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mountain lion 90210

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I'll never understand California. The people there are like, out of place. Bourgeois folks living in a desert with a bunch of houses built over it. The minute they face nature, it's as if it's a culture shock, and they realize they actually are in the middle of a barren dust-bowl under the guise of a city.

Weird state, CA.
Exactly, people that are so out of touch with reality and need tons of laws to give them enough structer to coexist. We have 4 new laws a day in CA. It is for exactly that reason, people in CA cannot govern from within because they are so out of touch and need to be governed by law upon law to function.
The result is something that is far from free, or even something you would want to live under, and they are no more in touch with reality. The boundaries of thier false reality are the laws, not logic or common sense.

It goes back to the settling of CA. It was the magnet for all those ultra progressive outcasts of the rest of the country. Many with a lifestyle that was unacceptable moved to CA. The result is what we see today, people who had abandoned any previous societal values, and are then ruled by excessive law to compensate. Now a few generations into it all hope is lost, and they are making an exodus to other locations and changing them into what CA is now.

Soon enough your area will lockdown local schools, call law enforcement and huddle scared in thier homes with the media telling them to stay inside and lock thier doors while the state approved people make them safe after a mountain lion siting.
It's not as bad as you make it seem.

In regards to the CA gun laws, one can live with a ten round magazine, and one can live without a .50 BMG. The fact is you still have the right to own a firearm, and that's really all that counts.

Now, I do realize a lot of CA legislation puts into effect some very silly laws in areas other than gun ownership as well. But I'd need at least 1500 plots worth of character space to list it all, so I'll refrain from doing so. =P

It's unfortunate that the majority of the urban CA dwellers don't appreciate all the state has to offer. The deserts are gorgeous in the spring and fall, and the beaches no different. Not to mention the snow up north in the winter.

It all goes to waste when the greater part of the population doesn't even take notice, let alone give it the appreciation it truly deserves.

If there is one state I believe should be given solely to the Native American tribes to do with as they please, and govern as their own, it would be California. They'd treat it far better than we do now. =\
It's not as bad as you make it seem.

In regards to the CA gun laws,
Oh it goes far beyond CA gun laws. It is laws concering everything.
Most of the big anti gun bills for the rest of the country do come from CA representatives in congress and in the senate. Only Chicago, and MA, NYC and Jersey which is like the dumping grounds of NYC, can rival the anti gun and anti freedom/self reliance(extending to issues beyond just guns) sentiment throughout most of the state in the most populous state in the nation, CA. Being the most populous state in the nation also means it has more leverage and influance than 10 of the states between the coasts.
Yes it is that bad. It extends to issues and a mindset far beyond just guns.

If there is one state I believe should be given solely to the Native American tribes to do with as they please, and govern as their own, it would be California. They'd treat it far better than we do now. =\
I don't know about that. They have sold out thier lifestyle, thier cultures, and thier way of life for the money the Casinos bring in. Thier beliefs had a price tag, it was a high price tag, but the billions of the casinos were able to meet it. I doubt most of the future generations of the natives will be anything like those of previous generations in terms of nature and harmony. They will have grown up with the wealth, and crime of the casinos. The influance they have the most of will be of the materialistic world, and less of the natural. The children and grandchildren will be no different than most of the rest of CA, except with the positives and negatives of having legal gambling (increased revenue wealth, but increased crime and desperation of many as well.) This may be a good thing from some perspective, but the Native way is at it's end. So I wouldn't put any more faith in them than in others of the state.
The Natives, like all ethnic groups (And I do mean ALL. Whitey ain't no complete sweetheart either. =P) have their good and bad people.

There are those that sold their culture to the highest bidder, in a homogenized, anglo-friendly package, then there are those that retain their people's beliefs, and ways.

I've known Natives that fit the bill for both, and I meant that California should be given to those that truly retain what it is to be a Native of the land; those that have assimilated into the mainstream can remain there.

And in truth, I only mean the land should be governed and inhabited by those who can truly appreciate it. Doesn't really have to be the Native Indians, could be anybody.
Hey guys......aren't you getting a little off topic?

I have had a cabin in the mountains for years now. I have never heard or seen a cougar but my neighbors say they are around. I have seen lot's and lot's of deer and have learned a little about them. One time I was standing directly behind a deer that was about 30 yards in front of me. I mean I was right on 6 o'clock. She was facing straight ahead 12 o'clock. We made eye contact. Her eyes were so big, bulged, and positioned enough on the sides
that she had virtual 360 degree peripheral vision. The other thing I noticed about deer is that they have large ears that rotate independent of each other. Their hearing is phenomenal. I was standing on my back deck one moonlit night under the overhang when I noticed out of the corner of my eye a large doe slowly crossing my property about 20 yards from where I was standing. It had been a couple of days since I shaved so I had a little stubble. I remained totally motionless so I wouldn't spook her. She didn't see me I guess because the bright moonlight off the snow affected her night vision and I was standing on a dark corner of my deck. As she passed I slowly turned my head as I kept watching her. As I turned my head, I barely heard the raspy sound of my stubble scrape across the collar of my jacket. At that moment, she instantly froze and crouched down like she was ready to vault. It was too much of a coincidence to conclude anything other than she heard my beard scrape too. She stayed frozen for about ten seconds then proceeded on her way. I was awestruck. Based on the two experiences, I have concluded that deer are far from defenseless. I think a cougar or anything else that requires personal contact to kill has their work cut out for them making a meal of a healthy adult deer. Cougars are large animals and no matter how stealthy they are, they are going to crack twigs when they walk. From what I've seen of deer, I do not believe cougars "sneak up" on them. I quite frankly believe it is impossible to "sneak up" on a deer. One of the writers here said he can get close enough to touch a deer. My thought is that you must be very good at ambush or you must be a ghost or you are wearing deer attractant like the poor guy in the video who got his butt kicked by a buck, or the deer in your area are eating intoxicating berries. I believe cougars catch deer by waiting in ambush. That is the only logical way I can see for them to get close enough to mount a successful attack. Btw.....I might be wrong,,,,but I believe the demise of the Wolf came about due to bounties on them as they were viewed as a menace. I think even cougars at one time had bounties too...and I wouldn't be surprised if the same happened to Grizzlies....I can't imagine any other reason for Grizzlies vanishing. They prey on everything including black bears so man is the only one capable of taking them out.

