MD - Rountable of Gun Rights Groups

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The bathroom law addresses the needlessly restrictive policy MD has about transporting guns. Technically, if you go to the range and stop for a slurpee, gas, and a leak break on the way're breaking the law.

It's on obtuse, murky point as to my knowledge no one has ever actually been prosecuted for breaking that law. Responsible gun owners don't run afoul of the law anyway--so the cops don't know the empty, encased gun is in your trunk.

Is it a stupid law that should be changed? Of course.

Is it an issue like CCW that will get gun owners fired up? No.
Like it or not, nobody gets out of bed for microstamping, BFing, or even a RKBA amendment--even if they should. CCW is THE issue that gets people busy, because its the one most likely to help you actually protect your life as you conduct your daily business. Polls have consistently shown its the most likely issue we can use to get that cultural shift underway.

You're simply wrong that the CCW isn't a good idea and vital to the gun rights clause. There's no nicer way to say it. So please can that shyte, will ya?
Helmetcase, you need to re-read my posts. I've not argued that CCW is unimportant or that current efforts should be abated. I simply personally believe that shall-issue just won't happen in Maryland with the current methods employed. Right now, with a friendly Governor the only thing the whole CCW issue can do is hold the status quo. What happens should Gov Ehrlich lose? Do you think Duncan or O'Malley will let the current impasse stand? Duncan has already come out as pro-AWB. Gun owners should continue to fight as best they can, but can a losing side ever win a war by fighting to a draw every year? CCW opinion polls conducted across the nation show support for our side, but which poll conducted in Maryland shows that the majority of people here would support shall-issue, unrestricted CCW? There is no such study because neither side wants to know what the people actually think (it is probably close to 50-50 here). If you could call a referendum tomorrow for shall-issue CCW in MD are you 100% certain it will pass? Are people here any brighter than in San Franscisco? What would it mean for our cause if we lost such a referendum?

I agree that the RKBA amendment would be nice, but your stance isn't pragmatic or grounded in the reality of the facts on the ground. The delegates see amending the state constitution as way, way more radical a step than Dwyers simple repeal of finding bill, I'm pretty sure the RKBA amendment bill had fewer cosponsors, and is much less likely to see the light of day on the floor.
I never argued for a RKBA amendment to the Maryland Constitution. The amendment I proposed makes no mention whatsoever of any right to keep or bear arms. I propose to codify the fundamental right to defense of home, family and self only. This would allow us to pull support from women's rights groups and put the anti's on the defensive for a change. What delegate would argue against self-defense rights? Lots will argue against RKBA, so it better not even be mentioned.

30 years of losing and fighting to a draw the past 5 years does not equal a winning record. It is time to fight a different way. There is no need to stop current efforts, but it is time to start thinking about some other strategies.
Oh, that "bathroom law", I was afraid there was a different law against the Glock-on-a-rope hanging from the shower valve in my bathroom... :neener:

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