Movie: The Shooter - Movie for gun nuts.

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I like the accuracy of the film from the vinnettes of it I have seen, the only thing that gets me is that (and this may be answered by the film) but he has an m4 and it seems that it is full auto and my understanding is that he is a private citizen so basically he has a CLASS 3 and paid his NFA dues? The game on the site is a lot of fun, just not very accurate, it works best if you fire fast and dont really line up your shots.:)
He's a convicted felon and can't own guns.
I've never seen that he's a convicted felon. He was charged with a felony (or several) but pled down to charges that could very well be misdemeanors.
great movie... much better technical consulting than most movies. Many gun nuts will find nits to pick, but still well worth seeing...

Hunters's books (all of 'em,and they're all related in subtle ways, even the one's w/different characters) are some of the very, very few books that I have read multiple times.

I want to see the movie, but I'm afraid I'll be dissapointed,if they deviate from the book. Still should make for a good movie, as long as they stay close to the original plot.

His "Time To Hunt" would make a REALLY awesome movie,butwouldhavetoinclude the involved back-story (stories even) on Bob Lee Swagger.
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Just returned...

from the theater -- Great Show!! I highly recommend it for all gun afficionados and conspiracy theorists. It is entertaining and seems to be well-consulted concerning the technical side of guns.
Just got home from a matinee showing.

Seemed like the target market is fans of Stephen Hunter.

There were spatial and temporal shifts from the book, no
substantial deviations from the overall direction of the book.

(As opposed to some Tom Clancy books where the only
thing in common with the movie is the title.)

Having just read the book, I enjoyed the movie.
b) Saying "Hey, target shooting is fun!"

the latter. won't arouse backlash and could get more folks shooting.

thought it amusing that the movie review of the week on NPR was this movie. was even positive :)
Just got back from watching it myself. Pretty good movie. Never read the book, gonna have to find me some Stephen Hunter books now. Been meaning to since everybody started talking about this movie months ago and never gotten around to it.
Shooter misses the mark

Just got back from seeing Shooter tonight. I have to admit: I'm a bit pissed.

I don't know if you all saw the same movie I did.

I'm going to pull kind of a jerk move right now.

I'll just have to say it: The book was much better.

No, wait: the book was infinitely better.

The movie diverged wildly from the book about 30 minutes in, and coincidentally that's about the time it started to suck.

You know how faithful the LOTR movies were to the source material? Shooter is just like that. Except exactly the opposite.

Now, I can understand certain changes - such as updating Bob's character into a desert war vet vs. a vietnam vet. I can also understand cutting out certain subplots for the sake of time - because to do POI just like Hunter wrote it would probably require a 5-hr miniseries.

But they cut out the best parts! The battle of Bone Hill, the dog rescue, the finale - gone. What remains is merely coincidence.

The movie has diverged so far off course that I am actually insulted. Because the changes had to have been done on purpose. The changes are so major that they had to have been done with a will. Shooter isn't a movie for gun nuts. Instead, it is a movie for what Hollywood thinks are gun nuts. This is a movie that Hollywood thought mindless, retarded, firearm fanatics would like. It is 2 hours of condescension.

There are some high points- the first 30 minutes, some of the action scenes (although outlandish at times, still enjoyable), Kate Mara.

There are some very low points- the story, Mark Wahlberg switching hands/eyes halfway through the movie, the easy explosion of gas tanks, the ending.

That all being said: I don't regret paying money for this movie. Because in the end, some of that money's got to get to Stephen Hunter, and that's just fine by me. And if it does well enough, then maybe they'll do another Bob Lee Swagger flick, and maybe they'll do it right next time.
Movie did have some enjoyable gun play,

but still features the scumbag duo of wahlberg and glover.

Bought ticket to "300" and went in to see "shooter."

Won't give a dime to anyone of those POS.
just came back from cinema, watched the Shooter
to put it shortly, i'm 100% agree with zaijian.
Hunter's book are pretty good (i'd say 4 to 4+ out of 5, depending on book). Movie is about as good as SWAT or any other "nobody can hit the running main character" type, that is, it deserves a humble 3 out of 5 points.
what makes the whole movie difficult for me is that I like Mark Wahlberg as an actor.

I enjoyed The Big Hit, Three Kings, Rock Star, The Italian Job, The Departed. That made it all the more painful to see Shooter.

I don't have any particular beef with his actual performance in Shooter. If anything, all the blame can be laid at the feet of the director and the screenwriter.

Well, maybe a bit for Glover- I usually try not to factor in an actor's behavior outside of a movie into my liking of their character, but in his case i'll make an exception, as he is an extreme douchebag.

