My wife bought me a new gun

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Feb 14, 2007
NM- far south of I-40
It came in today's mail and I think it's going to be fun. No laws were broken. It's a Bug Assault gun with a laser sight to boot. I told her I needed some salt and she told me we we out of salt. All we have is in the salt shaker. I'm going to get some salt tomorrow and get after those pesky flies.

Our son-in-law has one of these things and she saw how much fun he was having making flies just disappear and thought I needed one. :thumbup:
My dad has one as well, uses it on skeeters at his camp. Reading the comments / questions on the Amazon reviews for the gun are about as fun as using it shooting bigs with it. They make holsters and a laser for it by the way...:rofl:
I bought my dad one. He said kosher salt works best, because it’s bigger and has better punch. Like buckshot over birdshot.
THANK YOU, have had mine for YEARS and usually get one kill per shot.
But recently had to take 3 shots to kill a fly [ must have been on roids ].
I will take your advice,again THANK YOU.
To the OP,good for your wife.
NOW --- get some !!
Do you guys shoot those things in the house? Seems like it’d make a mess.
..... That's what I was concerned with, too. Those things look like a lot of fun but do they make much of a mess indoors? I'd still consider one for outdoor use only and would love to play around with it; I wonder if it would register if shot over my chronograph?
Do you guys shoot those things in the house? Seems like it’d make a mess.

My son-in-law does. He had told me he did and you couldn't see any salt. Last Sunday afternoon we ganged up at his place for smoked ribs and he shot a couple of files in the house. There wasn't a trace of salt to be seen. Seems weird I know but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Only one way to find out!
.......... If I ever get a Bug-A-Salt it WILL get chronographed over a Shooting Chrony..... If that salt charge will trip the sensors as it flies over them. After all.... I'd have to be able to tell my buddies that my "fly load" consists of "xx" grains of salt at "xx" feet per second. LOL..... The chrono will do lower velocity stuff like arrows so as long as the salt will trip the light sensors it should register the velocity. Now I'm waiting for someone to ask about muzzle energy (grin).
They are fun, especially at the campground. It's a target-rich environment, and the kids get very proficient in no time. At first I thought it was an expensive toy, but ours has been durable and you can see that the designers had their thinking cap on, with the loaded chamber indicator and automatic safety. Now if it only had a rail and accepted AR furniture...
They are fun, especially at the campground. It's a target-rich environment, and the kids get very proficient in no time. At first I thought it was an expensive toy, but ours has been durable and you can see that the designers had their thinking cap on, with the loaded chamber indicator and automatic safety. Now if it only had a rail and accepted AR furniture...
It would be awesome to have one modeled after an AR15 that was co2 powered and shot rock salt semi auto. May be too much though if it will break glass.
I got one and took it to the beach camping for use on fly's.
Its more of a assassination type thing than trap shooting.
Don't get too close or the puff of air out runs the salt and just pushes the fly out of the way.
Big flys needed 4 or 5 shots some time's .
The sights were worthless.
Ricocheting off hard surfaces helps up the amount of shot that hits the fly.
When I ran out of salt I used sand.
I hunted over bait (trash bag) a lot.
A little cleaner than a fly swatter and more fun.
Be aware of hard surfaces bounce salt and fly guts back into your eyes as you go for the coup de gras, safety glasses are advised.
Heck, I'm getting one for my wife! As much as she enjoys killing 'em with her electrified tennis racket thingie, I think she'd love this.
I loaded up the new toy with regular 'ol Morton's salt this morning after yesterday's trip to the grocery store to stock up on ammo. Evidently my flies are smart enough to recognize and fear a Bug Assualt. I sat on the patio, drank coffee (as I do most summer mornings) and lay in wait for unsuspecting flies to snipe. Finally one lonesome fly sat down on my elbow, apparently recognized the deadly weapon close to my hand and left, never to return and must have spread the word to all his breathren about what awaited them on the patio. I finally grew tried of laying in wait to ambush them and went hunting around the corner on my carport that's a big fly hangout. No flies there either. I finally ran across one lonesome miller bug that hadn't gotten the word about the mighty hunter on the prowl with his Bug Assualt. I'm happy to report that miller bugs just sort of disappear when shot at about two feet with it when sitting on concrete.
If my wife told me that, I’d come home with TWO!

I try to pick my battles, and would rather have a new real gun in the safe than a Bug A-Salt in the kitchen!

Actually, I showed her a couple of videos this morning and she is totally on board now! She wants to get us one and one for our daughter who hates bugs and spiders.
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