MSNBC fires Michael Savage

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Update: Salem Communications has yanked his radio show too--
until they are convinced the remarks don't reflect his true
opinions and that such behavior won't occur again.

Can he return, chastened and de-fanged? Hard to imagine.

I don't condone Savage's outburst, but I can't help observing
that compassion and forgiveness seem to be bestowed on some
people more than others.
I agree..higher ratings and minor problem. MSNBC and Savage were a bad fit. MSNBC was hoping for great ratings.. but the ratings didn't manifest..the protest did come their way. Savage waste a great deal of energy saying things to shock. That is his thing..his act. It was a bad fit. MSNBC has a perfect right to send him packing.
Michael Wiener

His real name is Michael WIENER...... NOT "SAVAGE"!

Of course if he used his real name, it would sound kind of funny!

"Wiener Nation"??????!!!! :D

If his ratings were higher he would have been fined an put on leave. No ratings, no justification for keeping him hired.
Say what you will about Savage's comments, but here we are (on a gun discussion forum) discussing what he had to say. Something tells me that there are a lot of people around the country who hadn't ever heard of him till yesterday, but they sure know who he is now! If you're a talk show host, this type of exposure never hurts you, regardless what you said. geegee
IMO Savage is an idiot. He has always struck me as some jackass who could dish, but God forbid he had to take any abuse in return.

These loudmouths are soooooo tough when they can just hit the hang-up on line 1 or 2 and blather on into the mike unopposed. Real genius that talent is.
In Defense: FYI

You down-beaters forget: ol' Savage is on OUR side! "Borders, Language, Culture." He sees our nation going down the drain, just like the Roman Empire, with lewd behavior on the uprise and morals and ethics on the downslide. If you look at Roman history and U.S. history side by side, we really ARE repeating history...

So, if the leftist minority are allowed to over-run the rest of us, what will history bring? If you happen to have listened to his show since "that" happened, you would have heard numerous "girly-men" calling, first to admit their sexual preferences, then second, to espouse their support of Savage for one reason or another (the reasons are too numerous to list here). Does this surprise you? It shouldn't- many of those "different folks" want to live in a country, free from invasion of illegal immigrants rife with TB, STD's, many of which are criminals BEFORE they leave their own country; they want to live in a country where they DO have freedoms- I can't remember the name of the group- maybe "Pink Pistols"?- but there is a group of gay gun owners who enjoy their 2ndA rights....

So, let it go, guys- concentrate on the good things Savage is doing- trying to get people to concentrate on more than payday, five o'clock and beer and get this country back on track!

Gay, straight, hermit of socialite, it doesn't matter- we all better get thick skin and learn to live together. For me & mine, we are conservative. For Savage vs. MSNBC, I'd pick Savage over that liberal network every time, but the one thing I agree with is that BOTH excersized their basic rights. This crap of, "my feelings got hurt, I wanna sue & rule over EVERYONE'S life" better stop, or there may be MORE playground butt-stompings, IMO!:fire:
If Savage, after apologizing, finds himself without a forum, I
think we should all be very, very worried. It will be the Beginning
of Going Underground.

Savage let his anger get away from him, no doubt, but frankly it's
going to TAKE anger, a lot of it, to keep fighting the good fight
when the Left has the Big Mo in the culture war. Savage's basic
message of "borders, language, culture" is a valuable rallying cry.
Agree with him or not he was correct about the RED DIAPER DOPER BABIES!

If you are on the left and you make an inappropriate comment you get away with it. Those on the right get hammered if they say something controversial. So it goes!
Bravo Boats! While a Savageless TV will still be a vast wasteland, it at least wont be a vile and vituperative one...

The guy is still on in the San Francisco area - moved from KSFO to KNEW. However, he still has no local advertising for his program on KNEW. I only saw his TV show once - it was his radio show on camera.
Should he have said what he did?......Not really.

Can MSNBC fire him for it?....Absolutely.

Should MSNBC have expected something like this when they hired him?...WHAT ELSE DID THEY EXPECT?! I hope they listened to his radio show before hiring him, b/c he does stuff like this there.

This is like hiring Jesse Jackson to do a TV show & then firing him for talking about racial issues too much...:rolleyes:

As for ratings, what kind of ratings do you expect from a 5pm EST Saturday time slot? The fact that he COULD go up in ratings at that time is amazing.

MSNBC didn't like the image Savage had, and Savage gave him an excuse to fire him. Savage would do better on Fox, anyway...:D
What's "vile and vituperative" is a matter of perspective. It's
permissible, because of "freedom of expression," to present Christ
in a vile of urine and call it art. THAT is a death wish expressed
for an entire culture, not for one individual. Traditional America
is being deconstructed brick by brick by the day but we worry about
one insult? This is a culture war, it is serious, it is for keeps.

Savage's firing may be a turning point. And not a positive one.
In Los Angeles Savage's show was yanked by Salem Communications,
which owns KRLA. Whether Salem owns all of Savage's outlets, I
don't know. I do know he is kaput--until he recants--on that

By the way, I don't condone Savage's remarks. A soldier--and we are
in a war, big-time--should have more discipline.
Sauce for Goose, Sauce for Gander

Just because Savage or whoever is not your cup of tea you have little call to stifle him if you in the same breath tolerate/applaud the communist drivel continually spewed from the popular media. Get a little perspective, willya, instead of wearing your prejudices on your sleeves! :uhoh:
I saw Savage's TV show once and wasn't impressed. I've never heard his radio show.

I do listen to Neal Boortz and he was mentioning that, while he didn't agree w/ Savage, he couldn't help but notice Nina Totenberg, of NPR infamy, wished that Jesse Helms and his grandson got AIDS previously, but there was no censure or outcry in the news media and that she is still employed by National Proletariat Radio. Double standard? You decide. sounds like leftists can be as "vile and vituperative" as they want w/o any recourse or retribution. Totenberg's comments sure seem a great deal more fulsome and contemptable than Savage's
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What a nonissue! He was hired to deliver a product, sort of like a chef in a restaurant. The product he sent out was unacceptable to a significant proportion of the customer base and the standards of the management. So he sent out a bad fish as a chef - he can get fired. Same thing here.

About what he said - he's an idiot. Probably just overreacting from his own hidden attractions and desires. You don't go crazy over the gay issue unless you got something cooking in your own oven.
You don't go crazy over the gay issue unless you got something cooking in your own oven.

Could be. The one time I watched his show, he was wearing a double-breasted leather coat. Ghey? You decide.
MSNBC fire Michael Wiener?

Fire Michael Wiener (Savage)?

Can you say publicity stunt? :rolleyes:

Think about it! And a couple of days from now........ come back and tell me I was wrong! :D

i don't think it was a publicity stunt so much as MSNBC covering their own @$$. They probably saw the media firestorm that would have caused a mile away and cut him loose before the SHTF. That way, nobody could say they were caving under pressure since there was not any pressure to cave under. (Did that make any sense? I'm tired, so that was worded badly.)
He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkk!

Like him or hate him, he's back on the air in L.A. Time will tell
whether the new Savage is a gelded Savage.

"About what he said - he's an idiot. Probably just overreacting from his own
hidden attractions and desires. You don't go crazy over the gay issue unless you
got something cooking in your own oven."

Funny. I've had liberals say the same thing to me about my
"gun obsession."
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