Mainstream burnout

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Paco pretty much nailed it - for all of you on a first name basis with Limbaugh...he's selling Snake Oil and you're buying it. That bald-headed pot-bellied oxy-eatin' bloviating hypocritical SOB doesn't care about the Red White and Blue...only the Green.
So bag the "drive-by" referances and think for yourselves.
"Drive-By Media"...Good God...

"IMHO half the population not voting has led to the current situaion."

Mark Twain said words to the effect, "half the people in this country don't vote, and half don't read the newspapers. I just hope they're not the same half."
"IMHO half the population not voting has led to the current situaion."

I would have to disagree. I believe that the problem stems from people voting that are totally utterly uneducated on the issues and candidates.
"I would have to disagree. I believe that the problem stems from people voting that are totally utterly uneducated on the issues and candidates."

And exactly where are they going to receive their education on the issues?

During last year's race for governor here in WI, a media study group measured the time that each TV station news broadcast devoted to all elections, not just the governor's race.

Out of 180 TV stations studied, the average time devoted to election coverage was 39 seconds. Bear in mind that this was the average amount of time devoted. So, there were stations that devoted less time, and stations devoted more time. But 39 seconds to explain the issues?

And the print media is of no help. The bias is so thick that only the truly dim-witted can't spot it. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has been shilling for Governor Doyle for years. Given his reputation for corruption, I wonder how much the editorial board members have been paid.

But, do you really want people who are so disinterested about the issues voting?

Both parties vie for that great mushy middle called "the independents."

They may be "independent" in August or maybe even September. By the end of October, if they haven't made up their minds on the issues, they're not independent, they're idiots.
Limbaugh, the Republicans and the Democrats all work for the same people: the filthy rich with influence and money.

"When in the course of human events..."
Let's see. The Rich are bad, Politicians are bad, limbaugh is bad.

The Democrats and Republicans work for the rich?

Who is your employer? The poor? Work for yourself? Who are your customers? Folks who can't afford your service or product?

Limbaugh is paid for the number of listeners to his program. Just like any other entertainer in Sports, Movies, News or Music.

The only exceptions are NPR and PBS. Paid by you and me to spread generally liberal ideology, between British drawing room comedies/drama's.

Want better government, become part of the government. Begin by running for local dog catcher or mayor or such. That's how it begins.

Just understand, that if folks don't vote for you, it may not be a problem with them. You have to offer something the voters want.

In a democratic republic the government is exactly what the voters want. If not, in this country we can have a revolution every two years.

I know it's always someone else's fault or weakness. Nope.

And stop sounding like victims. Do something about what you don't like. Spend as much time working for the candidates you want, as you spend on watching football or shooting.

As to folks who don't vote, well they simply don't count.

Go figure.

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