Maintaining C&R Records After License Expires

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May 4, 2009
I did something really stupid. I didn't notice my C&R was ready to expire until the day before it was due to expire. I called the BATF and was told "sorry" nothing they could do about it that I would have to reapply. They said I was sent a notice that my license was about to expire but I never received it. Well it has been about a year now and I haven't reapplied. How long am I required keep my old C&R log book? From everything I could find in the regulations I can't find anything that requires me to retain my logbook once my license expired but until I know for sure I'm hanging on to it. Does anyone know if there is a requirement to keep my logbook for any length of time? Also, should I decide to get a new license would I need to transfer data from my old logbook to the new one or should I just continue using the old one again? Thanks for any help on this.
A C&R collector is not required to maintain his log book or any records after his license expires. You are also NOT required to send them into the ATF like a dealer has to do.

One thing to remember though is that if you wind up getting a C&R again later is that you will need to "log out" any C&R firearms you dispose of (sell,etc) even if you acquired them before you had your C&R. You don't have to "log them in" unless you get rid of them and then you need to "log them in/log them out".

You can put "acquired before C&R licensure" or something similiar in the acquisition column if you don't have the specific details of how you acquired a C&R firearm that you are now logging out.
You no longer need to maintain the log book on the expired license. I was a bit slow right before the last Presidential election and didn't get my license renewed in time. So now I have a new license with different numbers and a new log book if I buy something.

I think it worked out just fine.

Thanks for this information. So it would be advisable for me to get rid of all my "cracked stocks" guns that have rusted barrels before I get my license is renewed? The only way I can see getting rid of some of these is to cut them into little pieces or turn them in at the next police "buy back". I did get some extra parts from some of these guns but most were too far gone to salvage the barrels. Thanks again!
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