Mark II teardown - complete success!

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Feb 2, 2003
Kennesaw, Georgia
Well, I woke up feeling brave today, so I decided to attempt to disassemble, clean and reassemble my Mark II. This was my first time in doing so and the gun was quite dirty. It had never been cleaned/lubed from the inside. I was nervous about this whole disassembly/reassembly procedure.

I followed the instructions in the manual and made sure to point the gun in the angels shown, and after a while I got it back together! The most difficult part for me was making sure the hammer strut was loose and not trapped behind the crosspin. Once I got that figured out and made sure the hammer strut slid back into the oval part of the mainspring housing, it all went back together perfectly.

When I have to do it again, it will be much easier this time..... I am happy!
The hammer-strut is the usual the sticky wicket and what gives the MK series such a bad wrap for being difficult to reassemble. All it really takes is making sure the hammer itself falls all the way forward. Tipping the pistol is usually enough to make that happen, but not always. I just made it a habit to tip the pistol, look through the mainsrpring housing slot in the frame and then nudge the hammer forward with whatever happens to be handy. The hammer-strut then naturally falls behind the crosspin and everyone's happy! No muss, no fuss no bother. Just nudge the dang hammer and the rest is of the procedure is a snap.
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