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Most irritating behaviors in the field..

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1. Grown men who will take a deer off a kid. Seen it happen. Had it happen to me when I was 12.
2. Trigger-happy jagoffz who shoot more deer than they have tags for and then start pressuring/badgering others in camp to tag carcasses for them. These guys always seem to think it is the duty of kids to give up their tags on demand. Note that this is not the same as a gentlemen's agreement on the last day of the season that "if you see 3, shoot 3. We'll all tag one and go to a bar."
3. Count me in as getting bent out of shape over those who are chronically deficient on muzzle discipline.

I agree whole heartedly. It happened to me when I was 14 and I must say that kind of behavior from a grown man is redicilous and in acceptable. We have an obligation as sportsman to teach the up and coming generations better ethics than that.
I got a new one.......this happened a couple weeks ago. I was predator calling in a pretty open area mostly howling and trying to get a coyote to respond. All of a sudden i hear the hum of a quad. I didnt really think anything about it as the road was within earshot (about 400 yards on the other side of a rolling hill) As im sitting i hear the quad get closer, and closer, and closer. All of a sudden i see it crest the hill driving right across the grass. I let the guy get about 100 yards from me and he stops, takes a call out of his pocket and starts wailing on it all the while sitting on his big red quad in the middle of a field. Upon a closer look through binos i noticed the guy didnt have a rifle. I stood up to greet the intruder and he immediately started talking to me. I asked him what he was up to and he told me "coyote hunting, thought i heard a howl and thought id come check it out." I asked him what he was shooting and he pointed to a hi point pistol on his hip. I then got a bit unfriendly and raised hell about him riding his quad off the road, screwing up my hunting, and carrying a ridiculous weapon considering the ranges that were likely in the terrain. If he had gotten off his quad and walked out and then started trying to call the coyote (me) it wouldnt have bothered me. Very likely a friendly conversation would have taken place.
Bad Behavior in West KS

I grew up in western Ks and love it. But when my brother in law and I are hunting from lay down blinds and in a flock of non moving geese, it peeves me when trucks stop, glass us with riflescopes, like they were going to put down some geese with a bolt action. Thats a little ridiculous. Or when people come out to ruin your nice pheasant hunt with their buddies who cant shoot, shots they take are 10 feet from your head, or insist on giving your dog commands because they seen it on a hunting video. Then knock your dog because its a lab and they know a guy who has a GSP that points. No joke, a GSP that points, never seen it.
Absolutely true story.

A bass fisherman comes off the river over into the island cove where my buddy and I are duck hunting and starts casting into our decoys while we are hunting.
above all, i think disregard for safety is what gets me going. I caught a guy I used to hunt with looking down the barrel of his shotgun, finger on the trigger after a bird flew past us. He was the guy who was always ran his mouth about his hunting prowess (go figure). Well, after I ripped his gun out of his hands and cussed him out (we had this conversation before this particular day) I decided that it was best if we didn't hunt together anymore.

Other than that, Know-it-alls who don't have any experience to back it up really get me going as well. I am not the most experienced hunter, I know that all too well, and when someone who has been hunting longer than I have been breathing takes the time to teach me something new, I'll damn sure quiet down and listen...I just wish others had the same respect, because it ruins it for the rest of the 20-somethings like myself who are actually interested in being invited back to hunt
My #1 All Time Pet Peeve:
Leave the F@%*ING ATV at HOME!! Get off your a$$ and walk. It blows my mind that here in Texas, hunter have 160 acre hunting leases and drive their damned ATV's to the stand. Then don't understand why they see so few deer!!

True story: I have a friend who is on a 240 acres deer lease with 7...that's SEVEN other hunters. They all drive ATV's to their stands and NO ONE, not one person all season saw a deer. They blamed it on too many acorns. I just smiled and nodded....
I can see wandering around via ATV in my own several-hundred- or several-thousand-acre pasture. But not if I'm seriously hunting. That's one of those, "Aw, if I see something, I might shoot it," deals.

I generally walked the half-mile to my woods, even though I could have jeeped back to them. But quieter is better. Granted, those forty acres of woods were dense enough that two or three hunters could have safely set up in blinds. (That was when I lived on the old family place outside of Austintatious.)

