Movie Pet Peeves

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My eye for realistic weapon depiction has increased my appreciation for certain anime shows.


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torpid said:
The one that drives me absolutely nuts everytime it comes on TV is when all the stormtroopers are firing up as the Falcon is flying out of Mos Eisely, and the one trooper with the long-barreled Zargonian PA-57 is firing red blaster bolts instead of green- I mean, ***?!!

Well, Imperial stormtroopers normally use the DL series from BlasTech, so why wouldn't a PA-57 fire differently colored bolts?


Oh, wait, you're being sarcastic. :eek:

Well, Imperial stormtroopers normally use the DL series from BlasTech, so why wouldn't a PA-57 fire differently colored bolts?


Oh, wait, you're being sarcastic. :eek:

But of course!

(otherwise I would have correctly called them sandtroopers)

Hmm. I Googled "sandtroopers" and only found some pics of grody stormtroopers. They should have cool sand camouflage armor if they're going to be called sandtroopers! And to continue in that vein, would there be marshtroopers? How about meadowtroopers? Where does the madness end?!?
I caught about 5 minutes of some dumba$$ Mario Van Peeples movie the other night (all I could stomach). There was a guy behind a sniper rifle with about a yard of night scope on it, as he got ready to fire, they zero'd in on the trigger squeeze and it was a Glock trigger, complete with mag release in the shot. I was still laughing as I flipped channels.
Rambo 3. Richard Crenna is hanging from the ceiling by his wrists. The Russians are interrogating/torturing him--demanding information about the "missiles being given to the Afgan rebels". Finally the chief interrogator says, "You have tried my patience long enough!" He pulls his pistol, racks the slide, and presses the pistol--with the slide locked back OUT of battery and the barrel exposed--into Crenna's neck. He growls, "I won't ask you again...." (or something like that). It all just looked so cheesy and stupid..... :banghead:

On the other hand, I thought the gun fights in Open Range were fairly realistic.
Oh, man does this thread strike a nerve with me!

The one that drives me absolutely nuts everytime it comes on TV is when all the stormtroopers are firing up as the Falcon is flying out of Mos Eisely, and the one trooper with the long-barreled Zargonian PA-57 is firing red blaster bolts instead of green- I mean, ***?!!

Actually, those were Blastech T-21 Light Repeating Blasters. They normally have a different power output setting than the standard Blastech E-11's, so they 'show' on a different section of the visible light spectrum.

They're nice blasters for small unit support. However, they are prone to heat build-up...and they're power hogs.
Mastrogiacomo mentioned pet peeve #1 in my book....anti-gunner entertainment personalities profiting by using guns in their movies.

Others mentioned by members: LOUD gun noises whenever a gun is moved even an inch and the racking of slides "for effect".

A few others:
- round after round being discharged without a magazine exchange and
- characters flying through the air, firing their guns, and getting solid hits (especially common in Chow Yun Fat movies....the funniest had to be "Olivera" in Resident Evil: Apocalypse firing his two Desert Eagles while doing repelling off a helicopter at night getting head shot hits....okie dokie).
I always find it funny when someone fires a round, and they do a slow motion shot of it. Its funny because sometimes the brass can be seen with the bullet, flying through the air :what: :barf:

I can certainly agree with Mastrogiacamo and SRFL on the anti actors getting rich off of action movies. I'll find it laughable when one of them is somehow mugged and suddenly decides that they should go just as armed as all their characters.

Plenty of other good ones here. I almost forgot another one and haven't seen it mentioned that bugs the hell out of me and a few other people I've talked to. Holding the gun sideways because it "looks cool." No, it looks incredibly stupid. Think I'll hold my gun the right way and just shoot the "G" when his shot goes in the wrong direction or his gun jams. Jackass.

Oh and yes, Cowboy Bebop ROCKS! Great gunplay in general, and I don't care how animated she is, Faye is hot. :D And the overarching story has one of the best, boldest endings of anything out there, in my personal humble opinion.
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Where to begin?

Bottomless mags in SMGs, rifles, etc. (most Hollyweird flicks) :fire:

Removing and attaching a scope w/o having to re-zero (Private Ryan)

Firing such long "bursts" out of an MG that you'd melt the barrel (Private Ryan)

Some films do a good job, in large part due to the hard work of tech advisors, directors and others who are striving to get the details right. Dale Dye, Chris McQuarrie and a few others come to mind. Three Kings, for example, has a great discussion on the consequences of being shot.

I just watched "Sasquatch" with Lance Henrickeson (sp?) last Saturday.

