Lottery Winnings... What would you do?

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I don't have any interest in improving my fellow man through political action.
They can go to hell in whatever manner they chose.

I also wouldn't travel around the world. Most foreign countries I have no interest in at all: They are covered with smelly foreigners that don't speak English... although if the Dhimmy RINOs have their way, that will be true here too in a couple years.

I'd pass most of the money away to my family - my parents - my uncle - my bro - my sister - my daughter.

I would throw away my clothes and get suits at mens wearhouse. I'd never wear work clothes again.
I would still wear boots. I'd get a new pair of matterhorns. The pair I have now is scuffed to heck but still is a great boot. If you didn't work in one I bet it would look new forever.
I'd get a fresh motorcycle. I have a BMW K1200RS with 40K miles on it. It's a super looking bike and can pile on the miles, but both Yamaha with the FJR1300 and Kawasaki with the ZZR1200 have supersport motorcycles that have bigger fuel tanks and more power... Actually the BMW motorcycle fits my personality because I'm dorky and would also like a sidecar to bring along my dog on rides. She's an old bull terrier mix. A great dog.

I would take up karate again. It's great fun and keeps you limber.
I would take up skiiing again. When I was a younger, I was pretty good.

We have some great brewpubs here in Oregon. I'd would eat burgers and drink great beer at mcmenimans. I'd tip really really well for great service - and I'd actually use a taxi to get home vs driving drunk.
Hate to say it, but would prly move to monaco , or buy an Island under the flag of a coutry like Monaco. Why? they have no income tax, no property tax, no death tax, and some very lax other type tax laws. having my own island , would allow me even more freedom.
Moving to save on taxes? Won't work. As a US citizen you are taxed on world wide income, regardless of where you live. Give up your US citizenship? You are still subject to US tax for 10 years, and forever on US source income.
Get the money and store in Luxembourg or Switzerland. Then die. Really easy to do. Go somewhere and dive without a mask. You go down one time and don't come up - apparently. Everybody thinks you're dead. No body, no trace you exist. Might be good to die in one of the Caribbean places.
Somebody gets life insurance, you fly to Monaco.

That's one way... probably illegal, though.
I would hire an attorney and collect the winnings anonymously.

Pay off bills.

Finish fixing up my R.V.

Set up winnings in conservative investments that will last me for life.

Quit my job.

Time for some MOPAR muscle. Oh yeah, 1969 Dodge Super Bee, 440 Six-Pack, 1971 Dodge Demon, 1968 Plymouth Road Runner, 1971 Hemi Cuda. And FUll auto goodies too. ^__^
Buy a ranch , fill it with game , hire me as a ranch hand and get me a 460 for intruders. jk:evil:
Buy about 365 acres of property adjacent to a national forest near a river or creek with a pond.

Set aside a 25 meter flat range for training.

Buy some cows, a horse, some chickens. Plant a garden.

Spend my time taking care of the critters, tending the garden, fishing, hunting, and sitting on the porch with the dogs...

Paradise I say.
Hmmm. I really don't know what I would do with a 153 million.

I know a family that got hit with a huge medical bill when their daughter succumbed to a terminal disorder. I'd probably start by anonymously paying that off. Then get a moderately new 4WD to replace my 91' Pathfinder. Help my siblings out with college, parents with retirement, and buy a few guns I really want. But that still leaves a whole lot of money left.

I'm not the kind of person who can just stop working and live in luxury. I would go nuts without something productive to do, and I don't like the sensation that I haven't earned what I own. Winning the lottery probably wouldn't affect my day-to-day life that much at all.

I really don't know what I would do. And since I don't buy any tickets, I'm not going to invest a lot of thought into it. :D :neener:
$163 million is stupid money (i.e. it makes you stupid). I know for a fact that I can live quite happily with the investment income from $2 million. Just living off that money at the rate of $50,000 per year would cover me for 40 years.

With the other $161 million I'd buy decent body armor and 45s for any american soldier going over to the sandbox (that needs it) plus enough ammo to learn how to use it.

Plus, material wealth is all fun and good, but when the SHTF, having 150,000+ friends with combat training and experience is PRICELESS. :evil:
Things I would do:
1) Get a great financial planner and tax attorney.
2) Update my will
3) Pay off my debts
4) Buy a piece of land big enough to hunt on and have a Hogan's alley style range on it too
5) Build a SHTF ready house on said land
6) Spoil my family
7) Spoil my true friends
8) Start a not for profit foundation to provide financial aid to people wrongly targeted by the government for Firearms related offenses.
9) First donation goes to the legal expenses of my favorite gun dealer who is still 150K in the whole because of being persecuted by the City of Chicago eight years ago.
10) Second donation goes to SAK, and likely the third and fourth at the rate he is going.
11) Fill gun vault with enough EBR's and 50cal's, standard capacity magazines, and Black Hills ammo to equip a small army.
12) Buy 52 stripped lower recievers and build an AR a week for a whole year.
13) Become a contributing member of every gun board I am on.
14) Travel the world to develop a true appreciation of how good we have it in America.
It would go something like this...

1.) Walk into gunstore

2.) Look at wall of guns

3.) say "I'll take em"

4.) Repeat at different location...
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What would you do?

1) Two chicks

2) Buy a remote cabin in the woods of Montana to begin work on my "manifesto."


Seriously, besides the financial arrangements, housing, and toy purchases, I would sponsor one or more "Buy a gun, get a free case of ammo" days at area gunshops, the objective being to encourage others to get into shooting with the means to practice, or to give experienced shooters a reason to get out to the range to improve their skills.
I've thought about this too

AGet on my knees and ask Jesus for guidance and thank him for my blessings

BA ranch in a very secluded 4wd accessible only desert
Give away 500 cheap .22 to poor single moms in a few very liberal
anti gun cities (500 hundred to each city) to anger the libs.

CBuy a town somewhere and make myself Chief of police, hire my thr friends as police officers so we can carry everywhere.

Make my movie exposing mikey moore for the fraud he is.

make my shtf off grid fort in the middle of my ranch...
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Id probably end up giving most of it away, Id keep enough to pay off my debts.Homeless shelters,hospital research on disease cures, public places where youth can learn to shoot and hunt,that sorta thing.Id get more outta it by enjoying the help it would do for others that need it worse than I.
Build an estate next to an all-girl's Catholic high school in central america somewhere. :evil: Big pool, tennis courts, sail boat. I'd also make sure to set up a scholarship program at the school, so the nuns wouldn't kill me. :D
I'd quit work, retire actually as I am eligible to do so. Then I'd set up some nice bank accounts assuring my children some decent living. I would also buy at least 2 large tracts of land, at least 500 to 1,000 acres each. Then I would take the wife on a very nice vacation. When I got back, I would go for a walk. Probably cross country, me a small back pack, a dog, and an ATM card. It could prove to be fun at my age.
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