My CCW was outed today...

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"Credibility as a journalist" is an oxymoron if I ever heard one. Just run an ad in the LA paper, listhing the 1968 Z28 with 5000 miles you found in the barn, for $2,000. Then put the editors phone number.

Repeat weekly.
Lose her credibility as a journalist? I don't know;there are probably plenty of left-wing rags that would love to have one like her.
Put her name and phone number in some weird, sex oriented news group listing. That should get some interesting results.
I sent MY local paper (Northwest Florida Daily News) a note advising them that if anyone tried to break into my house to get my guns, I'd have a moral duty to stop them. I would then sue the paper for enticing someone to try to steal my guns, and then causing me the mental anguish of having to keep my guns from falling into criminal hands. I would also advise the survivors of the criminal to do the same.

Such threats are 'feel good' threats but really mean nothing and the newspaper knows it. Why? You submitted the information to a public record. You made it public. They simply widened the venue.

I was ready to be all outreged and fire off a letter myself, but where's the list of names and addresses?

Sorry, but nobody said the article published the addresses, just the names.
Craigslist ads of adult nature using her email addy ........ if you were not going to go the legal route :)
Quite frankly I don't want to go the revenge route.

From the tone of the article I'm given the impression that this reporter already thinks we're nuts. I don't see any need to affirm that by doing anything drastic and vengeful.

I just want as many people as possible to point out to her how she's put a lot of good, law-abiding citizens at risk for no good reason, except maybe to further her career.

I think she's a selfish, conceited, self-righteous, irresponsible idiot, but I'm not going to encourage any acts of vengeance from the gun community. Lets stay on the high road.
B yond is right....

If anything will come out of this, it will be obvious and will make the same paper anyway.

Just pretend it didn't happen and be well-prepared, like we should always be.

If she did wrong, she'll eventually see it.
Our local paper talked about doing this as a public service because people had a right to know who lived near them and had a handgun carry permit. Their argument was that it was a public service to warn folks who might be legally armed. (Never mind that the real problem is the illegally armed and those names would not be on the permit list. Duhh.)

My sister used a .357 to chase off a home invader who physically assaulted her and detained his accomplice, a car burglar, at gunpoint for arrest by responding officers. She moved. Both men were imprisoned but are up for parole. How convenient it would be for them to look up her new address if her name were published in a list of handgun permit holders.

Also, given the number of people who have gotten a handgun permit due to a death threat, and changed addresses to throw off their stalker, it is totally irresponsible for a newspaper to publish their names and addresses.

Handgun permit records are public records, but like other sensitive public records, ought to be available on a need to know basis only.
If the application process requires a fee that covers the permit...and the general public does not contribute to the cost... how is the list a public information issue?? The list is the property of the people that pay for it.
One point of clarification:

California CCW info is public record (at least in the sense it is not exempted from inquiry/response). The California equivalent of the Federal "Freedom of Information Act" (FOIA) is the California Public Records Request Act (Government Code 6250) and a request is abbreviated "PRAR".

The HCSO had no real ability to deny the reporter's request for the information. The reporter, however, did nothing beneficial by printing the names.

On the other hand, the story, where CCW holders talked to her voluntarily, isn't bad at all.
My letter to the editor

Well, they did it again. Leave it to the North Coast Journal to get me all outraged and worked up. Now they're defending their actions (publishing CCW'ers' names) and defending the privacy of marijuana growers... in the same issue!

Here's my letter to the editor, which will also be posted on the other gun forums I frequent and sent to other area publications:
The North Coast Journal on Pistols and Pot

The Sept. 25, 2008 edition of the North Coast Journal featured an article by Heidi Walters entitled “Pistol Packing People” which painted a slanted picture of citizens of Humboldt County who hold permits to carry concealed weapons. Ms. Walters interviewed a small number of CCW holders, pointed out their political affiliation (as if that has anything to do with their need to defend themselves), and documented that none of the few people she interviewed had ever been so unfortunate as to have to use their concealed weapons to defend themselves. As a whole the people she interviewed seemed to be kind, good-natured people who were not terribly mis-represented by Ms. Walters.

The anti-gun bias of her article, while easily identifiable, was not enough to offend the average gun owner (which is a large population of Humboldt Co.), and is her right to express under the 1st Amendment. Where the Journal went too far, was in publishing the names of the vast majority of CCW holders on the cover of that edition. Although printed in a small font, the names were clearly legible, and used without prior permission from or even notification of these nearly 700 citizens.

As a result, several internet gun forums exploded with outrage. Many letters were written to the Journal, it’s publisher, editor, advertisers, and Ms. Walters herself. The Journal’s own website received hundreds of comments from outraged readers condemning the publication of these names as irresponsible and unnecessary. Very few comments were posted in support of the article or the publication of these names.

One would think the Journal would get the picture, but…

The Oct. 2, 2008 edition of the journal featured an article by Hank Sims entitles “Unconcealed” defending the previous article by Ms. Walters (which was never really the cause for outrage), as well as their publication of the names of the vast majority of Humboldt County’s CCW holders.

