Lt. Col. West Fined/No Court Martial

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Sep 9, 2003
Cedar City, Utah

Lt. Col. West fined $5,000
Avoids court martial for using shock tactics to save lives
Posted: December 12, 2003
3:43 p.m. Eastern

By Art Moore
© 2003

An officer in Iraq who used shock interrogation tactics to thwart an impending attack on American soldiers was punished with forfeiture of two month's pay, according to his lawyer.

Previously faced with the possibility of a court martial, Lt. Col. Allen B. West accepted Article 15 non-judicial punishment from the commanding general of the 4th Infantry Division at a hearing today in Tikrit, Iraq, said Neal A. Puckett, a retired Marine officer.

Puckett said the loss of pay amounts to $5,000.

"I'm pleased that it's over with," West told WorldNetDaily by telephone from San Antonio, Texas. "But I thought that taking $5,000 away from a guy who is about to retire was a little bit unnecessary.

"I didn't think that needed to be part of a sentence in order to send whatever message the commanding general thought he needed to send," he continued.

"Simply a letter of reprimand should have done it," Puckett insisted.

West will return to Ft. Hood, Texas, as soon as transportation can be arranged and will be assigned to the Rear Detachment of the 4th Infantry Division as he awaits the processing of his retirement request.

The punishment does not affect his eligibility for retirement and pension, Puckett said.

West's commanding officer, Maj. Gen. Raymond Odierno, had authority to accept or reject the recommendation of administrative punishment from the officer who presided over West's preliminary hearing in Tikrit last month, Lt. Col. Jimmy Davis.

At his preliminary hearing, West acknowledged he allowed two soldiers to beat an Iraqi policeman who refused to reveal details of an ambush plot and fired his pistol near the man's head, threatening to kill him.

As WorldNetDaily reported, under threat of an attack, West took charge of the interrogation of an Iraqi policeman, Yahya Jhodri Hamoody, determined to flush out details as he warned subordinates "it could get ugly." Threatening to kill the Iraqi if he didn't talk, West fired a pistol near the policeman's head.

The scared policeman then immediately disclosed the information, leading to the arrest of two Iraqis last August and cessation of attacks on West's 4th Infantry Division battalion.

At the hearing last month, West was asked by his defense attorney if he would do it again.

"If it's about the lives of my men and their safety, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can," he said.

"But that's what's going on out there in the streets here, and that's how I feel about my boys," he told the hearing, held in one of Saddam Hussein's lavish palaces. "There is not a person in this room I would not sacrifice my life for."

But Army prosecutors believe his actions in the town of Saba al Boor, near Tikrit, violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice. He was charged with aggravated assault and faced a wide range of possible outcomes from no disciplinary action to a sentence of up to eight years in prison.

The prosecutors gave West a choice – face charges or resign within days of his 20 years of service, losing retirement benefits. West chose to face the charges and place his fate in the hands of Maj. Gen. Odierno.

Puckett said West can be contacted by e-mail and his wife has her own e-mail address.

Angela West has set up a legal fund for her husband with the following address: Allen West Defense Fund c/o Angela West, 6823 Coleman Drive, Ft. Hood, TX 76544.


A Lt. Col. only makes $2,500/month?

A gun is a tool. Sometimes and effective tool.
I think he is only going to get a kick in the balls. No medals for looking out for the troops. It is not PC to "threaten" the opposing force (read enemy) once captured with a gun. However, I hope it is still OK with the PC crowd if we can use a gun on non-captured enemies:rolleyes:

He is retiring, and probably not "voluntarily." He looks fairly young. :cuss:

He should get a medal as far as I am concerned.
pathetic. I'm growing more and more ashamed of my country.

I'd go through hell with a gasoline can,"

Love that attitude. This man deserves more than getting shat upon by the government he worked so hard for.
A chance to put our bucks where our buck teeth are!

Let us of THR infamy take up a collection and make sure that L/C West suffers no cash out of pocket--in fact may even profit---from this event.

Is there a mechanism related to THR that can act as a bank and get the funds to L/C West?? I believe the fine totals $5000. I'll kick in $100 although it would be better if 10,000 people kicked in 50 cents each. The numbers of donors is more important than the money.

I imagine that the "fine" poses no hardship on the guy and he would probably donate the money to charity or refuse to accept it. All well and good. The gesture is the important thing. Let these anal orifices know where they stand with their PC warfare idiocy.

West's commanding officer, Maj. Gen. Raymond Odierno,
Is this the guy who fined West? Sounds like one of Hackworth's "Perfumed Princes." Does this general have any real combat experience, or is he just another REMF?

Hmmm . . . $5k for two months isn't much . . . I would've thought LtCs got more. I wonder if the troops over there will take up a collection for him?

I hope he writes a book . . . I'll buy a copy.

