March Military Movie Lineup and Hollywood Hypocricy

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Feb 9, 2003
March 7 -Tears of the Sun
March 14 -Hunted
March 28 -Basic

Looks like a darn good March line-up but I'm having second thoughts about Hollywood's intentions. I know Basic wasn't supposed to be released until April.

My guess is that Hollywood is certain that the war is going to kick off in March so they are front-loading movies that they probably intended to release in the summer. My theory is that they are doing this to play off the inevitable surge in military interest that will occur when the war in Iraq kicks off. Talk about a bunch of hypocrites.
Commenting on the hypocrite front, I always thought that it is interesting that Hollyweird talks about how they hate guns and that no one needs it, but most of their movies end up stopping a bad guy or stopping a threat by using a firearm.

I don't know if it's just me or if it's the film industry in general, but over the last 5 years there have been very few movies that have been good. It just seems that the quality of movies has been going down hill more and more.
Studios release movies for one reason: To make money. The content of a movie is based on its anticipated ability to make money. The timing of a movie's release is intended to enhance its ability to make money. Nothing new or surprising about this -- it's the free market at work.

The hypocrites are not those who release films at a time calculated to maximize their money-making potential, but those who make films glamorizing war but who then pretend to be horrified and disturbed by war. In other words, it's not the studios that are the hypocrites, it's the directors and actors who claim to abhor war but who are perfectly happy to make money from its depiction.

I Like tommy Lee Jones in just about anything, so I'll go see "The Hunted." Bruce Willis makes a lot of awful movies -- remember the porcelain Glocks in Die Hard II? -- so I'll wait to hear more about "Tears of the Sun." "Basic" is a new one to me.
If you can set aside enough disbelief and forgive the military advisor on the set, there are as many unrealistic situations and assumptions in "Basic" trailers as there were in the entire "General's Daughter" which was a total crock. I know that Travolta was only playing a role and following a script but anyone working with or for CID would have seen right through that movie.

However, it's always fun to watch certain types of action scenes. I watched "Proof of Life" just for the insertion/extraction sequences at the end.
If you can set aside enough disbelief and forgive the military advisor on the set,

Also, keep in mind that the military advisor really has no say in how things are done. Take Top Gun, for example. In the VH1 special "Behind the Movie", they spoke to the Navy admiral who was the tech advisor on that film. He said he pointed out the glaring errors that riddled the film, but was told, basically, "hey, this is Hollywood".
I'm definitely going to see Tears of the Sun. I've just seen the trailer for The Hunted. I usually see everything Tommy Lee does, so I'll probably see that also. Don't think I know about Basic.

Yeah, Hollywood sucks for many reasons. But movies are a passion for me.
I haven't heard of any of those movies, but I'll probably watch some of them.

I disagree that there haven't been many good movies in the last five years. But then again, I really like movies.
Basic: John Travolta is a super-interrogator for CID. Sam Jackson is the head of a super-secret-squirrel Ranger platoon no one knows exists. He's into something sinister, and Travolta is The Only Man Who Can Stop Him! Also it turns out Travolta was a member of Jackson's unit in the past. As a civilian who doesn't know about this stuff at all, I found it odd that members of a super-secret, does-not-exist military assassination squad would go out and get identifying tattoos on their shoulders.

The Hunted: I actually think this looks good--like a new Rambo (the first Rambo movie was actually a decent film.) Not terribly accurate, maybe--how many highly trained secret assassins really go wiggy from "battle stress" and start killing everything in sight?--but lots of fun and there's a cool knife prominently featured (better than Rambo's knife!)

Tears of the Sun: This film actually got two thumbs up from Ebert and Roeper. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. They did mention that the ending was a stupid, typical Hollywood action-movie ending, but they seemed resigned to it. Willis is a bit of wacko, but he's a lot of fun to watch.
Movies: where's the beef?