Mr. Sims wrote “We strongly reject the idea that we have invaded anyone's privacy. There was no privacy involved. In California, the privilege of carrying a loaded firearm in public is a public matter. Licenses to do so are granted and bestowed by representatives of the people of the state of California, in their name, and the people have the right to examine the work of its representatives in granting or denying such licenses.”

In contrast, the privilege of growing marijuana for medicine or for profit, is granted by doctors, so the North Coast Journal protects the privacy of pot growers by not using their real names without permission, as evidenced in “After Hacker Creek” where author Kym Kemp interviewed a couple of pot growers after a diesel spill from a pot-growing operation damaged the Hacker Creek ecosystem. An editors note was quick to point out that “The names and a few identifying characteristics of "Max" and other non-convicted marijuana growers in this story have been changed.” They wouldn’t want to endanger any pot growers or violate their privacy.

Medical marijuana being legal in Humboldt County, I would suspect that the Sheriff’s office has a list of known grow operations. I also suspect that the North Coast Journal has no interest in obtaining that information and putting it on the cover of their publication.

I am curious why the Journal feels it necessary to out CCW holders, who carry weapons legally, but conceals the identity of marijuana growers who are criminals under federal law, if not under state law.

Who is more dangerous to our community? Is it the people who carry weapons for their own protection (and often for the protection of their loved ones and those around them), who would probably just as soon use that weapon to defend your life as they would their own? Or is it the pot growers who spill diesel into our rivers and streams, attract a criminal element to our county, damage our local economy by driving up prices while good legitimate jobs remain few and far between, and encourage laziness and complacency through the product they sell?

The Journal’s opinion is obvious.

I believe that's been tried here in Texas, but our laws protect our confidentiality here. Whatever else one might think of Governor Perry, he's been a good friend to the state's gun owners, and to the state's CHL holders.
they're gonna mug you and take your gun."

Can't say I've had that ever happen, despite being on the front page of the local papers, with photos, and we have to carry "unloaded" here in IL.

I do realize and support the idea that different people have different preferences when it comes to whether or not they tell folks they carry or not. "Outing" them is kind of rude.

Where I live everyone knows me. They didn't know I carried until this paper told them. As far as giving criminals too much credit, I'm not worried about my guns being stolen, I'm worried about being the first person killed if anyone who knows I carry decides to go ballistic in my presence.Now that this paper has outed me, people who are gun-paranoid and uninformed are treating me differently, or avoiding me entirely. I get the impression they're afraid my gun is going to start going off by itself and killing everyone within sight of me. They had no problems when they didn't know I carry.
I hope this "journalist" loses her job over this, I mean I could see publishing the number of ppl in the county that CC but not the individuals' names.
I smell a lawsuit, a BIG one.....

That is an understament. First I would send a copy of the story to the NRA. They have great lawyers!!

and if you have an evil side. Get Hiedi's information and publish it everywhere. See how she likes it.

you are just as moronic as the person that wrote that story. its people like you who screw it up for the rest of the gun owners and CCW'ers out there.

really are stupid...

you are just as moronic as the person that wrote that story. its people like you who screw it up for the rest of the gun owners and CCW'ers out there.

really are stupid...

Pronunciation: \ˈsa-ˌtī(-ə)r\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin satura, satira, perhaps from (lanx) satura dish of mixed ingredients, from feminine of satur well-fed; akin to Latin satis enough — more at sad
Date: 1501
1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn
2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly
Satire: Absurdity Amplification

I do a little of that myself.

Early days on THR, I drew a little heat for some of my "over the top" satirical attempts.

Problem is, in a large sampling of people of varying degrees of literacy and reasoning ability, there will always be someone who takes such material literally.

For those of us who practice the art, catching flak from those who don't "get it" is always a risk.

Let's keep it civil, and see if we can't tune our sarcasm/irony/satire meters a little better.

Carry on.
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here is what i posted . Hope it came out ok ,this just has me upset and I'm having trouble writing what i think .

231. john:
Today, 12:15 a.m.

Why would anyone print the names of law abiding poeple who carry concealed ? the fact that they carry CONCEALED mean they want it kept private . I will not get into my opinion on this matter because it has already been expressed by many others . From what i gather in this article Humboldt county has a crime problem . It is understanable for its residents to take measures to make sure that they, their family , and their friends are safe .

People insure their house , vehicles , and other belongings so that if somthing is stolen or wrecked it can be taken care of . The lives of their loved ones are not something you can go into town and replace if lost , so concerned peole take measures to protect them . This article has just managed to put these people at pointless risk of their family's safety and welfare due to home invasions . The fact that they had their names printed just gave every crook and convict that wants a firearm and has a phonebook that gives an address a huge list of places to rob .

Congradulations North Coast Journal you just endangerd peoples lifes and homes just so you can sell a paper . Hope you are proud of yourselfs .
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