Most Restrictive Knife Laws

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god bless Arizona, AGAIN!

A bill just made it past the third reading in both houses that would preempt anyone but the state to make any knives illegal. The laws are all over the map. I had no idea until THIS THREAD (at age 36) that knife laws were so erratic. I was naive enough to assume that a law-abiding citizen not on parole or probation could carry a simple tool!!!

I've been wearing a neck knife for years and passed through jurisdictions that i now realize would have thrown my butt in jail.

Nice to know that soon there will be NO ambiguities across the entire state of AZ.

Looks like is emerging as the bladed version of the NRA
Can't get any worse than the Republik of California.
Yikes, I think I'll quit going skiing any more in NM, and just keep heading on up to Wolf Creek or Purgatory. They can bite me with those laws.
stinger 327,

You're completely wrong in that. Many states are much worse than California on knife laws. California doesn't restrict blade length on a folder, most states do. California allows possession and carry of small switchblades (<2"), many states don't permit possession at all. Don't make any assumptions about how good or bad your or any other state is on knife restrictions.
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