My doctor is pro gun

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Feb 26, 2003
Garland, TX
I went to the doctor today for my annual physical. I have always known my doctor to be a hunter and a gun enthusiast. I have known him all his life. Today I had on a tee shirt with big NRA letters across the front. The first thing he said was, "I really like your shirt" and proceeded to talk guns for a few minutes before the actual exam. He is now teaching his oldest boy marksmanship and gun safety skills.
It is just refreshing to know that not all doctors are anti gun.

My doctor is "pro" as well.

Geographically speaking, maybe we shouldn't be surprised. :D

Hawk (New Yorker by birth, Texan by the grace of God)
After the hubub on another thread I have been asking some doctor friends about this. Most of the docs I know are neutral on the subject. One who is an ER doc is more anti motorcycle and chainsaw than guns because she sees more carnage from them than guns.

My family doc is neutral but thinks it's a good idea to discuss gun safety with new parents just as she discusses keeping cleaning chemicals out of the reach of children. She doesn't ask if you have any because in her words "It's none of my business."

My wife works for a reconstructive practice. They are more anti-dog than anti-gun. They never had a gunshot patient but have a steady stream of dog-bite patients.
I have a friend who worked in the ER and he was very anti motorcycle. I never discussed firearms with him though.
I didn't know that a certain profession made you biased against guns.

I work in the medical field and have consistently found pediatricians to tend toward nanny-Stalinist views. Many peds consider ALL of us to be children, and themselves to be the responsible authorities who can direct our lives properly. For our own good, you see.
I have a friend who worked in the ER and he was very anti motorcycle.

Back when I was working in emergency medical services, we used to call motorcycles 'donorcycles', since it was the best way we knew of to become an organ donor. The typical such patient was young, male and in very good medical condition, except for having brain death due to a crushed skull..... :uhoh:
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