My Gun Thought for the day

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Dec 9, 2007
:)Guns are like woman and cars, we want them bad, when we get the one we think we wanted, we show it to our friends, drive it around town, then put it in the house. Soon after that we see another one that catches our eye and decide we need to have that one also, or we can maybe find a way to keep both and if worse comes to worse, we may have to get rid of the one we had to get, and beg borrow or just pay whatever the darn thing costs to get that new one, that for some strange reason we can't do without. Unfortunately unless you are a Mormon, the Woman, can't be stacked up in the bedroom, in the safe. But you can always add a room or expand the garage. I find that funny as it sounds we spend our entire life pursuing things that we think we need, in some cases it works pretty well, in others not so much. This kinda just came to me while spending the morning and afternoon looking at some weapons that I should have, lol
I recommend you leave the thinking to others.

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