As the son of a Oscar-winning Screenwriter/Director("Battleground," "A Day at the Races," "Hell is for Heroes" etc.), I gotta tell y'all.....'the more things change, the more they are the same' -- I feel some of the Independents(Miramax is the best example)still produce "Good" movies....IMHO, "Pulp Fiction" was a great film...regardless of when it was produced. I wish Quentin Tarantino could top that film and "Reservoir Dogs." By design, the majority of films these days appeal to the 18-24 yr. old group of consumers.....Now, I was in that group a long time ago and I am not denigrating's just that the current majority of studio decision-makers appear to be the bean-counter type, as opposed to the creative. Regarding the timing of a release to maximize profits, look at all the "war" movies coming out in the wake of 9/11 and the current Iraq situation; hence, "Wag the Dog", AKA 'Clinton Does Washington'

Regarding Hollywood and Patriotism: it did a fantastic job during WWII and many Hollywood Actors, Directors, Writers, etc. gave up money and careers to go to my Dad did. With few exceptions, the current crop(discussed ad nauseum in recent threads)are a disgrace. This is my opinion and I'm sticking to it!
Tears of the Sun

One story going around about Bruce Willis is that he actually tried to enlist recently due to the upcoming war but was turned down due to his age! There was a supporting article, but I do not have a link to it. Read about it at!

it's just that the current majority of studio decision-makers appear to be the bean-counter type, as opposed to the creative.
I would submit that even the so-called Golden Age of Hollywood had this problem. Just look at how much trouble Orson Welles had getting 'Citizen Kane' made. The more artistically risky movies are generally going to be smaller-budget indy releases simply because they aren't as much of a financial risk for the studios. After all, a self-avowed movie geek like myself is likely to go see a mainstream flick like 'Tears of the Sun' as well as go rent something like 'Donnie Darko' while someone with more general tastes would go see 'Tears' and then go rent 'Gone in 60 Seconds.'

He said he pointed out the glaring errors that riddled the film, but was told, basically, "hey, this is Hollywood".
A movie produced by Jerry Bruckheimer being nothing but Hollywood fluff? I'm stunned I tell you!;)
I became tired of "Hollywood" years ago, and I must say life is better with out them. I would encourage everybody to find a positive alternative to movies. You won't regret it and stick the money you would have wasted supporting their "Agenda" towards your next box of ammo. Let's get out there and live life not watch it!:cool: Got a few favorites listed on this page...most out on DVD or tape.

Well-made films are rare because they are collaborative efforts -- enough for a few folks to mess up and the whole film ends up weak. Many films are well-shot and then left on the cutting room floor (the most recent Four Feathers comes to mind)
Here's my take on it:

:( War bad:(

$$$$War movie good$$$$

Here's something else. I've seen quite a few people mention Tommy Lee Jones and how they like his movies and whatever else. Exactly what are his political views? I mean, he was Gore's college roommate and endorsed him in 2000.
actually don, my supervisor worries me with his outbursts of anger at coworkers enough that i'm going to see 'the hunted' with him, just so he knows that i'm aware of his lingering homicidal tendancies from Vietnam. hehehe. might also be a good opportunity to *suggest* some potential victims as well.
I have to wait for it to come out on..

dvd or tape as I am so deaf I cannot understand speech at the movies. I can still hear the "boom" though....chris3
The Hunted looks good

as does the bruce willis move. One question through......Where can I get a knife like the one in Hunted? Looks like a neat tool to have. I want one.
my little brother saw tears of the sun a couple days ago, and said it's a "Must See" movie. he said it's awesome.

apparently he was privileged with a sneak preview at Ft. Campbell. that's pretty cool, I think.
It kinda looked a little bit like a homemade Strider SA!

Tear of the Sun!

After finding out that Willis is pro gun, and has stood up to the hollyweird left by offering any help he can give to Pres. Bush, I'll go see anything he puts out from now on. Besides, looks like lots of shoot em up and stuff blowing up!
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