"MOLON LABE" and Greek Letters

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Molon Labe:
From the ancient Greek, it is the reply of the Spartan General-King Leonidas to Xerxes, the Persian Emperor who came with 600,000 of the fiercest fighting troops in the world to conquer and invade little Greece, then the center and birthplace of civilization as we know it. When Xerxes offered to spare the lives of Leonidas, his 300 personal bodyguards and a handful of Thebans and others who volunteered to defend their country, if they would lay down their arms, Leonidas shouted these two words back:
Molon Labe! (mo-lone lah-veh) They mean, "Come and get them"!

I don't think I could ever get a tattoo. There are enough ways to identify me without adding another. Sometimes it's good to blend into the crowd and not stick out. :rolleyes:
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