Out here, I drive the twenty miles from home on back to my hunt camp. In my young and healthy days, I typically walked five to twelve or fifteen miles of circling around in a day. My regular quail hunt was three miles, one way.

But it's a hoot when some doofus on an ATV gets Bucky moving toward me. :)
#1 above all else! Do not point your rifle at me/see what I am doing through your scope. This did not work out well for others when I was in Iraq and will not work out well for you.

Leave your phone at home or atleast in the truck. I go hunting so I don't have to talk to any one and don't want to be the third ear to a phone call that can wait.

Don't make snide remarks about my gun and I won't make any about yours. Yes I do hunt with a 300wm, even shot two deer with the 375 last year. If you think you can out shoot me with your 243 I invite you to try. If you can't handle your 300 I will loan you my 243.

Just because your scope goes to 16X doesn't mean you should leave it there all the time.

If the gate was open, leave it open. If not then close it behind your lazy ass even if you will be back the same way in a little while.

If there is room in your truck/ATV cooler for a full beer there is dam sure room for the empty can.

If I tell you to take my truck around the other side of the mountian and pick me up when I get there do not take it out of Low Range and smoke my clutch because you only use Low in your truck After you get stuck.

If I need help filling my tag, I will ask.

If you break it make it right.

Ciggrette buts are Not part of the landscape.

Yes I am aware that its raining/cold/snowing/to hot/windy... I don't need to hear some whining about what is very apearent to all presant.

I hunt public land, yes you have a right to hunt and camp right next to me, that don't make it right. If you don't know where the public land starts or what is private buy a map.
I only get to hunt big game for a week or two every year and while I am only 32 I am already very picky about who I will hunt with.
Leave your phone at home or atleast in the truck. I go hunting so I don't have to talk to any one and don't want to be the third ear to a phone call that can wait.

Up until you're injured and need quick evac. I leave mine turned off while hunting, but a cell phone may be the difference between life and death in the wild. I've had signal at 6,000 feet, 30 rough miles by road from a town of 1,000. But if I'm talking on it, please smack me upside the head.

Don't make snide remarks about my gun and I won't make any about yours. Yes I do hunt with a 300wm, even shot two deer with the 375 last year. If you think you can out shoot me with your 243 I invite you to try. If you can't handle your 300 I will loan you my 243.

Agreed. I use a reduced velocity .300 for deer. A screwed up shot is a screwed up shot. It may be unnecessary overkill on deer, but I may be keeping an eye out for elk as well.

Just because your scope goes to 16X doesn't mean you should leave it there all the time.

Agreed. I hunt with a 5-20x. It's stupid as a hunting scope, but it is basically a 5x that may have other options. For punching paper, I'll crank it up. There are times to use higher magnification, but generally you'll have time to crank it up but no time to crank it down. So I hunt at minimum magnification.

If the gate was open, leave it open. If not then close it behind your lazy butt even if you will be back the same way in a little while.

At one point, screwing with a gate in the west was a shooting offense. Nowadays, it may be an instant hunting ban or a call to the local law enforcement for a trespass notice. I'm not sure that shooting wasn't the proper punishment, dealing with farmers and ranchers growing up. Losing a cow may be like losing your beat up pickup truck, and he probably can't afford it. If you're screwing him out of a pretty significant chunk of income and a 1,500 lb animal, for your 120 lb deer, you're pretty selfish.

If there is room in your truck/ATV cooler for a full beer there is dam sure room for the empty can.

I'd say have neither, and if you get a chance pick up some other <deleted>'s trash. If it's a couple day trip, I can understand drinking a little at night, but being impaired with a rifle is a bad idea. I've seen trash 40-50 miles from the nearest road, and it pisses me off too.

If I need help filling my tag, I will ask.

Always the best policy. It's illegal to hunt for someone else, other than very specific proxy situations. I can understand situations where people have an agreement on sharing tags, but that's just it. It's an agreement, beforehand. It's illegal. It's immoral, and forcing that situation on another hunter is bullcrap.

If you break it make it right.

There are times I wouldn't expect a person to pay to fix or replace something. If I hand him an axe, he's carefully chopping wood, and the head flies off...it's not his fault. If he's using the axe to break rocks, then yes he'd better replace the damn thing.

Ciggrette buts are Not part of the landscape.

