GA driver's liscence to see of they are actually residents should they get them!
Am I the only one who just doesn't care about the daily lives of these two monumental idiots? Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez....:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

Yo, Ben, I've got two words for ya bud..."P" "Diddy," think about it.
Or more interesting, maybe he was applying for a nonresident CCW, and his publicity weenie tried to cough up a politically correct explanation...

I vote for this one, except apparently he is a resident, I heard someone else say he had bought a mansion there.

Course, responding to this thread makes me a hypocrite, as I often use the public fascination with J-Lo/Ben as opposed to the War On Terror as proof that we have officially returned to Sept. 10, 2001 status!:rolleyes:
What's wrong with Ben Affleck applying for a Firearm's License (GA's version of the CCW)? It makes firearms ownership easier in GA, as it allows you carry (openly and concealed), and prevents govt. types from harrassing you about carrying a gun off of private property. It also makes buying firearms easier, as you don't have to do the background check. What's not to like? As Ben Affleck has a house in GA, he may now be a GA resident, and may want to exercise his RKBA.
Baba Louie

Hey ask the chelation therapy enthusiasts for some clay-eating recipes.

Less interest in a topic (Ben & J-Lo) I could not possibly have, 'cept for the British Royal family. :barf:
Something tells me that it ain't about skeet...

Who here is from Georgia? What sorta permits are required? I mean, hey, can't you just buy a long gun without a lot of hassles, right? And if he isn't a resident of the state, he can't buy a handgun, right? Maybe he _is_ a resident... Or more interesting, maybe he was applying for a nonresident CCW, and his publicity weenie tried to cough up a politically correct explanation...

In Georgia, you don't need a permit to buy anything short of Class III, as long as you're a Georgia citizen. But don't forget that Ben Afflick[ted] is a leftist weenie who doesn't think that you should be "allowed" by the gummit to buy such horrid weapons of war and mass destruction (i.e., 20-gauge) without an anal probe.

If you're not a citizen of Georgia, then I don't think all the paperwork in the world will let you buy a gun of any kind here. You'd have to buy it in your state of citizenship and then bring it here.

Permits are only needed for Class III and CCW.
Once again, celebrities who think they're better the "masses". This is the new class of effete "aristocracy" trying to rise above our democratic society besides the super rich and politicos. They get guns/CCW's and are advocates of laws to take away guns from the general public.

If you are an enemy of the 2nd Amendment than you give your rights under the 2nd Amendment (unless you sincerely renounce those beliefs). Just like renouncing your American citizenship. They should know what its actually like to have that right taken away. If only it were that simple.

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
I can just see it now- Afleck shooting himself in the high while holstering his brand new Glock with his finger on the trigger. Next will be him on every TV station in Georgia saying "see I knew these things were evil and have no use in society, mine even shot me"
The only reason I like Ben Affleck is because it is rumored that he was doing Britney Spears :) on the side while seeing J-Ho, way before this whole marriage thingy. He can pack heat in Georgia if he wants to, as far as I am concerned.

How can you not like Britney? :).

Just my .02,
You only have to be a GA resident to buy handguns, not long guns. You don't need a permit of any kind to shoot skeet, etc., but you do need a hunting license, but you wouldn't get that at the Probate Judge's office.

What's not to like about Britney? Anybody who doesn't like gum-smacking, airheaded white trash rednecks, that's who wouldn't like Britney!
Not that I read the tabloids... or rather, not that I BUY them, I did read on DrudgeReport that Affleck had a celebrity reporter trespass recently. The horror!

SEPTEMBER 17--A People magazine correspondent was arrested Sunday and charged with criminal trespass after sheriff's deputies found his car stuck in the mud on a private road near actor Ben Affleck's 83-acre Georgia estate. The reporter, Don Sider, was booked briefly into the Liberty County jail and hit with a misdemeanor count. While Affleck and Jennifer Lopez revealed last Wednesday that their Santa Barbara wedding was off, journalists have continued to prowl about the couple's various residences--including the Georgia compound, located about 35 miles south of Savannah--in case the nuptials were rescheduled or the pair's cancellation announcement was a ruse. According to the below incident report, Sider, 70, told a sheriff's deputy that he was a People reporter and acknowledged seeing the "no trespassing signs and locked gates" at Hampton Island, the private, 2300-acre property on which Affleck's spread is located (the Liberty County Sheriff's Department was alerted to the veteran journalist's presence by a Hampton Island caretaker). Sider entered the site via one of the property's two private gates, which had been opened by a worker putting gravel on the driveway. Sider, who has worked since 1989 as a part-time correspondent out of People's Miami bureau, declined to talk about the September 14 incident: "As the lawyers say, I cannot comment on an ongoing investigation." (2 pages)


An encounter of that type would be sure to make a celebrity wonder who ELSE wanted to plan a meeting... good on him for getting a CCW permit. I hope he joins our cause here in CA so that "everyman" can get a Concealed Carry Gun Permit.

One of the local vidiots referred to it as a "shotgun permit", implying that you needed one to buy a shotgun in GA. I couldn't imaging such a thing in GA, so I figure either the guy is a complete moron or it's all part of the lefty media's ongoing efforts to lull the sheople into thinking there's more 'gun control' than there really is, or just conditioning them into getting comfy with the idea.:barf: :fire: :barf:
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