Man killed after handing over money in MD

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I'm actually in MD on business. The incident above took place very close to where I'm staying/working. This isn't the first violent crime which has taken place in that neighborhood since I've been here, just the first to result in a death. Too bad MD doesn't have a reciprocity agreement with my home state. I'd feel a lot better if I could carry here. Thankfully I'll be leaving very soon. If I have my way, I won't be returning to MD anytime soon.
THINK! You didn't have a gun, but you had the fuel hose! Pull it out of your car and hold on to it. If he makes a move, drench him in gas. Even without a lighter, he's in for a world of hurt with gas in his eyes.

i didnt include that i had my 3 cell maglite right inside the car. ive gotten in the habit of keeping the window open and my maglite within reach.

yes, staying in shape is a good idea. with the exception of finals, i find myself in the gym two-three times a week. at 6-2, 200, im in decent shape. i also do ok in physical situations as security at the bar i work at(reason for me being out so late). had something occurred, im sure i would have been fine, doesnt mean i like to be in that sort of situation.
Well well well

Reading about this kind of male bovine pucky really makes me angry. If the stupid commies would allow their constituents to CCW, this sort of thing wouldn't happen. To those of you living in Maryland who are my 2nd Amendment supporting brethren, I'll put in a good word with Crom for you.
I will be extemely happy the day I can leave this screwed up state!

It just keeps getting more ignorant and violent everyday. However, their "answer" to the issue is always bassackwards.

I just don't get this place at all.
i didnt include that i had my 3 cell maglite right inside the car. ive gotten in the habit of keeping the window open and my maglite within reach.

yes, staying in shape is a good idea. with the exception of finals, i find myself in the gym two-three times a week. at 6-2, 200, im in decent shape. i also do ok in physical situations as security at the bar i work at(reason for me being out so late). had something occurred, im sure i would have been fine, doesnt mean i like to be in that sort of situation.

We sound pretty similar.

For me:
Big -- check
Works security at a bar -- check
Keeps his window down and a weapon in reach -- check

Only mine is a 7 inch ka-bar USMC fighting knife. :D

The same thing happened here in Minnesota.

Several months ago this happened here in Minnesota. The guy did everything the police tell you to do, and he was shot in the head. I think if you are confronted like this you must assume the worst is going to happen and act accordingly.
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