Murder Case - Knife or Knives Used by the KILLER with FULL INTENT

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Mar 20, 2008
There is an old murder case that is coming to light again here in Western Montana. Three women were murdered - their throats were slit while they were in a small town beauty salon. (This crime happened before I moved/retired out west.) They 'think' that they caught the killers. KECI/Montana has the story's link on the WWWeb. It is a sad story and makes no sense - murders make no sense anyway!

Not that long ago, 2 drunks who were room mates got into a fight and one man stabbed the other one. The other one stabbed him back and one died. Too long to tell that story now but the one who tried to cover it up said it was 'self defense'. If it was self defense... I think that he should NOT have tried to cover it up but anyway... back to my POINT here.

You see more crimes with knives and even HANDS/FISTS used by adults, teens and brat kids. Kids who beat up kids. Young adults and teens who BEAT UP and KILL Veterans, elderly people, all ages of people! Some do it for the THRILL of it and not only robbery.

So... to those anti gun people... what will they propose next? NO knives at all? Like the U.K. and some of their 'ideas'? Can you outlaw hands/fists and mean/stupid/horrific crimes by those young and old adults, teens and brats/kids?

IF those men did order and kill those ladies in the beauty salon... I hope that they hang 'em high!

If this story is correct and the police got the right ALLEGED PERPS --- I would like to thank them here on the board.

PROHIBITION does not work for booze, guns, knives, tools and/or objects. GETTING the person who is responsible for crimes/murders with full intent is who they should be going after. The same deal goes for any individual who uses NO personal responsibility in their actions... it is the person NOT the tool who has the pulse/brain/heart to do the crime or STUPID action!

Thanks again to the police if they got the right criminals in that old murder case.

Respectfully yours,

Catherine - Western Montana
Since the very beginnings of the 2nd Amendment issues we had with the antis, we have spread the same message. It is a fact, but the antis don't seem to understand us. They always try to make up excuses. There was one anti one of our fellow members debated that said "well, with a knife, you can at least be sure you stab who you are stabbing":eek:
For murder, knives and clubs have always been much better weapons than firearms. That's why so many serial killers use them. Firearms instantly alert the area, and require skill to use. If you want to murder someone, it's easier to wait till their asleep and give a whack with a heavy object to the cranium or a knife to the neck and chest. There are no big bangs, and the shock of the first blow will limit resistance.

Also, from my legal experience the knife killers are usually the worst. Though ironically they often get less punishment than those who shoot their victims. It's the old problem with our penal codes. The man who plans a shooting murder of a very nasty mobster will get much more time than the crazed devil who up and stabs a child fifty times because his corn flakes didn't have enough milk on them. The first is premeditated, the second is not.
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