Meet Hillary's toughest opponent: Bill Richardson

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Dec 25, 2002
Decatur, AL
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson was on Fox last night, and he sure sounded like someone who's positioning himself for a presidential run.

I've often thought that he would make a strong candidate for the Democrats, but I've never seen him talk at length.

He has a number of strong points: from what I can tell, he has a good record on guns; he's strong on immigration; he's managed the economy in NM well; he has DC experience combined with executive experience; and he comes from a Southern/Southwestern state.

He also expresses himself well in an interview, and has a personality that's very TV-friendly.

If the Dem's were smart, they'd start grooming him now for 2008.
Bill Richardson's a joke. Isn't he the jughead that let the Chinese break into Los Alamos?
Yes, that was under his watch. It was also a long time ago, and not something that the general public was really paying attention to.
It is foolish to call Richardson a joke. The Republicans are underestimating both him and Hillary as potential adversaries, and that will cost the Republicans the next election.

Richardson, by current standards, would not make a bad president, in my opinion. George Bush is an easy act to follow, after all.

Richardson is definitely going to run, though. I think he will get the nomination, and Hillary will be VP (at least until she has him assassinated).

He is kind of pro-gun (no worse than Bush anyway) and perceives the border with Mexico to be a problem. I have no idea if he can get us out of the quagmire we find ourselves left with in Iraq, but don't think he can screw that up much worse than Bush already has. What he needs to do to cinch the nomination is to make a bold challenge to the country that we will develop fuel sources other than petroleum, like Kennedy declared we would take a man to the moon and back.

To reiterate: If Richardson will run on a platform of closing the border, controlling illegal immigration, getting us out of Iraq, and seriously pursuing alternative fuel with the same gusto as the space program of the 60's, he will be our next president. Obviously, he will also need to keep his mouth closed about guns. He already has an A rating from the NRA.

I predicted 6 months ago he would be the Democratic candidate, and am still saying it.

I expect the Republicans to likely run a McCain/Giuliani ticket. If they do, I gotta vote for Richardson.
perceives the border with Mexico to be a problem
Horse puckey. He didn't believe the border with Mexico to be an issue until the past few months... when he felt he could gain political capital with the stand. He has been hispandering for his entire political career until just recently. Not a coincidence in my book.
The Republicans are underestimating both him and Hillary as potential adversaries, and that will cost the Republicans the next election.
The Republicans will cost the Republicans the next election, unless the Dems really are foolish enough to nominate Hillary.
He didn't believe the border with Mexico to be an issue until the past few months...

Maybe so... but Bush still hasn't caught on to this day. I suspect he will put forth a plan to control the border. When he does this, the Republicans will have nothing, absolutely nothing, to offer as an alternative.
Bush may have the tacit support of DC republicans but he most decidely has problems with the Great Fed Up. Support for doing something about SS is comparatively high yet he's given up. So now he things he can get an improved immigration bill through? Not a chance. The numbers are too stark. To have a chance of fixing the problem he will have to demonstrate that he is worthy of the public's trust. We have laws now that are not being enforced. So to fix the problem we make more laws to be enforced by the same people who refused to enforce the previous set of laws. Insanity.

Me thinks Bush as done something highly unsanitary to his messkit.
I predicted 6 months ago he would be the Democratic candidate, and am still saying it.

Last time around, I said America wasn't dumb enough to elect that Kerry creature. I'm glad I was right. In retrospect—less than a year later—I'm not sure there was half as much difference as all of us thought at the time.

I believe if the Republicans keep acting like spineless representatives of the Democratic (sic) party, America probably will elect Mrs. Snopes Clinton just because she's not a Republican. I'm honestly afraid we and the Republicans really could be that dumb.
If it had not been for the two terms that Johnson served before him New Mexico would not have an economy worth discussing.

Richardson has taken credit for not doing much of anything, which would not necessarily be bad, except he lets the Democrat controlled legislature get away with a lot more than Johnson ever did.

Johnson was as close to a Libertarian governor as this state has ever seen, I had hoped we might see more candidates like him, but no such luck.

Marty Chavez just got re-elected mayor of Albuquerque, and I am not happy about it. Not that he had any serious challengers...

The "leave me the heck alone" option seems to be an unpopular one.
Richardson had a post in the Bill (Prevaricator In Chief) Clinton Administration.
That disqualifies him for any office in my opinion.
During the '08 election you're not going to hear the word "GUN" from anybody
That could be a good thing or a bad thing.

