Mel Gibson: A Conservative in Hollywood?

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Who killed Christ?

We did. I did.


Vatican II also proclaimed that Protestants are not heretics, but "mistaken brothers" or something like that. It may seem like nothing, but if you were a Protestant living in Latin America it was very very important because suddenly your neighbors were allowed to talk to you.

On the anti-semitism front, the Jews have a right to be worried. Thanks to Israel's position in the War on Terror, anti-semitism is on the rise on the left, in circles that were its staunchest adversaries. A lot of Jews, especially liberal Jews, feel very vulnerable right now because they look around and find their gentile "friends" turning against them.

And now the Passion of Christ comes along and they feel more threatened since the movie places (legitimately) the blame for Christ's death at the feet of the people the Jews recognize as the founders of Rabbinical Judaism. (The Pharisees and Sadduccees wrote the Talmud.) Frankly most Jews don't know much more about Jesus than what their Rabbi tells them. Most Rabbis say something like "Good man, killed by Romans, not for us."

I pray to God that he would move in the hearts of true Christians to defend the Jews and reach out in love to their Jewish neighbors. God is giving us this troubled time as an opportunity to do what is right. I pray that he will redeem this and bring Christians and Jews together in a way not seen for millenia.
The anti-gun signs in LW4 were the doing of the director (Richard Donner) who put similar crap in Assassins.

As for Signs, I don't see that as an anti-gun film. Not having a firearm was stupid but not terribly inconsistent with the character.

Stupid aliens coming here unarmed, to a gunfight. All I can say is Yeeeeee Haaaaaa!!!!! In the immortal words of that great alien killer Randy Quaid "up yours".
Mr. James said
I read recently that when Rembrandt painted The Raising of the Cross, he used his own self-portrait for the face of one of the Roman soldiers present. His point was that he bore personal responsibility for the Agony, the Scourging, the Crowning and the Crucifixion. So, too, with Mr. Gibson's latest effort. Who killed Christ?

We did. I did.
In the movie, there is a close-up shot of Christ's hand being nailed to the cross. As to the person doing the nailing, you can only see his hands. The hands are actually Gibson's in this particular shot. He is making the same testimony as did Rembrandt - that he, Gibson, killed Christ.

Has always been anti gun,it's no surprise that they don't like Mel.
The ADL supports exactly the same gun laws as the Nazi's implemented
ie: only the military and police may carry guns.
I wen't to a pro Israel Demo at SF state wearing my NRA hat,all the ADL types were real rude to me,even though we were on the same side.
I think more and more Jews will come to realize that this is not the 1940's or 50's anymore. They will come to realize that right wing conservatives are their ally now and the liberals feel it is ok for Islamic terrorist to destroy Israel,the libs of today are the real enemy of the Jews and Israel..

I have no Idea what Mel feels about guns,as a Catholic I am really looking forward to this film....Mel might be like your typical r.i.n.o,who knows,I feel that if he is he is probably more open minded then then the other folks in his industry and would be "teachable"....
The Patriot was a great film as was WWSOAyoung
For what it's worth....

However there is a contradiction between his image as a hard man in violent films and his life off-screen. He holds strong views in favour of capital punishment and against gun control. He is a devout Catholic and a committed family man. Somehow, during his full movie career, he and his wife Robyn have managed to have seven children. He sends his older children to a boarding school in Australia. 'I think it's character building - those guys run them like marines. If they do anything wrong they're on a six-mile run.'

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