Panic??? call from the NRA: stop George Soros

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Jan 1, 2003
Brasher Falls NY
I just got a call from the NRA that told me that if I didn't send them $100 today, George Soros would send the UN after my gun. I told them that I'd be waiting for them and would take out as many as I could before they got me. That wasn't exactly what they wanted to hear.

[Side note: If you ever need a living testimonial from a non-rich Republican, get ahold of me]

Anyway, it seems that that great lover of liberty, Soros, is funding some benign-sounding study about the world gun population or some such thing, but it is really a plot to enable Castro's boys, or Mexicans, or Libyans or other random folks to come to your house and determine if you should have a gun or not.

I already forgot what the "program" is called. Does anyone know any details about this further evidence that the UN is long past its departure time?

There should be a thread or maybe a separate web site should be established to keep track of this "plan" whatever it is.


I can't believe that the entire fate of gun owners across the U.S.A. rested solely on your $100, and you dropped the ball.

When the blue helmets move in, I'm blaming you!

I like your response. :D

We do need to be aware of the UN's "plans" for US gun owners, but at least it won't happen during this administration.

BTW, blue helmets make good containers for recycling brass.
You made it that far in the recording?
I think ol' Wayne needs to loosen up the old tin foil brim a bit. This sort of nonsense makes me think twice every time my renewal comes up.

It is not as tin-foil hatish as you think. ISANA and many NGO's do have a plan and have a large seat at the UN. Soros's helps fund these groups. Brady and MMM are NGO's at the UN. They want a treaty. They have met twice to discuss such. Bush told them NO but who knows what will happen in the future. France has already talked about a treaty that would tax private firearms to fund some anti=poverty program or some such. I think the last time the UN had a conference on this was 2001. Their first one was sometime during the Clinton Adm. They will not send blue helmets it will done by treaty and by the letter of the law probably with the USSC supporting it with their new idea of International law being relevent to how our laws are interpreted. At least that seems to be the long term plan. :fire:
Two points.

1) As much as Wayne LaPierre can sound ridiculous screaming "crisis" every 30 days, the U.N. is very much a threat. Note the mini-scandal last week in Washington when the media "discovered" that most Congressmen do not actually read the bills they vote on. It is a very real possibility that some harmless-sounding U.N. treaty on something completely different would be ratified by Congress only to find later that on page 3,850,943 of the treaty, we have to give up our guns.

2) NRA was much less effective when we had "softer" sounding leaders that were willing to compromise on "reasonable" gun control. I'll put up with Wayne and send him my money anyhow. :D
Now that the election is over and the donations are dropping off, they gotta come up with a new panic to get funds.
Isn't it great to live in a free country where you can hang up the phone (or not even answer based on caller ID!).

George Soros....NRA
Famous Potatoes...Live Free or Die

The TRUTH lies somewhere in the middle. I personally lean pretty far to the right of both of the above (Nothing wrong with Idaho BTW - more free than MY home state!). George Soros IS funding anti-RKBA efforts. The NRA is right.

Ravinraven -- You gave 'em a GREAT answer. While I am behind the NRA, they need a lot of periodic reality checks.
So....if you aren't going to send them the $100, buy $75 worth of ammo, $25 worth of gas getting to the range and back and practice shooting blue helmets at 200 yards :evil:
It is not as tin-foil hatish as you think. ISANA and many NGO's do have a plan and have a large seat at the UN. Soros's helps fund these groups. Brady and MMM are NGO's at the UN. They want a treaty. They have met twice to discuss such. Bush told them NO but who knows what will happen in the future. France has already talked about a treaty that would tax private firearms to fund some anti=poverty program or some such. I think the last time the UN had a conference on this was 2001.

According to the UN Gun Debate between Wayne LaPierre & Rebecca Peters, the next such conference will be in 2006.

Personally, I like raven's response. I'll have to remember it the next time I get a fundraiser call... :D
There was an IANSA conference at the UN in 2001. The NRA was the only pro-rights organization represented as an NGO at that conference. The UN was going to consider everything from mortars and surface-air missiles to Chipmunk rifles and handguns as small arms. Because we won the election in 2000, John Bolton was there to tell them that the U.S. wouldn't accept the proposed treaty as written.

We'll face another IANSA conference in 2006. This is one of the things about a Kerry victory that really worried me. A UN treaty only has to be ratified by the Senate and signed by the President. With our tenuous hold on the Senate, we were closer than I liked to a situation where President John Kerry and a Democratic Senate would have the ability to ratify whatever the UN presented in 2006.

Luckily for us, we added numbers in the Senate and re-elected a President who has already told the UN "NO" on this issue once. So I feel pretty good about 2006, though I do expect Soros and the others to try and play the issue as a "terrorism" issue.
Good points all.

NRA needs to be fed.
You always lose when you negotiate from the middle.
UN is after our guns.
Soros is a PITA.
Blue helmets make great targets (and brass catchers...well, lead catchers, too).
Bush will not allow it, Kerry would have.

And, finally.................Case lots of most ammo is about $100 :D
sorry as muc has i like the NRA,I have gotten the same kind of calls from them.they need to lay off the scare tactics in order to drum up money,which seems is what their ALWAYS doing!
I just renewed my membership.

The LEAST they can do is to send me some Blue Helmets for target practice...sheesh!
I've read that Soros spent some $15 million in lobbyist fees, lobbying for the campaign finance reform law, about which several proponents commented a bit to the effect that it was in part aimed at the NRA.

He is said to have given over $10 million in one form or another to get Kerry elected.

Sounds like a lot of money?

A brief comment in a contrarian investors' newsletter said that his financial empire's gross income during 2003/2004 was some $800 million. Yeah, eight hundred, not eighty or eight.

For all practical purposes, he's an enemy with an unlimited budget...

I had a call too - and I am aware of what seems to be going on. All I could say tho was, that seeing as this year's total contributions to NRA and other RKBA causes was a figure I hardly dared tally up - I was sorry but - for this year at least - it is halt status. No more.

I hate not helping but there has to be a line drawn and this election and its run-up was kinda expensive for me.

What gets me somewhat is, when you get a call that all but suggests a donation of $100 or even $300 as in one case from another organization ... as if you can dig deep in pocket and just whistle the cash outa nowhere. Sorry but - cannot do.... bills to pay etc.
I hear ya. The run up to this election was expensive on me as well. Sooo, I also bought some Christmas gifts that fund the NRA. A couple of Crimson Trace laser grips were the most expensive (10% to NRA). It's a good way to double your bang for the buck.

After the holidays I'll be able to catch up and send more cold-hard cash.
"The LEAST they can do is to send me some Blue Helmets for target practice...sheesh!"

Personally, I wish they'd either lay off with the silver "bullets", or make them 9mm, +P hollow points. A guy only needs so many key chains...
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