Making a Glock 23's handle a little larger (for the Glock guys out there)

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Ranger Roberts

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Jan 3, 2012
Before anyone jumps all over me for having the Glock 23, let me explain. This is not my duty weapon (I am a LEO). I do a fair amount of "plain clothes" warrant work. The Glock 23 is what we all carry while doing this and I'm not about to rock the boat. The issue I'm having with the 23 is that I'm a big guy. I'm 6'2 and 210 pounds and I've got hot dogs for fingers. I spent a good portion of my life jumping out of airplanes for the Army, and the other portion working construction for my Dad's company. I'm not getting any smaller and the 23's grip ain't getting any bigger. I've seen those after market grips that go on the end of your mag, but are they any good? What options do I have if I want a larger mag (with grip) but not carry a full size? Any ideas?

P.S. I hit the target great with the gun, this is a comfort thing
Is it the length of the grip or the circumference that is causing the poor grip problem?

There are many glock magazine exensions that may help you out if you need extra length to your grip. LINK HERE.
if it is the fingers feeling crowded on a Gen3 or Gen4 those can be removed (several venues will do this) but they make the grip feel even smaller...if it is thicker...perhaps try one of the rubber/composite slip on grip sleeves...this will definitely make it feel thicker...

Good luck and stay safe brother...

What I did to my M&P to try to enlarge the frame was wrap it first with several layers of flexible cloth athletic tape, then cover that with electrical tape, then put grip tape on top of that. I have to change exterior grip tape somewhat often, and replace some of the electrical tape every few months, but it still stays in place better than the grip sleeves in my experience.

If your pinky is hanging off the end, one of the pinky extensions on the market should be the best option.

Very few people have bigger hands than me, and the 19/23 frame is the smallest frame I can shoot with total comfort (but it IS comfortable for me)... maybe a better description on exactly where you would like it bigger would make the answers more refined.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. It really seems to be the length of the grip that I am having a problem with. I guess I'll give one of those aftermarket accessories a try. I've always been a bit leery of messing around with aftermarket stuff on my grips because of fear that it will become loose at the worst possible time!
I know you don't want to "rock the boat," but if there are no restrictions to stop you from getting something larger, why not trade it for a Glock 22? You'll get your larger grip and you'll only have .5" of extra barrel length to conceal. If you're a big guy, I don't see how this would be a problem for you.

Just out of curiosity, what do you carry on duty?
Glock 23

I carry a Glock 23, I stoke it with Glock 22 magazines with a plastic "collar" to fill the "gap" as the mag is a smidgen longer. Both mag and collar are readily available at most any gun show. The pistol has been utterly reliable through thousands of rounds with the Model 22 magazines. This combo makes a 16 round .40 caliber in the same package size as the compact Model 19 9mm. I know of nothing better or I'd carry it. It's almost like carrying two 1911's. I also carry an extra mag on my belt (off side) in a Horizontal Kydex holder. I absolutely love the Horizontal Mag holder. I plan on having the maker build some for my 1911 mags. Both pistol and mags are quite concealable. Just my opinion based on experience.
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