Man Jailed for accidentally leaving Assault teddy bear in Bathroom UK

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A popcorn, beer, and egg fart in a crowded elevator could be considered a public nuisance that offends the sensibilities, as well as the olfactories, of the common civilized person; not to mention burning out all of their nose hairs.

Yeah, but add to that formula a cigarette lighter or match, and then it's a federal offense. Something about "manufacturing an explosive device" or something like that...:D
More and more this has crept into the justice system wherein the accused need only have means and opportunity and they are found guilty. DO NOT ever bring a case before me, as a juror, that lacks the three tenets of the judicial finding of guilt as I will not convict. I have a brain that is quite developed and I know the difference between right and wrong. I also know that there are things that must be proven prior to simply saying "Hang the defendant!"

Congratulations, you're never going to get selected for jury duty. ;-)
Those that have lived on the UK and endured decades of bombs and threats from many groups particularly the IRA would not even blink at the news of this. They are probably thinking "serves him right, he should have known better."

I missed being caught in a bomb blast in South Africa in 1983 by mere minutes and fully understand the consequences of a lack of vigilance. I have lived in enough countries throughout the world to know that the security measures that we are just starting to see here are commonplace outside these shores and are there for a reason. Madrid just recently is another example of the type of popular targets for extremists and how easy it is. There are generations of people who have grown up knowing that they should be aware of packages, bags or whatever that are left unattended.

This is far from a new thing, it has been going on for years, we here in the US on the other hand are just starting to realize how other people have had to live for a long, long time.
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