Makarov Grip Screw

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Nov 24, 2007
Edgewater, Florida
I noticed today that the screws holding the grips on both my Maks are loose, but if I tighten them more they interfere w/ the magazine ... should I just leave the screw loose or should I attempt to tighten them in some way ... If tightening them is a good idea, what would y'all suggest ?
Thanks ...


Sounds like you need to thread a nut or 2 on the screw and file a couple threads off the overall length. Having the mag hang up is much worst than a little movement of the grip, if it moves at all.
I have't played w my Mak in a while. But as I recall, you can over tighten the screw and have the effect you are describing. I'm sure others will chime in soon.
Aftermarket grips are especially bad for causing this. If it's an aftermarket (such as Pearce), leave the screw loose. Since the grip is rubber, it will never really get "tight"--it just compresses the grip. I had a Pearce grip on mine for some time, and while the screw was "loose," it never came out. The rubber grip provides constant pressure on it to keep it from backing out.

The "target style" grip with the thumbrest that shipped on many of the Makarovs to comply with import restrictions can cause this as well due to it being out of spec and cheaply made. If this is the case, replace it with an original grip. You'll probably like the original grip better as well.

If it is, in fact, an original Bakelite grip, you might find a washer to put under the screw head to use as a spacer. Your local Ace hardware probably sells thin brass washers.
I went to Home Depot and bought a box of #6 rubber O-rings and put one on the screw of my Pearce Grips. Worked like a charm for about $1.79.
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