Mom's worried and giving me a hard time, again!

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Apply for a C&R license from the ATF. Even if you don't use it to buy cheap milsurps, you can always tell your Mom that Uncle Sam knows you're a "licensed Collector" which might be a horse of a different color in her eyes. (plus you can go broke buying wonderful old guns and have them delivered to your door... well, I don't know about MA's laws on that subject, but here you can)
Rockrivr1 said:
nyone else have to deal with this stuff from their family? So far I've just let her rant. Not sure how long I can keep that up.

You'd like my family. The only thing I put up with is "you only have X# of guns? What's wrong with you? Didn't dad teach you anything?"

My wife's family isn't anti, but they seem contented with only 1 or 2 guns in their homes.
For a lot of people, those arguments about paintbrushes and golf clubs aren't going to do it. To them, firearms are a threat, the other stuff isn't. I just let Mom think I have a couple rifles and a handgun or two, with some ammunition for each. Don't act as if you have to defend the idea. And don't say anything that might plant a pile of guns or ammunition in her mind, like bulk reloading or ammo purchasing. Remember, it may be your right, but you don't have to convince everybody of it. Discretion is the better part of valor.
1. She is your Mother and she is the only Mother you will ever have. Respect her and her wishes. Now this was a very good statment that would have sastified here worries and questions.

"Explain that the MREs and water are for the protection of your family. Give examples things like what happened in Kansas City (about a week without power), Katrina and other natural disasters."

Let mom know this is what you feel is a prudent action given the past events and their impacts on the people living in thoses areas. Let here know that you feel that you have a responsibility to take these minimal actions so that the family will be protected.

That should help her understand what you are doing.
You realize that if you freak her out too much she might try to save you, right? As in talking to people at her church, asking cops "hypothetical questions", even reporting you "for your own good". "So you can get the help that you need." Because "she's afraid you're going to hurt somebody; she's afraid you're going to hurt yourself." (And all you wanted was a pepsi, yes I'm plagarizing so sue me).

She has probably already told several of her friends how you are on a downward spiral and probably have mental health issues and she just doesn't know what she can do but you need help and just aren't getting it. Who knows what they are thinking but some people are very righteous and consider gun ownership evil.

The damage is done now... but you should be thinking about how to protect yourself when she (or someone she has told) decides to save you. Get the C&R license... get a good safe... be above-board about what you've got, and be discreet about anything that has even the appearance of excess. The thousand-packs of 7.62*whatever ball need to go into secure storage and so on. She probably won't do anything... but if she does she won't have been the first.

Don't explain it to either of your parents... just do your damage control and remember this in the future.
My Mom used to ask why I needed another gun when I brought one home
(I live next door to my parents).
Now that I'm working on the road I store most of my guns at my parents house in my Mom's sewing room.
She asked me last time I was home which gun would be best for small critters(coons) that where getting into the chicken coop, I pulled out my 10-22
and my 22/45 ruger pistol told her how to load them and which one to use in
what situation(she does know how to shoot).
She told me that Dads 30/06 was just to much gun for small game.
Gotta Love Mom...:D
talk about guns and my Mom doesn't flinch. Mention I'm looking at motorcycles again and you'd thought it was the end of life on earth as we know it.

Mom's are often just that, Mom's. Some actually maintain that worrying, fretting and foreseeing the worst possible outcomes for anything their kids do is literally written into the job description.
mom gave up asking me why I needed another gun after I put the latest one on layaway, mention it and now all she manages is to grumble.

She doesn't dislike guns, she just doesn't see the point of them.
Pointman is correct. She is just being a mom and looking after her babies. Yes, you may be a 50 year old man or woman with children and perhaps your own grandchildren, your still her baby. My mother will still ask me questions like I'm a 10 year old, such as do I look both ways before crossing the street.
My mother does not understand either but my father does. He is just smart enough to not bring it up or push it. "The wife" did not understand at first but now has a rifle of her own and shoots it better then I do!

Your mom will get over it! :banghead:
Last night I went to the parents house to visit as I hadn't been down to their house for a few weeks.
Why not?

Of course my Mom was in the room and she starts going off. I get this whole torrent about how that kind of comment isn't funny, why do I need so many guns/ammo, it would be such an embarrasment if the police ever raided my house and reported to the world what I had etc etc.
Oh, that explains it...
Baba Louie stated: "Apply for a C&R license from the ATF"

Got my C&R about 3 months ago and picked up a CZ-52 and an Enfield 2A so far with it. Yeah, she wasn't so happy to hear that. Told my Dad, while at the range. He inadvertantly told my Mom. :eek: Afterwards he told me he should of known better. ( I didn't say anything to him at the time, but I definitely thought "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!)