I agree with you guys except for one snafu.
I talked to a friend of mine (an E7 in the infantry)
over in Iraq and he said that enlisted men are catching
heck (not his exact words) for much less and a double
standard for officers is a bunch of poop(not his exact words)

one thing to note; my friend leans liberal even though
he votes Republican and is in the infantry

Personally though I say the Col is welcome for dinner at my house anytime!
Scum-sucking REMF CO's like Odierno who don't back their men deserve nothing but contempt.

Col. West is a truer hero than Pvt. Lynch or anyone else so far. I wish him well & offer what help I can.

And, since the Bush administration hasn't said anything in support of this man, I'm holding this against Bush too...


This certainly sends a message to all other combat officers. Sounds like there are pay snafu's in Iraq. O-5 making 2500/month. A 1LT makes more than that.
ravinraven and seeker_two

Let us of THR infamy take up a collection and make sure that L/C West suffers no cash out of pocket--in fact may even profit---from this event.

I'm still waiting for an address to send money to Pfc. Patrick Miller from this thread on THR.

If we are as diligent at sending West money as we have Miller, he will never see a dime. Miller is far more deserving than West by pay scale alone. Miller saved lives by putting bullets into Iraqis not just whizzing a few past them.

Col. West is a truer hero than Pvt. Lynch or anyone else so far.
You have obviously forgotten about Pfc. Miller.
Hmmm . . . $5k for two months isn't much . . . I would've thought LtCs got more. I wonder if the troops over there will take up a collection for him?

The above figures are not correct. That is less than the pay for a new Lt. (01) with over 4 years.
A LtCol, over 20 years BASIC pay is $6239.10 with BAH (bacic allowence for housing) $1090.20.
This information is located at

He should get a medal and a bonus instead of being fined.

L/C West, I believe was "fined" half of his base pay for two months. $2500/month was mentioned somewhere. His base pay does not include combat pay or the fact that he pays no income tax while in a combat zone. That tells me that the army is a bit embarrassed by this treatment of the man and aren't hurting him much financially, but they've "got to send a message." [How about those body bags that went unused because of his actions. Wouldn't that be "message" enuf?]. It's the principle, or lack thereof, of the thing that's maddening.

We can send money to Col. West's wife with a note telling about THR and maybe keep a tally here.

Now for a question I am embarrassed to ask: What is the story re: Pvt. Miller. Either I missed it, or, guess what.

And another ???: What does REMF mean?? I can guess at the MF part.

And another ???: What does REMF mean?? I can guess at the MF part.

Rear Echelon MF - someone who never gets up to the front lines/where the action is.

Greg (ex-REMF, in the rear w/ the gear :D )

What is the story re: Pvt. Miller. Either I missed it, or, guess what.
Read the THR thread at: for the answer.

It is through the efforts of Pfc. Miller that Jessica Lynch is alive to be paraded through town, interviewed by the media, have a movie deal, and to write a book that will glean her millions of dollars. She has stated publically that he is her hero.

In the meantime, Miller's family drives a broken down Chevy Corsica.
What about this part?
At his preliminary hearing, West acknowledged he allowed two soldiers to beat an Iraqi policeman who refused to reveal details of an ambush plot and fired his pistol near the man's head, threatening to kill him.
Would that be considered torture or would we go with the Israeli-style euphemism "moderate physical pressure"?

I am not concerned with Iraqi "well-being." The life of an American soldier means more to me. Nonetheless, I do not like the idea of our soldiers sliding into brutalities, starting with the fine edge of what is unacceptable.

We need to have a very clear sense of what is, and what is not, acceptable. And once we have that, those who cross it - no matter how little the transgression seems - must be censured (appropriately, of course)... only if to preserve our sense of discipline and justice. Allowing the violation of the "edges" of that clear line evetually results in the disappareance line. That's not "political correctness."
Brring, Brring.

Hello--Rummy here!

Hey Rummy! Duyba on this end. What's the happs, ma man?

Mr. Dubya I'm takin' some serious heat over one of my ossifers. He was guy who got sick and tire of seeing his men die and got disgusted with 5 interrogators who couldn't get an Iraqi to fess up to plotting to kill him or his men. So he takes the direct approach and the goober soiled his BVD's. Saved himself and his men. Also this ossifer squealed on himself. Some auditors found the report and forwarded it to some hotdogging JA.

Rummy, does this thing pass the common sense test? By that I mean will someone of average intelligence and average common sense laugh at the charges?

Mr. Dubya, this whole thing stinks. No way we can go to trial. A good defense attorney can expose a lot of interrogation techniques I'd just as soon stay in the black. . . .know whatta mean?

Look Rummy, you are th head whup in that funny shaped building. You can make problems disappear. I strongly suggest you make this one disappear. Don't make the ossifer a hero. Just let him go away quietly.

Thanks Mr. Dubya! WILCO.
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