More Range Stupidity: Cell Phones

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At the risk of drawing the ire of many here, I've once used a cell phone on the range to good effect.

With a proper "hands-free" headset, earmuffs can be worn to full protection and still let the conversation proceed normally. The caller did not exactly require my full attention, so a casual conversation ensued just as if standing together. I went thru my shooting routine (safely, mind you) without a hitch or interruption. Caller didn't even know what was happening, and late in asked what the occasional popping noise was - rather startled when I mentioned it was a rifle.

The experiment went well as an exercise in impromptu communication equipment: clear conversation, no hearing damage, no interference.

Yes, cell phones can be used during certain activites safely. It does take discipline & focus.
Discipline and Focus - two things most people don't have. I'm not knocking anyone on here, but has anyone else noticed that the responsible gun owners such as ourselves have more Discipline and Focus than the antis? :D

phone rang one time while there was plenty of shooting going on at jackson arms, it was my GF with out taking off my ears I answered by saying "hold on , hold on" when I got out of the range she had heard the shots and I confirmed I was at the range...she said go have fun and I did...
I kept the muzzle down range and left it in the booth, I didn't disturb anyone or put anyone in a dangerous whats the problem with that?
Man, oh man, touched off a keg of worms here, I did...

What doesn't surprise me is that this is a lot more prevalent than the few instances I've seen.

Even though I consider cell phones my least favorite aspect of the 21st century ("Where's my flying car?"...),
1. The technology is cheap and appeals to a basic human need/desire.
2. People are pretty stupid sometimes.

Hopefully, as the public gets more involved with the shooting sports, the absolutely necessary emphasis on safety, safety, focus and discipline will self-correct some of the more bone-headed things like this.

At least the guy I saw (WHAT?") wasn't shooting or holding a gun. That I would have jumped on immediately.
Safety issues are one thing, being unbelievably stupid is another (I know, big overlap area there).

speaking of cellphones,,

steven king has a new book out with the title"cell"about a pulse that turns cellphone owners into some kinda zombies so i ask;

what caliber for cellzombies???
hahaha ;)

and something larger than for normal zombies. just for the annoyance values of cell phones ;)
What's wrong with me?

I just can't get terribly offended by other people's phones. Maybe every once in a while, if they talk loudly.

1. Maybe folks are more polite in my area.

2. Maybe I just don't get out much.
Picture this. You're in a meeting. People have been told to turn the darn things off.

One goes off. Playing a rockin' little tune.

So the fat furry fellow gets up and dances...


The owner of the phone did NOT think it was amusing.
I've talked on my cell phone at a range before but I was wearing electronic hearing protection. Didn't last but a second cause I told the wife I'd call her back at the next shooting break.
Cell phones have created a whole new level of bad behaviour and discourtesy. I just don't understand why people act like slaves to the damn things. I use mine when it's convenient for me, otherwise that's why God invented voicemail:evil:

I did some some glimmer of hope over the holidaze, though. I was in the check-out line at Restoration Hardware and the woman in front of me was yapping away. When she got to the clerk he asked her to please step aside and that he'd be happy to wait on her when she was done with her conversation. The look on her face was priceless.
and that the only person he takes orders from is his father (dude looks about 30 or so) and that it was unloaded, etc etc. yet when you sign all the various safety disclaimer papers, it even says YOU WILL FOLLOW THE RANGE OFFICER'S ORDERS AT ALL TIMES.

Hopefully he'll end up on an episode of COPS, face-down on asphalt in restraints, with that sort of attitude...
I'm in real estate and I answer my phone at my outdoor range, but I walk away and try to be descrete.

"Oh my!! What was that?!!! Are you OK??!" "I'm at the gun range, everything's fine and dandy."

Don't stop firin' ona counta me!

My range usually has only one, or maybe two, out at a time and they're just jabbering away to each other.

It's all about respect for others. My ring-tone sounds like a phone ringing quietly. I distance myself. I speak quietly. I talk business asap or tell a casual caller that I'll call back later. My phone conversations are private. Pompous phone yakkers irk me. I talk to one person at a time on the phone when no one else can eavesdrop. i expect the same courtesy.

If on a golf course, same deal. Keep it as short as possible, don't disrupt those around me.

My cell phone allows me to do what I want, where ever I am, and not tied down at a desk. My lap-top is near me also. I conduct business wherever I am, doing what ever I want to do. I've made thousands while camping 15 states away from my office and the client never knew! To be able to fax, edit, scan, print, email, phone, etc, from my truck no matter where I am in the country (there are exceptions) is the most wonderful feeling!