Mrs. Snopes Clinton
Standing Wolf, you obviously want people to notice this, since you change the color of it, and it isn't her name. I would love to know what you are referencing by calling her that. Maybe you could just link it?

Personally I wouldn't know what to do with a McCain/Ghouliani versus Richardson/Clinton ticket.
I've had my eye on Richardson ever since he left the Clinton Administration. When he was schlepping for Clinton, he sounded foolish (and half-hearted). The first time I heard him on a Sunday morning interview show after leaving the Administration (and before he won the Gov seat), he was his own man; much different than when he was a Clinton underling. Then and there I thought of him as a potential candidate, and a strong one.

Standing Wolf, you obviously want people to notice this, since you change the color of it, and it isn't her name. I would love to know what you are referencing by calling her that. Maybe you could just link it?

Snopes Clinton, Mrs. Snopes Clinton, and Liar Gore rate red because they're the lowest of the low. They're evil, deliberately dishonest people who view America as a pile of loot no one's watching very closely.

The Snopes reference is to William Faulkner's Snopes trilogy: The Hamlet, The Town, and The Mansion. They've been published in a single volume. The numerous interwoven tales of the Snopes tribe's skullduggery, whacky stupidity, maliciousness, and simple, arrogant daring are by turns tragic, hilarious, ludicrous, and so finely wrought, you'll despair of ever writing anything yourself. As well as I've ever been able to discern, self-appointed "literary" types never quite got the Snopes trilogy. They seem to think it's overwrought comedy, Southern Gothic silliness, perhaps even self-indulgence on Faulkner's part.

Most of the interwoven tales were originally written as short stories over a period of decades, so there are some rough edges here and there, some uneven seams. Don't be fooled, pleased. Snopes is an unhurried, detailed, sometimes comic, sometimes horrifying, often surprisingly kind study of what my grandmother used to call "white trash."

Snopes Clinton and his charming wife are nothing more—nor anything less—than Flem Snopes' direct descendants. They've enlarged the scope of their predations far, far beyond the boundaries of his wildest imagination, while remaining entirely true to his venal, vicious, voracious spirit.

from another Faulkner aficionado.

Richardson has no cred on illegal immigration. He calls for the Marines, photo op-style, while being fine and dandy with hand-outs and give-aways. He has the advantage of being from a state in which virtually nothing newsworthy has happened in decades (O lucky man).
There are people in Democratic circles kicking around the term "Southern Governor" as a possible for '08. Which covers a lot of ground.

Let's not forget that Howard Dean (head of the DNC) hates Hillary's guts. He fully understands that her urban mega-Liberal appeal won't cut it.

See...John Edwards wouldn't have been a bad choice. Of all the Democratic primary contenders, his RKBA statement was the only one that supported self defense as a legit reason to own guns.

He's typical of Southern Democrats. Bill Richardson is similar in enough ways to warrant consideration.

If it's Hillary, they're toast. It is absolutely imperative that she not get in office, period, end of discussion, I don't care how disgusting the GOPer is (McCain, etc).
I will vote Richardson over Gulianni or McCain!

mccain wants to end gun shows and gulianni is a detestable dictatator :cuss:
i will never vote for either
I've predicted for about 6 months a Bill Richardson/Mark Warner ticket for the Dems. Adding a "Southern Governor" to the ticket who has pretty much signed any gun friendly bill that crossed his desk wouldn't hurt.

I have voted GOP for the last 30 years but I would vote for Billary before McCain. Hillary you know where she stands. McCain has more positions than Jenna Jameson :banghead:

See...John Edwards wouldn't have been a bad choice. Of all the Democratic primary contenders, his RKBA statement was the only one that supported self defense as a legit reason to own guns.
He does explicitly support the AWB concept, however. I corresponded with him briefly on that issue, and his position was basically that "the AWB was no big deal, because it leaves hunters plenty of other options to use while hunting." :scrutiny:

He may have just been parroting the party line (he seemed a little uncomfortable with it), but he still doesn't appear to have much of a clue that the vast majority of gun owners don't give a flying flip about hunting.
If Richardson were to run against Mccain and Guilliani, the two parties would seem to have suddenly reversed platforms.

However, I will not vote for anyone who has Hillary Clinton as a running mate, not even a Libertarian.
There are people in Democratic circles kicking around the term "Southern Governor" as a possible for '08.

That's a real short list to choose from. Unless, of course, they plan to run a Republican governor for the Democratic nomination.
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