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Messing with George Soros

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True, that bill was a mistake (warrants should have been required in any situation) though well intentioned (it didn't look like we could win a war with either France or the British at the time, and if we traded with either, the other got mad and made threats...), but it did pass Congress, so it wasn't as though he was making himself a dictator like some 20th century presidents tried to (cough cough "FDR"). Overall I think Jefferson did rather well as president (and beforehand too), I certainly doubt he'd support any of the current restrictions on weapons...I don't think any of even our early presidents had a perfect record on everything.
I guess he's a criminal for investing wisely. I guess some folks object to the free market. We ought to have a law against making money by investing! Those profits belong to the people!

In this case, the term "manipulating" fits. He made his fortune not by investing in equity and helping to build companies, but by manipulating and making money by money changing. That market is notoriously unregulated, and is a far cry from legitimate investment. He's a currency pirate. He hasn't built anything and hasn't made anything. Apart from billions off of the misfortunes of various nations. There are plenty of places he's not safe visiting because of the people who's investments he ruined. Many, many people would love to see him dead and for reasons that have nothing to do with his stance on the RKBA.

As far as his politics, there's no doubt he's one of our primary foes and always will be. He wants to disarm the US and make us more pliant.
Overall I think Jefferson did rather well as president (and beforehand too), I certainly doubt he'd support any of the current restrictions on weapons...I don't think any of even our early presidents had a perfect record on everything.

If he was willing to throw people in jail because he thought they might be thinking of breaking a law - is there any reason he wouldn't take gun from those same people? When he was seizing property, do you think he carefully separated the weapons from the rest of the property and handed it back to the rightful owners?

When I read the history of the Embargo, it looks to me like he was prepared to do whatever is necessary to enforce an unpopular embargo on the people against their will - rights to due process, search and seizure, etc. be damned!

I agree - the man has a solid record of opposition to totalitarianism.

One of he articles cited in another post suggests that Soros is a dangrous because he helped finance the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia. For those of you that are geography/history impaired - that was the peaceful revolution that over the communist government in Czechoslovakia.

The same article suggests that Iran, Russia and the Ukraine fear his support for "velvet revolutions" in their countries. That really makes me mad, 'cause I am a strong supporter of the governments of Russia, Ukraine, and Iran. It makes me madder than heck that anyone questions the current government of Iran. How about you?

The man is wrong about gun control. Making him a power demon of change is just silly.

When an individual is undermining the soveriegnty of a nation, in this case the US, in favor of an international sovereignty, it is still Stateism or totalitarianism, just on an international scale. That is precisely what Soros is doing thrugh his grand financial contributions to numerous NGO's, not just the ones concerned with global gun control. I'm not calling Soros a communist, in the popular sense, but it would be a valid label. Portraying Soros as some kind of folk hero, while presenting Jefferson as an evil dictator, is soewhat rewriting history. There isn't a single person in the universe that has done every single thing correctly and 100% according to even their personal values. Like most leftists, they praise democracy but always undermine it when the populace doesn't happen to agree with them. Ultimately, it isn't democracy.
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