My "Dumb Box"

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Sep 23, 2006
Let me explain. I do a lot of dumb things with my money. And, I’m always wishing that I had more money for guns… So, I had my friend who is a welder make me what I call a “Dumb Box”. It is about the size of a large shoe box with a small hole in it, but it is made out of some scrap 5/16 steel that he had lying around. Every time I think of buying something stupid, instead, I put the money in the Dumb Box. Or, I put the money in there for things that I usually buy, but don’t now. Like coffee. Every day I don’t buy coffee, I put two bucks in the box. Lunch? If I brown-bag lunch instead of buying it, $5 in the box. All the money in the box is my new rifle fund, and because it is money that I normally spend, I don’t miss it. This week alone I put almost $50 in there.

Next time you say “I wish that I could afford XYZ” look at what you spend your money on and I bet that there is more in your budget than you think.

Not lecturing, just a thought.
What a great idea:) I am sure we all spend more money than we realize on things we really dont need or even really miss. Congrats on your new rifle in the near future:)
Uh...can you get into the box, or do you have to call your welder friend when you want the money. :neener:

I do like the idea, regardless of my sarcasm...
I just transfer money from my checking account to my savings account so it doesn't appear on my balance, when I need to spend it because I have to take a distinct action I generally think about it first.

Uh...can you get into the box, or do you have to call your welder friend when you want the money.

I can't get into it, well, with out my angle grinder and a cut off wheel, and that is why I had him make it. I figured that the harder it is for me to get at the money, the less likely I am to blow it on something stupid.:D
I sorta have something similar. I use an old glass wine jug with an opening just big enough to stick in quarters. I throw all of my loose change into it, along with any spare bills that I know will get frivously spent on eating out/beer/junk if I don't save them. Best of all, it is EXTREMELY difficult, if not impossible to get any of the money out without breaking the jug. I suspect there is somewhere in the neighborhood of ~$350 in it right now. Good stuff.
Wish I could do that with my cigarette money. I'd have lots of guns and ammo by now. Smoked ten years, +/- 1 pack a day, about +/- 2 dollars a pack, approximately 7300 dollars probably more though. I need to quit, besides, buying guns is more adictive than cigarettes anyway. right? ?
Thats a good idea to make it very difficult to open. I have a small can that i throw spare change in. The most i got it to was 20 bucks before i cashed it though.
Good idea. The harder it is to get to it the better.

I started doing that when we found out we were pregnant. We are almost halfway there to being able to pay for the whole thing ourselves. :what: (yeah no insurance is not fun.)

After the baby, I'll have to start doing that for her first firearm. Unless my daddy has something for her. :cool::uhoh::rolleyes:

I have my own 'Pawn Shop money'. I placed my tax return into a lock box last year. When I need money, I borrow from the box, and return $20.00 per hundred for a pay peroid. So far so good, I always have money when I need it.
Be careful how you open the box! you don't want to destroy the goods inside or it really will be a dumb box.
I buy everything with paper money. at the end of every day I empty my loose change into a pitcher , there are a few various urns and cans around already full.

Mother came to visit a while ago ( 2 , 3 years ? ) and rolled them all in coin tubes. 11 hundred bucks. The current loose change is larger than the last.

I believe there is 2500 dollars here in coins. ... It's similar to the welded shut box plan because of the sheer weight of the metal. It'll be an big project to turn it into usable format.
Gus DDysgrl

Gus you need to have a homebirth with a midwife. Not only is it a more memorable, pleasing and healthy experience. It is also far less expensive. Lancaster is a great spot for midwivery:eek:
Keep buying guns and having kids at the same time!

Sorry to hijack the thread guys
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