That, and he had the most horrible lisp in this movie. I think he had braces.
I disagree with some of the sentiment here. And agree with other sentiments.

I'll explain. As to this movie being so far right, it is actually left. Well, many Conservatives have problems with the Iraq War, and corporate influence in government. I don't think either issue is necessarily just right or left anymore. Actually, the movie strays in many ways from overt right or left politics.

Technically, it's about the best I think we can expect from Hollywood. Especially the very short explanations about sniping. We should just be happy that it isn't "With a .50 cal a normal man becomes G-d!"

As for the conspiracy angle, yes they changed the movie, but it would have been a period piece without that. And, given the nature of modern politics, I can't say that the conspiracy isn't inplausible (albeit definitely far fetched).

Overall, it was a well made movie. Was it everything we want? No.

But in order to do that, they'd have to basically hire Travis McGee to adapt his books as screenplays, and then faithfully follow the screenplays.

As an adaptation of a moderately pro-gun book, I'd have to say Shooter did it's job.

As for the actors. Yes they are anti-gun. But, there are only maybe 2 pro-gun actors in Hollywood that actually get any work. Would I have loved to see pro-gun actors? Yes, but that would have required a rediculous amount of casting, using no name actors, that wouldn't have justified the expense. Just be happy we got this.

Go see it. Hell, maybe Marky Mark might even become pro-gun after this. (Fat chance, but you attract more flies with honey than vinegar).
As for the actors. Yes they are anti-gun. But, there are only maybe 2 pro-gun actors in Hollywood that actually get any work. Would I have loved to see pro-gun actors? Yes, but that would have required a rediculous amount of casting, using no name actors, that wouldn't have justified the expense. Just be happy we got this.

So, sinced they're all anti-gun anyway, just keep supporting them, since there are no or minimal pro-gun people or sentiments in the movie business? Sorry, for me the answer is to be done with that industry, the industry that takes my money, the fame we give them, uses it against us and thinks we're stupid, backwards idiots that are beneath them. No thanks. I'm not that hard up for entertaintment or things to occupy my time.
Hell, maybe Marky Mark might even become pro-gun after this. (Fat chance, but you attract more flies with honey than vinegar).

I actually wouldn't be very surprised if this happened. I heard that they had him trained at FrontSight or another similar place - and if that won't make you a gun nut, I don't know what will. I remember reading similar things about Tom Cruise after he went through training for Collateral.
I've never read any of hunters books, but whenever i've read a book and then seen a movie made from the book, i've never been satisfied. For most people this is an excellent movie, and I enjoyed every second of it, however, if i had read the book first i'd probably not be satisfied
Originally posted by zaijian:
I actually wouldn't be very surprised if this happened. I heard that they had him trained at FrontSight or another similar place - and if that won't make you a gun nut, I don't know what will. I remember reading similar things about Tom Cruise after he went through training for Collateral.

I dont know if you know this but Marky Mark is a convicted felon. He has assaulted numerous people and robbed others. He is also a racist. Someone posted a link above on the first page. But if you read the IMDB page on him under biography it says he has been convicted of numerous small felonies.

We should not support him as he is anti-gun and so is Danny Glover.
Has Danny Glover had any kind of cancer? Every time he was on screen, I was distracted by his voice/lisp - it sounded kinda like part of his tongue had been removed (as with cancer).

Overall, I liked it. A bit of a throwback in action terms, leaner and less dependent on wild CGI. Refreshing to see an action/gun film that didn't have a pronounced right-wing bent, though it didn't exactly have a left-wing one either. It was simply cynical.

Marky Mark wasn't well-cast. I love him in side roles (Departed, Three Kings, I Heart Huckabee's), but he doesn't play the Quiet Loner all that well and they didn't exactly drop his Boston accent. How many "Bob Lees" are there in Southie, eh?
Marky the Shooter

The Shooter was one of the best screenplays from a book that I have seen. (For a bad one - look at Sahara.) The storyline was well compacted - just trimmed down enough to keep the plot moving. To keep true to the book would have required a mini-series, not just a movie. Viet Nam became Ethiopia (I think) and the biggest surprise I saw was the casting for Pork (Nick Memphis), but Michael Pena pulled it off pretty well.

The question I have is: Does anyone know what the camo gun that Mark uses?


The butt stock up to the receiver looks like an EDM Windrunner, but anything forward of that looks like ??? The Windrunner we have for sale at our store is a .50 BMG and one of it's "screw-on" barrel":


Anyone know?

Thanks to "Lucky" we now know it's a Cheytac M-200!!!

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