Actually moms pretty good most of the time, but firearms really push her buttons for some reason. Normally it's a pretty good time when I go over as we usually don't bring it up.
For the most part, my gun ownership doesn't affect my mother at all [though she did give a Parker 12 gauge that had been promised to me to one of my cousins:banghead: ]

My problem is that my wife, who tolerates my 'hobbies', is starting to make noises now that our son has started kindergarten. Having taught in various nutcase schools in Chicago, she fears the reaction of teachers, parents, blahblahblah. She knows that they are the intolerant ones but also knows what my reaction will be. "Why don't you all go flip, flop, and fly!"

But, whaddye gonna do?
Lucky with my mom--she shot a bear in our camp when I was six (dad was already gone fishing)--kind of memorable for me. I've seen her shoot various varmints around the house and ranch. She and dad (and I when I got old enough) used to target and clay pigeon shoot for bragging rights and to see who would do various household chores for the week.
The last rifle I had given me as a gift was from her. She's 70 this year and still carries!
But, she gets on me about other things. I just listen and say "yes, ma'am." and go about my business. And you know what? Sometimes, she's right!
Remember Katrina?


Your Mom is being irrational about guns - just like my Mom was at times. The bottom line here is this - 1: You are an adult and you no longer answer to your Mom. 2: You have a wife and/or family whose safety you are responsible for. 3: When it comes right down to it, this really is none of your Mom's business.

Good luck in your efforts to get her to see the light, but don't count on any success with that. Perhaps the best thing is to not bring up the issue around your Mom, and to refuse to get dragged in to a debate about it if she brings it up; talk with your Dad about guns and the shooting sports when your Mom is out of the room. If she hears your conversation and gets all hot and bothered, respectfully inform her that you were talking to your Dad, not her, and that you already know her opinion on the matter and do not wish to discuss it with her.

It seems as if some people are offended by those of us who try to be prepared, whether it is by owning guns and ammunition, having food and water stored for emergency use, or whatever preparations we choose to make.

These actions slap them in the face with the reality that "The Government" cannot and will not take care of us, that the world is a dangerous place, that there are predatory thugs who walk our streets, and that we really are on our own. For anyone who doubts these assertions, I have two words: Remember Katrina??

Our preparations blow up their simplistic worldview and their illusion of safety; do what you know to be right and let others get over it - or not.
Last time i was at mom and dad's, mom woke me up about 5 30 am (after getting there at 1 am ) and told me to get the raccoon that was in the bird feeders.

She also tells me to bring more of the "quiet" .22's when I call and ask can i bring you. She loves my dwindling stock of CBEE LONGS from remington that they dropped a few years ago. Out of her old springfield .22 they just go pffft.

Hardest thing lately has been telling my dad to stop telling everyone how many guns I have. He just does not get OPSEC.
My parents are gone and I wish they were here to complain.

Give her a break she is your MOTHER.

If she freaks from your buying guns DON"T TELL them

Trust me enjoy them while they are here as you will miss them everytime you think of them after they are gone.
I'm a mom . . .

And I did sort of "freak out" on my son with his last gun purchase. But that is only because he owes me for the laptop he just bought for school! I told him he is not to bring any new guns into the house until he pays me off.

Of course, I couldn't really fault him, it was a real nice SKS, and they are fun to shoot. His father had brought home his second only weeks before (he figured both he and I should have one). But still, my husband has gone a bit over board - this summer he got the two SKS's, a mauser and a real nice left handed Benelli autoloader shotgun . . . and all I got was a H&R double action .22 revolver.

Still, I have to put a stop to my son's gun purchasing - or else he'll end up with more than I have, and, well, a Mom can only put up with so much.

Ah, heck, it's your mom. Just let it be water off a duck's back. Doesn't sound like either of you are going to be changing your mind soon. She's entitled to her opinion as you are. But, since she's your mom, don't go out of your way to set her off and just go about your business and do what you want.
Just be glad you have her around to hear her rant. Won't always be so.

My parents are gone and I wish they were here to complain.

Give her a break she is your MOTHER.

If she freaks from your buying guns DON"T TELL them

Trust me enjoy them while they are here as you will miss them everytime you think of them after they are gone.

'Nuff said!
... it would be such an embarrasment if the police ever raided my house and reported to the world what I had etc etc...

I'm sure she loves you, but it sounds like her main concern is what her friends will think of her when they learn she raised one of those wackos that amasses guns in anticipation of the End Times. You are not a wacko, I'm guessing, but she doesn't have any other explanation for why someone would want to own more than a handful of guns.

You could offer a few reasons, but you are not likely to change her mind on this issue. Find something else to talk about when with her.
Great posts everyone. As some of you stated, she is my mom and as such will not be around forever. I do love her and she's been a great mom, so I guess I'll just give her some slack and let her rant if she wants to. Now I just have to figure a way to keep my Dad from telling her stuff. Sometimes he's his own worst enemy when it comes to stuff like that.
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