There's a scene near the end where Lance is being pursued through the forest by the "Creature". Lance has acquired another guy's Rem 700 SS with at least a 24X scope.

In one scene Lance is racking the bolt (for the umpteenth round without reloading, or having access to additional ammo) on a right handed rifle. Next camera shot he's definately working the bolt on a left handed rifle. I've got a DVR, so I can pause/rewind whatever I'm watching so I checked it out "frame by frame". What's the point of obtaining an identical left handed rifle/scope to put in his hands for about 2 seconds of film, especially when the segment wasn't particularly important to the plot???

Ooh, my favorite are Lifetime movies. When those women snap, they can make guns do amazing things!

I was watching one a couple months ago where the woman shot the engine block of a car racing towards her to run her over. Apparently, her one shot hit the 'splode button because the car was annihilated in a huge fireball. :what:
Ah, yes, the "everything that is remotely flammable/explosive will explode when shot once" thing. That's gets annoying too. Don't get me wrong, I can still enjoy some regular action movies when that happens, but sometimes it's just too cheesy.
Is it possible that they just reversed the frame. They do all kinds of stuff like that in editing if they think it looks better artistically. In the 13th Warrior, there is a scene where rain is running upwards on Antonio Banderis's face.

I saw "Liberty Stands Still" today, so my pet peeves are these:

1)packaging/ commercials that lead one to expect one kind of movie when in fact it as another (LSS as an action movie instead of a political anti gun ad, or runaway jury as a thriller instead of a political gun ad) which I am sure happens because a lot of people would not pay money to see the movie if they knew what is really about. (makes me want to go out and buy another gun just for spite).

2)That Wesley Snipes is ever allowed to use a gun in a movie after that stinker (LSS). Danny Glover is another actor who should be be banned from using guns in movies, because he's a big stinkin' hypocrite.


Fortunately, I also rented Alone in the Dark to get the taste out of my mouth. If that doesn't work, I will put in my copy of Quigley Down Under. That should do the trick. :cool:
Actually, those were Blastech T-21 Light Repeating Blasters. They normally have a different power output setting than the standard Blastech E-11's, so they 'show' on a different section of the visible light spectrum.

They're nice blasters for small unit support. However, they are prone to heat build-up...and they're power hogs.

Thanks, I needed that!
I'm always amused at the number of 'pops' and 'clicks' that are edited in whenever any character pulls out a firearm.

I believe there is probably a pointless "click" whenever a gun is pulled out (at least once) in just about every movie ever made.

I've been studying to become a director at various schools while I work. I own some very nifty video equip and I've filmed alot of shooting. :D Most of it is pointless range-time. I think I want to start filming it and somehow adding a plot (safety first)... maybe incorporate hunting or something.

At any rate I'll try and post some stuff from time to time...without the "hammer down, give me the goods now" nonsense.

I'm always amused at the number of 'pops' and 'clicks' that are edited in whenever any character pulls out a firearm.

I believe there is probably a pointless "click" whenever a gun is pulled out (at least once) in just about every movie ever made.
Don't forget the "shiiiiing!" whenever any bladed weapon is handled.

The one that drives me absolutely nuts everytime it comes on TV is when all the stormtroopers are firing up as the Falcon is flying out of Mos Eisely, and the one trooper with the long-barreled Zargonian PA-57 is firing red blaster bolts instead of green- I mean, ***?!!

I've never even gotten that far. I always go into a ranting harangue at the scene where Obi-Wan and Luke are up on the plateau looking down into the valley at Mos Eisley. Who would build a spaceport in a valley??! Why not build it UP ON THE PLATEAU?? :banghead:
Besides all the dumb gun stuff that's been mentioned, a couple of things that bother me are the constantly squealing tires, even on sand or dirt, and the weird fact that all WWII Army Jeeps in Hollywood have brakes that squeel.

Oh, anyone remember Starsky and Hutch? The original TV show? They'd show an interior view of the car and it had an auto transmission with the shifter on the steering column, then the car would take off from a stop light and you'd get the 4 speed sound effects.

Oh, and there's a commercial for some financial services where some guy is trying to listen to what's being said at the table next to him, But a motorcycle pulls up, one that obviously has a 4 cyl jap motocycle engine in it, but the sound it's making is 100% Harley Davidson.
With out a doubt, the way producers edit Charlize Theron's movies. I have it on good authority, she always slips in a "I love you MountainPeak", but it always ends up on the cutting room floor! Life ain't fair!!!! :)
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