Muzzle Mace

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Nov 4, 2006
A while back I had a stupid neighbor who would let their dog run around and harass people. I bought something called Muzzle mace from a Police supply store which I was told worked well on dogs, but would not kill them - which regular full strength Mace is capable of doing on occasion - they said dogs have more sensitive mucus membranes then people etc. My question is if Muzzle is also effective against people. I looked at the Mace site and information is limited. Any help is appreciated. This site carries Muzzle.
This may sound kind of cold, but if a dog is attacking you, why not use the most potent mace product you can. It may be say 5% better at stoping a dog, but that 5% may be the difference between you sustaining minor wounds and sustaining major wounds.
Muzzle spray won't feel good to a human however not anywhere near the strength of a good spray. I'd say no!
"...let their dog run around and harass people..." Illegal in most places. That's why there's Animal Control. They collect the beast and sometimes charge the owner. One way or the other, the owner either smartens up or they lose the mutt and pay a hefty fine. Some dogs like their Postmen spicy.
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