mountain lion chow (deer) have invaded many parts of sub urban CA
thus bringing the lions with them.
the deer are all over the SF SJ bay area, lions too.
It's quite a bit different then rural deer.
These deer and lions have no fear of man.
people hand feed deer and hold vigils for the lions the police shoot that are wandering around school houses....



These deer and lions have no fear of man.
Herein lies the problem. Some are so desperate from starvation and/or disease they at the point of nothing to lose by targeting us humans. Some animals (not all-probably not even most) have noticed that we don't have fangs, claws or tusks. For that or some other reason. they have decided humans aren't dangerous. "What we have here is a failure to communicate." What we can do here is to educate not only people but also the large powerfull predators that are not afraid of us anymore. I have read that bear pepper spray has been effective in several cases of people vs bear and I read one account of a guy using it on a mountain lion with success. I am getting some of the stuff for our cabin to use when we go out hiking or fishing. I have a feeling that one of those rare critters that has lost it's fear of man may well reaquire that fear after 1/2hr -45 min of burning eyes and nostrils. A successfull spray episode would then accomplish 4 things. 1) A successfull human defense against a very serious and possibly lethal attack. 2) A magnificent animal survives without permanent injury. 3) The animal is not likely to get near a human the rest of it's life and if it has offspring, may well teach them to avoid humans as well. 4) The local retailer makes a little profit on the bear spray he sold you before the fact and on the the sale of a new set of underwear you buy after the fact!:eek: I would prefer not to be in a situation where I would have to pepper spray either a bear or a cougar. I would much prefer to learn to see the signs of these animals presence and avoid them than to confront and spray them. That is where the human education part of my idea comes in.

http://www.thehighroad.org/showthrea...highlight=lion This article.....a couple things jump out at me....
The truth is that every year exponentially more people are killed or injured by one of the hazards of modern life mentioned above than have ever been harmed by a mountain lion. The Department of Fish and Game has verified a total of 12 mountain lion attacks on humans since 1890 -- and just half of these proved fatal.

Look at the following stats as of 5/2006 and then see my prior posting above.

http://www.dfg.ca.gov/news/issues/lion/attacks.html . There were 3 attacks in 2004 alone! In addition, is it really any consolation to know that there are other untimely causes of death posssible? The article refers to drunk driving and gang shootouts for examples. Society is trying to do something about those causes of death, albeit some may say they are not doing enough. Shouldn't society then try to address this growing cougar attack problem? Perhaps the authorities could set up some sort of hazing boobytraps on the borders of suburbs and open space to try and educate them to stay away from people. I guess the trick is how to make the booby trap selective enough that only a cougar could trigger it not a child and/or a low wattage adult. Maybe we also need to consider letting the Fish and Game service do what they do best, managing fish and game. Unless my memory fails me, I believe it was them that suggested selling lion hunting tags to thin the population. It was the mountain lion worshippers that ran these heart touching ads showing a treed cougar with dogs underneath and then a not so well placed shot dropping it out of the tree. They ran that ad on tv over and over until everybody was crying.....that was why Prop 117 passed.
Another Mountain Lion Attack in CA


KTVU.com said:
Hiker Mauled By Mountain Lion In Humboldt Woods

POSTED: 11:09 am PST January 25, 2007

ORICK -- An elderly man walking in the woods of Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park with his wife was attacked and mauled by a mountain lion, authorities and reports said Thursday.

According to authorities, shortly before 4 p.m. on Wednesday an inmate working on a CDF crew in the park came across the bleeding man.

“They (the CDF work crew) came upon a victim, a single person,” Tom Hein, CDF battalion chief in charge of law enforcement and fire protection, told the Eureka Reporter.

He was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital where his condition was not known. A press conference to reveal additional details was scheduled for later Thursday.

The paper reported the unidentified man was hiking with his wife and suffered from lacerations to his face and body. There was no word on whether his wife had also been attacked.

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park is located approximately 50 miles north of Eureka in Orick -- a popular recreational area . It is managed by the National Park Service and the California Department of Parks and Recreation.

According to the paper, over the past three years mountain lion sightings have increased in the area, including at least four on the Humboldt State University campus.

In early November, a young male mountain lion weighing approximately 80 pounds was captured and tranquilized on HSU’s campus.
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