Shouldn't be smoking while hunting anyway, but yes. Ugly litter.

Yes I am aware that its raining/cold/snowing/to hot/windy... I don't need to hear some whining about what is very apearent to all presant.

Tell that to my wife. I've been lucky, most of my friends were willing to push themselves to the very edge of human suffering without complaining. Maybe a sarcastic comment, but no bitching.

I hunt public land, yes you have a right to hunt and camp right next to me, that don't make it right.

I don't understand wanting to be anywhere near another hunter you don't know and work with. If someone gets to "your" spot first on public land, then move on. If you think the other hunters will drive game towards you, go for it. But I don't want to be anywhere you may point your barrel towards, and perhaps you don't want me shooting at you either.
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Had a friend bring a friend duck hunting once, he was shooting river ducks and letting them float down the river without saying any thing. What the Heck did I spend all the time training my dog for? Let along bringing her hunting? I don't care what kind of duck it is, if you don't like em don't shoot em. If it flies it dies if it is in season. They all get ground up into sausage, tell me shot a duck so I can send the dog, that's why I have them.

Another good one, O dark thirty elk bugling and they people with permission to be there( who I have to be with because I am with them) want to go in the opposite direction because it does not look "elky" enough where we are hearing them bugle.:fire:

He still does not know why we did not see elk that year. And I no longer wonder why after 25 years of archery hunting he has never shot an elk.
1. Trespassing without permission, while not wearing hunter's orange.
2. Running hunting dogs thru private land or public land where not allowed,

These two above mentioned problems irritate the snot out of me. I had several hunters trespass on my property while i was deer hunting last year, and had taken off their hunter's orange while doing so to avoid detection... all were carrying guns. One morning I saw movement, and pointed my rifle in the general direction, before the camoflaged pattern made a bit of sense to me...<Deleted inappropriate comment>

The second thing i mentioned irritates me even more. We have an area that is still hunting only, under quality deer management. Every so often, hunters will send in packs of dogs thru and hunt the edges. I once caught a few of the dogs, and held them hostage in an effort to confront the owners.... (BTW the owner's name & phone # was on the collar)... When i called it, the owner "had no idea" where his dogs were, said they had got out of the pen...
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In retrospect, i probably should have fired in that general direction.


Are you saying that you are willing to dish out the death penalty to trespassers? You know that those guys are probably armed right? And that if you shoot at them and don't kill them they'll probably shoot back and will probably not miss you in your pumpkin suit, right?

You might want to rethink that one.

"Ah yes your honor I saw a man in camo in a bush and I shot him."

Was he threatening you? Did he even see you? Was he armed?

Sounds like a possible death penalty case to me. Heck a good prosecutor could make that look premeditated pretty easily.
For me, it's grown men who never "grow" as hunters. I take newbies out every year and some of them never learn to be functional on their own. Some people need handholding and butt wiping their entire lives. Have no use for them in my camps.
I enjoy teaching, but they need to learn eventually.

"stud"; was that a compliment? Totally unwarranted. Gents treat ladies like ladies. Always. Dao.
I would never fire in the direction of another hunter and my comment was just as out of place & irritating as the trespasser's behavior was. I did confront him, asked him to respect the property boundaries, informed him that his behavior was downright dangerous, (hunting without orange, in thick brush in FL), informed them the land was private, and to leave and not plan on coming back. I chewed his butt pretty good, to the point that i received a letter from his aunt about 3 weeks afterward addressing the same issue. I talked with a local FL FWC game warden (with whom i routinely work) who asked me if i wanted to make a formal complaint, and that they could deal with the trespass issue, but i let it pass with just a warning, will see if it is sufficient for future hunting seasons.

The funny thing about it, i probably would have given them permission had they asked for it, and routinely let people hunt the area, when they ask.. Trespassing without permission is the most common issue that irritates me. & I sincerely apologize for the inappropriate comment...
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I have had people ask permission to hunt my land, or even ask me to take them. When I tell them that we are having a work weekend where people come out and do a little work on the hunting land, many of these folks just cannot find the time to lend a hand. You dont help out, you certainly dont hunt. I am amazed at how angry these people will get when I dont take them hunting despite their unwillingness to lift a finger. One day of work for hunting permission doesnt seem too bad to me. Before I bought land, I used to work several weekends a year for the fine folks who let me hunt their land.

