Most Realistic WWII PC Games??

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Jan 17, 2003
After watching "Band of Brothers" and "Enemy at the Gates", I have been in the mood for a good WWII oriented first person shooter for the PC. Now, I know there are a lot of WWII games out there, tons of them, which is why I am asking you folks here to help me weed out the best of the lot.

Now, my favorite shooting video game so far is Operation Flashpoint for the computer. It is by far the most realistic combat game I have played, weapons act as they would in the real world, the game has real world physics, and you die in 1-2 shots. Not to mention the fact that you can get into any vehicle you can find and drive it around. Also you can shoot in offhand, sitting, or prone positions.

So I am asking for a WWII game that is not only fun to play, but realistic as well. Games where one round from a garand will drop a target from far distances, where as it might take a few from a thompson or carbine at the same range.

If anyone here could recommend their favorite WWII games and why they recommend them, I would be most appreciative, thank you.
Ah, tough call that :)

I would like to suggest Battlefield 1942 as the most "realistic" WW2 FPS that I have played. You can fly planes, drive tanks and jeeps, main anti-aircraft guns and parachute down on the enemy (all in multiplayer!). I haven't played any of the recent expansion packs, but the original was a riot of fun!

There are a ton of good games out there though, out of the couple of WW2 games that I've tried, Battlefield 1942 stands tall.
My son has told me the there is a Band of Brothers game coming out/or is out now, can't remember what he told me. I think it is for the PS2
Oddly enough, Red Orchestra (, a mod for Unreal Tourament 2003 is probably the most "realistic" WWII shooter out there. It's a great game and it's going to keep getting better. I should know, I'm on the testers team. :p It's also one of the very few games to have NO crosshair, but rather iron sights. However it's eastern front, so no Americans, and thusly no Garand or Thompson. But you do get some nice PPsH-41s!
Battlefield 1942 is fun, but it's more of an arcade game than a realistic shooter. You can tell how things are tweeked for gameplay purposes, such as three grenades being enough to take out a Panzer, or people entering battle with two extra reloads. Fun, but definitely not realistic.

Operation Flashpoint is probably the best I've ever played in terms of realism. I'm guessing you already have the expansion packs and have tried all of the mods.

I've been plaing Call of Duty a lot lately. Great game. Not exactly all that realistic as you gun down some 500 Germans on a one-man mission to blow up a dam, but it's pretty good. It lets you use iron sights in that one too.
Does 1942 allow you to use ironsights too?

How about the Medal of Honor - Allied Assault game? Can you use crosshairs? Will one .30-06 put someone down? Can you get down into prone?

Most importantly.....

Which games allow you to use 'Ma Duece'? :D
if you like Band of Brothers and Enemy at the Gates, you will love Call of Duty as large parts of the missions are lifted from those films - especially the start of the Stalingrad campaign (not that theres anything wrong with that - that level is one of the two most memorable computer game elements of all time).

BF1942 is great, but ruined by the attitudes of some who play. Theres also a degree of cheating going on recently which has meant that I've put it away - having an hours CTF fun on El Alamein ruined by some flying fool annoys one far too much.

I reinstalled Medal of Honor after finishing COD but it really showed its age (in FPS terms) and so didnt last all that long. Operation Flashpoint is just the most underated game of all time, and deserves some success and attention (especially when viewed against the likes of CS).
No iron sights in 1942 or Medal of Honor.

It will often take three shots with an M1 to put someone down in MoH. And there's no prone position.

I think there's a a Ma-Deuce in Battlefield 1942, but it doesn't have the luster it should. The others don't, just MG42s.

One thing you have to play MoH for is the Omaha level. It gets to be pretty obvious that they copied Saving Private Ryan on just about everything.
Call of Duty is very good. It's everything that Medal of Honor should have been. The gameplay is rather linear, though (complete objectives in the order given).

Battlefield 1942 is a lot of fun, but I wouldn't call it realistic.

I have to agree with Agricola 100%: Operation Flashpoint is great. It's pretty long in the tooth, and the graphics never were so great to begin with, but the tradeoff is the kind of gameplay I've never seen elsewhere. You get a set of objectives, which may change according to your actions, and you can accomplish them any way you want. If you need to destroy a convoy, you're free to take tanks to fight head-on, an attack helicoptor, satchel charges or mines, ... or all of the above (assuming you can beg borrow or steal them). It's the one game I don't see myself uninstalling until the new version comes out.
I haven't played it in a while, but Day of Defeat was a lot of fun if you found a good server to keep TKers, etc. out. It can be a bit Counter Strike-ish at times, the bolt action rifles were ridiculously accurate, and not killing someone with a garand with one shot unless its a headshot is pretty bogus, but its a pretty solid game (and the new version supposedly irons those things out).
Hidden and Dangerous II?

Are there any WWII mods for Operation Flashpoint?
Day of Defeat can be realistic given a large game with dedicated teammates. It can also be really stupidly unrealistic if your teammates refuse to cooperate with you or ignore common sense.

Despite this reliance on others to provide the environment, it does have the most realistic weaponry of any other WWII game I've seen. Iron sights are an optional download but most of them look good when implemented. You have to run with your sights pointed down about 30 degrees as not to obscure your field of vision, but the effect works well IMO.
BF1942 kinda sucks from just the infantry point of view. I was very disappointed with it.

Call of Duty is the best WWII FPS out IMO. Alot better than MOHAA all the way around (and I played MOHAA alot online for like 2 years). The iron sights are nice in CoD. It's just all around fun, online play is sweet. It's also easily modable. There are already numerous "realism mods" available for it (some better than others) and a bunch of servers running them. That is only the start of the modifications for this game...

Iron sights, proning, better realism than MOHAA with mods to make it even better, etc. No Ma-Duece unfortunately but the MG42 is incredibly sweet IMO... I LOVE getting on that sucker and smoking some enemies online...

Definitely at least check it out. There are a pair of demos you can download of the singleplayer campaign.

Red Orchestra may be more realistic from what I hear about it, unfortunately I don't have UT2k3 and I'm not buying it to play one mod so I can't comment on how good it is overall...
An oldie but a goodie PANZER GENERAL, I've worn out one CD so far. Day of Defeat WAS fun but like already said, the cheaters ruined it. Von Paulas rules with his Browning MG!
Most DoD servers have implemented excellent anti-cheat measures, not the least of which are sharp-eyed admins.
Well, I DLed the OFP 1944 WWII mod, and it is very cool and realistic. However, for some reason there is a bug that causes the game to boot me and close when I try to look at my map. This makes it very frustrating, and rather difficult to accomplish my objectives.
*leaves lurker mode*

Try out World War II online. Iron sights all the way, tanks and aircraft, and one bullet does the job. It's got a free trial going so you can try it for 14 days without charge as well. It scratches my Mauser itch ;)

WWII online free trial
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