Sitting on the beach, fishing on a boat, 20k ft up in the air, days away from other humans on a mountain and making money all the while, sure makes me feel less paranoid about answering a cell phone!

It's the loud-mouth, what's up dude type cell users that irk me! Disrupt everyone around so they have to eavesdrop on an inane conversation between morons upsets me too! Just don't lump me in with them!
I have electronic peltors. I answer the phone all the time, but it's hard so hear to I tell the caller to hold on while I step out of the shooting bays or back off from the firing line.
I, too, am annoyed by cell phones.

That being said, I have two of them. :rolleyes:

One of my biggest pet peeves is people that talk on their cell phones while eating lunch or dinner. When I grew up my family all sat down to dinner together. It was family time. The TV and everything else was turned off until we were done eating. If the phone rang we'd just let it ring. Same with the doorbell.

Even now, when I go to lunch or to dinner, I either leave the phone in the truck or turn it to silent. I don't bother people while they are trying to enjoy a meal and I don't want people bothering me while I'm trying to enjoy a meal. I can't stand it when someone I'm dining with gets a phone call and answers it. Not only do they answer it, but they talk so loud that every table around us gets to listen to their conversation (my mother-in-law is the absolute worst about this). :banghead:

Same goes for my work phone while I'm at home. Once I go home I don't consider myself to be on company time. Don't call me. If you do, I won't answer. In fact, I won't even know you called because I leave my work phone in my truck when I get home.

I know that has nothing to do with answering the phone at the range, but this discussion reminded me of an annoying habit that some people have.
What I hate is having to call the entire firing line cold so that some inconsiderate jerk can have a cell phone conversation with his wife. And then to top it off the guy thinks it is funny that he made everyone else wait to call the line hot. :cuss:
I would like to think that everyone that responds to cell phones at the range is going to be safe, but the example above is more likely the common one with the greater portion of the unwashed masses not initiated into our inner circles. :rolleyes:

loose cannon,

Steven King is a bit late. The zombies are already here; watch them swerve down the road or walk blank eyed in public places requiring those still in the realm to make way and keep them from colliding with others. Or check out Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

Unfortunately I believe cell phone jammers are illegal in the US, otherwise I would have one in my car for use on the freeway.

Heard of Pavlov and his bell? Otherwise why feel forced to answer each call rather than let the caller leave a message?

To some extent I think the cell phone has replaced the cigarette as a social signal. Remember the poses with the cigarette held high in a seductive manner (forget the bad breath)? Note the "look at me I am a cool part of the scene" expression on people rushing along with the cell phone stuck to their ears. Then the height of trendiness is that plastic wart (BlueTooth???).

Now if we could just develop firearms as a seductive symbol...
From the movie 'Phone Booth'
You hear a phone ring and it could be anyone, but a ringing phone has to be answered, doesn't it?

NO, IT DOESN'T! This bothers me as well, just because someone calls you on you cell phone doesn't mean that you have to talk to them. This would bug my teachers in college to no end, most would demand that you turn you phones off or not bring them into class. Occasionally someone would forget and there phone would ring, everyone would look at them, they would apologize and turn it off.

Once in a rare while you would get a student (who usually wasn't doing well in the class) who's phone would ring and they would answer it.:banghead: Not, "hey I'm in class, can I call you back?" but "What's up!? OMG, you can't believe how drunk I was last night...." and so on.:what:

What is it about people today that just because you can talk to anybody at any time they think that they have to.

Ok, Rant Over. Don't be too hard on the guy at the range, he is already paying for his stupidity with hearing loss, just like the people at my college were paying by wasting their parents money and failing classes.
Unfortunately my cell phone is provided by work and is a necessary evil. I have to answer it whenever it rings, 24/7. Lets just say that when it rings at 3 in the morning, I contemplate using it for target practice the next time I'm at the range.

The ONLY time I couldn't wait to answer it was when I was in western mass at a machine gun shoot. The phone rings, I barely hear it and I answer it as I'm standing in line to shoot a couple of fully automatic fun guns. Of course the whole line is full of automatic fire and a cannon went off. The guy on the other end of the line says something I couldn't hear and I screamed that into the phone. I did barely make out him saying he'll get in touch with someone else as he hangs up. Classic! :evil:
I hate cell phones, I don't even own one and I hardly even know how to use one I've used them so rarly....and Im only 20.

Few things are more annoying then some idiot coming up in line blabbering away about crap I could care less about and can barly figure out what he wants through his conversation he can't put on hold for thirty seconds.
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