I also hate tresspassers and poachers. Sub-humans if you ask me. I live in an area surrounded by national forest. My land is about a 5 minute drive from the national forest, yet every season, people tresspass and kill several deer on my place.
Thanks to the modern world I have a new irritant. Out dove hunting with my wifes boy. Walking along through the fields kicking them up and I looked over at him. He is TEXTING as he walked along. He never even saw at last 10 birds fly by within 20 yards of his path.

He no longer gets taken along with me!!


BTW he was 29 when this happened!!
He is TEXTING as he walked along. He never even saw at last 10 birds fly by within 20 yards of his path.

Ohh YES!!

I see it all the time. I teach self defense and one of the first things I point out to people is that texting automatically makes you a prime victim choice when in a public area. Texting effectively drops your situational awareness to ZERO and makes you an easy target.

I've had texters walk straight into me with no idea I was standing at the grocery store on airplanes in airports at the mall. When I see one coming I won't dodge out of their way. Try it sometimes it is truly amazing how out of touch these people are with their surroundings.
people shooting from the road in their trucks it is illegal and dangerous if you dont want to walk go buy cabelas and sit on your couch and shoot deer. I cannot stand someone shooting somthing they dont eat. I went squirrel hunting with a guy I met at the range he was walking around shooting squirels and leaving them I about punched his lights out on the spot.I have also found dead does within 100yards of someones deer stand with three arrows in it so they know they hit it they just didnt want to drag the deer out. Probrobly because it didnt have a rack and they couldnt brag about it to their buddies.Why kill somthing just to waste it P.S you cant eat a rack I will take the doe if able to depending on the season yes I only shoot deer at certain times of the season regardless of what the regs say.
Another beef is these guys who bring a $1500.00 rifle equipped with a $600.00 scope and sneer at my 39 year old Remington rifle that has literally killed scores of deer,hogs,coyotes,turkey,etc. and they cant put three shots at 100 yards while on sandbags inside an eight inch circle.

Edit to add...Oh yea,and they always have some ridiculous magnum rifle for these relatively small deer.
300 Win Mags seem to rule with these guys.

I ran into a guy like that at the range a while back. He had what appeared to be an anti-tank rifle with approx. 3 inch muzzle brake and his shots at 100 yards were spread all over the place, yet he chuckled at my 300$ savage .308 with all shots at 100yds within 1.5 inches. Ok sure good shooting, bub.

I hate going hunting with people who can't shut up and sit still, or want to smoke, or get bored at the stand and start chucking acorns... I like stalk hunting a lot. And stalk hunting, of course, requires movement. However, this does not mean it's ok to talk in a normal tone of voice and have no qualms about stepping on dry twigs and kicking your feet thru leaves.
most irritating I have run into... the game warden who thinks it is his right to ruin your hunt just to make sure your following the laws, then gets frustrated when he can't catch you doing anything! we routinely have a GW that drives his atv through the duck swamp about 5-30 minutes into legal hunting time. I don't get much time throughout the year to hunt. so I get pretty worked up if my day gets ruined for no reason. he will go through every shell you have check your bags even make you walk back to your vehicle and check through it. the guy is just an ass.. and I've never even broken the law hunting. it isn't as if he knows to be extra thorough because I'm a pocher! he just treats everyone this way!

I don't excuse his behavior but my grandpa was about 70 and he said "I've hunted my whole life, and never worn orange, I don't need to now". he had a game warden land a helicopter in the field and write him a ticket.. now I'm all bout safety and I'm perfectly happy to wear orange. but surveying private land with a chopper is a little much...just saying
I forgot one. Used to have a neighbor who not only BUILT a permanent deer blind on my mothers property(with several shot shells laying around it), but he was also growing pot. I tore down his deer blind.
I used to hunt with an older man that liked walki-talkies... (now he is TEXTING)... We had a code, Click twice before talking, so not scare the game off....the clicking was irritating, now the d@m vibrations of text going off is irritating.
Radio guys....

I hunt with a few guys who insist on handing out radios. Instead of arguing with them I take the radio do a comm test and as soon as I'm out of sight I turn the thing off. If I need to get a hold of them I'll turn it on.
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